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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/06/2021 in Posts

  1. If you just want to run a few Linux programs, something like Termux and AnLinux is definitely the easiest way to start. I have never used those Apps, though, so I cannot help with specific questions about them. For advanced stuff, like the above, a "hand-made" chroot (with root access to Android/Lineage) will probably always be superior to (non-root) in-App solutions. Setting up your own Linux chroot on Android is actually not that hard provided you have some experience with Linux. The real problem is that the required information is scattered all over the internet. Also, some things
    3 points
  2. That's it, i'm always lost. However I learn something in every links, but it's like a puzzle and I'm not experimented, all pieces of this puzzle are a new point to focus, interesting, but not for clarity 😄... I bought this phone for 3 reasons : -keyboard, of course -Android alternative like LineageOS or something else (I hate android, so intrusive...) -Community. So much appreciate, and once again many thanks !
    2 points
  3. @claude0001 I must say, this look awesome (in my opinion) but as beginner in linux (small bash script, command line and vim basis, little ssh server with raspbian) it's not really easy what you have done. I give up with some linux-in-android apps as it doesn't work and surely I have not the level in linux knowhow, but making a Debian working on pro1 would be so great. This is the problem : I can't ask you for a noob tutorial, I guess your time is precious. But I don't know how attacking the problem yet...Any advice will be much appreciate in order to get on the way. Whatever than
    2 points
  4. As I wrote above, 17.1 no longer has the Pro1 as build target, so there will be no more (official) updates for it. See https://www.lineageoslog.com/17.1/pro1 ... and that is exactly why the older, stable versions should keep building, at least on monthly basis so they keep receiving the upstream security fixes in AOSP. Every upgrade that changes APIs or other major parts of an OS is potentially disruptive for the already-installed base. That is why professional distributions keep their "stable" branches alive as long as upstream fixes can be picked-up with reasonable effort.
    2 points
  5. Of all the days to release the first official 18.1 build, they chose this one.
    1 point
  6. I recently migrated to LineageOS from stock, where I was a happy FinQWERTY user. After seeing it was broken and finding out in the forums that FinQWERTY is expected not to work, I've been crawling all threads related to keyboard layouts and adjustments and nothing I did worked. (In my case -- I'd like to type Portuguese, so I want combining ` ' ~ ^ and ç; none of the built-in options really seem to be comfortable for typing. There's a few alt combinations that are really hard to reach for a couple of them, but not all...) I tried tweaking a KCM as described in but the changes d
    1 point
  7. Any root-using software could do it. I hit it using AdAway before I found the Magisk and AdAway option to configure "systemless" mode for both. Some apps or plugins/whatever might have a "systemless" option that prevents modifying the system partition. Check docs, but the best way to know is to test. 😉 The way it works is that an incoming OTA update checks the signature of the filesystem before proceeding, and if it's different at *all*, it can't be applied. OTA updates are basically a binary diff of the whole disk, so any difference from what it expects could result in a completely bric
    1 point
  8. ...As long as we avoid HDR mode, yes. Currently HDR works with the stock app, but not trough the api with other apps. Be aware that the HDR mode does not work as intended. It do take a high and low light image as it is supposed to, but some metadata handling in the Camera2 API interface must be wrong, so when the software tries to stitch the two together, we get odd shadow-results. e.g. OpenCamera HDR works just fine on a Samsung S8, so not the app that is wrong. it must be the returned images that does not match the requested shuttertime/ISO settings. And this obviously confuses the
    1 point
  9. That's weird. I don't experience any problems with my German QWERTZ. I remember I had to set QWERTY to QWERTZ again after updating from LOS 16 to 17 (especially since the keyboard settings were now all moved to language settings). But this time the keyboard settings were preserved for me. Instead I had to reactivate the split desktop function again, since longpress square was set to none.
    1 point
  10. Opencamera and Camera Zoom FX both work fine. The stock app isn't that bad once you figure out not to take pictures in bad lighting 🙂 . I don't want to install Telegram, otherwise I would have asked the dev for help. Im pretty sure it should be an easy fix to lip the viewfinder in picture mode. Because in video mode everything works just fine. I just gave up and dug up my wife's Sony TX10 still like brand new. Also bought an USB C card reader in case I want to share something almost instant 🤣.
    1 point
  11. I have a brand-new E7 that I gave to a friend of mine who is an engineer for Verizon a few years ago. He was interested in trying to get Android running on it since the Nokia bootloaders had been unlocked, etc... I don't think he ever did anything with it though, and if you are still looking for an E7 to purchase for your collection, let me know and I'll give him a call to see if he still has it (probably sure he still does) and I'll have him send it back to me.
    1 point
  12. I did a clean flash. Flashed the new 18.1 recovery to bootloader, rebooted to recovery, did a factory reset/data wipe, then flashed 18.1, Magisk and MindTheGapps, reboot. All smooth as silk (takes me only a few hours to rebuild). Verizon works right out of the box, as does Android Auto. I tend to do clean flashes when moving between major versions. You can get away with a dirty flash sometimes, but I believe it's risky. That's why Lineage doesn't let you move via OTA. Oh, and yes, each nightly updates the recovery, I believe.
    1 point
  13. I was wondering about that, too. But from what I see it's not a good idea to do a dirty flash, because system apps might not be compatible.
    1 point
  14. Sorry it took me so long to get back. I only just got back to setting up, but so far everything is going smoothly. I expect the rest to go well/ One big surprise is that Verizon works, right out of the box. I had meant to try 17.1 when 18.1 hit, so I decided to try it on a lark. No muss, no fuss, no hoops, just followed windraver's instructions in this post: I'll continue to monitor, as I had it working on stock for 3 months long ago, but this just worked and before I had to do a complicated dance. I think it may be right this time. Everything so far is working great. Next t
    1 point
  15. Update: I can now run the X.org X11 server inside my Devuan chroot. Yes, the real thing, not TigerVNC or TightVNC. The nice thing with X.org is that I can use it with xorgxrdp in the chroot and connect to my Linux distro via a much better-performing (native) RDP connection as compared to using VNC as backend for XRDP. I still use the Microsoft Remote Desktop 8 App combined with the default xrdp-0.9.9 shipping with Devuan 3/Debian 10. As far as I can see, one can find no information on how to do this on the internet. Either it is really tricky and I am a genius, or no one cares about
    1 point
  16. lineage-18.1-20210401-nightly-pro1-signed.zip installed using ADB sideload. Installed the new recovery and did a factory reset. Used MindTheGapps HERE. All went smoothly, including flashing Magisk, and am now setting up my Pro1.
    1 point
  17. Sigh... my replacement screen is now starting to misbehave as well.
    0 points
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