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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/01/2021 in Posts

  1. @Zahkc, a very big thank you for sharing your findings here! I am using code snippets for keyboard backlight and bluetooth and find them extremely useful. Bluetooth: The script did not work for me, dont remember the error (and did not look after). I just added the line with "sleep 5" in /etc/init/bluebinder.conf manually. For that a rw (re)mount of / is needed. I had this set permanently before already with sudo touch /userdata/.writeable_image From next reboot / is mounted writeable. To have it mounted ro again, just delete/rm /userdata/.writeable_image and reboot. Note tha
    2 points
  2. 9. If you managed to screw up the screw cover stickers send @netman a message :)
    2 points
  3. Hey all, Just sharing this cause it was helpful to me. But if in the event you need to replace your keyboard (thank you FXtec for sending a replacement) such as I had the arrow key worn down (we will blame one game on that). The key thing is the keyboard is on as an adhesive. Things you need: Electrical Prying Device (Possibly Exacto Knife) Double sided adhesive (I used some left over ones from cases that came with it but 3M adhesives are options too) Process Keyboard Removal Turn the device off. Optional: remove the display and the hinge it is on, th
    1 point
  4. I just inserted a marker pen from the left, to keep the halves apart.
    1 point
  5. Seeing that my display now has also developed two thin, bright beams coming out of the 5mm black hole I had managed to create in it by dropping the device, so it's not exactly getting better, and with me still being buried in other work, now thanks to @EvilDragon's announcement I decided to book his replacement service, even though I already have bought two displays (and a heat gun!) elsewhere – which I'll keep as spares... I'll report how it goes! Being in the same country, at least that will reduce shipping durations to a minimum...
    1 point
  6. Quite agree very reasonable and the replacement service is as well.
    1 point
  7. I think it basically has a fair price.
    1 point
  8. Aaaand done! Here is the replacement display: https://www.dragonbox.de/en/spare-parts-tools/lcds/fx-tec-pro1-replacement-lcd And here the service, in case we should do that for you (display included in the price): https://www.dragonbox.de/en/repair-mod-services/after-warranty-repairs/fx-tec-pro1-display-replacement-service
    1 point
  9. Yeah, I've got around 20 - but didn't put them in the shop yet. Will do that later today. II'm based in Germany.
    1 point
  10. Good news, I heard from F(x)tec support today. Bad news, it may be months before they can ship. Really would have liked to know this sooner.
    1 point
  11. It works with Pro1, however, a bit more complicated to replace as it does not come together with a frame. However, as far as I have found, these displays (at Aliexpress) are not perfect, so you should expect some (mostly minor) problems like smaller or bigger blank (black surface) area at one or two corners. I have even received a display which has a relatively large black spot in a very wrong place. So, generally they are useable, but some minor problems (mostly acceptable) are exists, so it is unlikely you will receive an absolutely perfect one. I have replaced my display
    1 point
  12. I will try [email protected]. Both of mine went to [email protected]. Thanks. And an update, I read some old posts where someone confirmed that the elephone u/u pro screen is what the Pro1 uses. Found one here and it is several times cheaper than what F(x)tec charged me: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005002314744127.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.64fe4c4dJvkrmj There is a month delivery time, but I have already waited much longer for a screen from F(x)tec that I have no idea if it has/ever will ship.
    1 point
  13. If you never got an auto-responder message, I would question they received it. I have always gotten an auto-response to a new email to [email protected] that was a new request (responses formatted with ticket number and "type above this line" don't get auto-responses). I have always only used the [email protected] address and have always gotten a real response from them within 2 weeks (it varies-- I've had responses within 48 hours... 2 weeks is the max). @Erik Any idea what's going on in these two cases?
    1 point
  14. Interesting; I asked for a replacement screen on March 16 and heard nothing since then, didn't even get an autoresponder mail. The only good news in your report seems to be that FxTec actually seems to have replacement screens (or at least had some in early March). Did you write to [email protected] or [email protected] (don't know whether this matters, asking just in case it might)?
    1 point
  15. There's no "ready to buy" case for this phone but over time @EskeRahntested a lot of case from other phone. I used the Huawei flip case nearly 6 months. Some other members designed a case to 3d print, I really enjoy it since I got it. As for the screen protector you can buy a elephone U screen protector as it is the same screen
    1 point
  16. are there cases for these - theres no way im spending a grand on a fone n risking dropping it - screen protectors to?
    1 point
  17. I am having trouble getting this working it is causing a reboot when it changes from portrait to landscape and vice versa any reason why or how to fix this issue .......fixed.
    0 points
  18. I am also having issues making contact since the beginning of March. They were very quick to respond to my request to buy a new screen and sent me an invoice and instructions. I paid that day, March 1st, and confirmed my shipping address. They responded confirming the order March 2nd and said it should ship the next week. Seven weeks later I have not received a screen and have never heard from them again. I did send e-mails on April 3rd and 14th asking for a shipping update, no reply. I started a new case this Monday, got their auto e-mail response, but nothing since
    0 points
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