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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/27/2021 in all areas

  1. I bet that was the hardest part, to leave that bottle untouched for 48 hours? 😂
    2 points
  2. He just said he leaved the bottle there, nothing about the whisky. I guess DieBruine is very skilled at using a straw now 😉
    1 point
  3. So I got tired of not being able to hit 'send' buttons and f(x)tec were unresponsive about new screen supplies. I switched out my screen for an elephone one from aliexpress, it was easier than expected, and all good so far.
    1 point
  4. That must have been the key to success. 🙂 Congrats and thanks for posting these detailed instructions.
    1 point
  5. So I replaced my screen. All in all it took me about an hour I think, spread over three days. First I removed the screen with the help of my trusty hairdryer. I bought this hairdryer a couple of years ago specific for these kind of 'operations' (came with a nozzle). I heated up one (long) side and put my nail in between the gap (screen and frame). I repeated this on the other side. After I removed the glue residue from the frame I transferred the black and silver stickers from the old screen to the new screen. No idea why, but I just did, assuming there moust be a reason FxTec places those sti
    1 point
  6. I use a usb qi receiver to charge my phone with a wireless charging pad. The usb connector is nearly flush with the edge of the phone, sticks out less than a mm. Tried using magnetic charger, but it sticks out too much.
    1 point
  7. I had this same problem with mine, disassebled the phone and fixed the cable connecting the USB board to the main board properly in place, tada no more problem. Probably had come loose when i have dropped the phone. I thought about the port becoming loose too but it itself seemed very sturdy and not easily breakable like it was in E7.
    1 point
  8. The author of "Folder Music Player (Pro)" was/is struggling with the storage access framework of Android 11 as well. Apparently, it offers "horrible file access performance". As I said before, Google is going the Apple way ... slowly but surely :-(
    0 points
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