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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/18/2021 in all areas

  1. Sorry, I did say that with a bit too much certainty. I have no official source for that, but now that they are focused on developing for the 662 SOC and, given that they have not provided any updates for over a year, I find it unlikely that they can spread their limited resources to providing updates for the 835 SOC. Would love to be wrong. As @EskeRahnpointed out, Lineage is currently required to keep the Pro1 up to date and I have happily gone there.
    2 points
  2. What is the source of the info? Did I miss any official communication on this?
    2 points
  3. I can't believe it, another screen broken – I just tried to swipe a fly from the display, and what I did was swiping the phone from the table, because the EFFING SCREEN PROTECTOR I'm now using since my last accident is sticky to the touch! So it's back to @EvilDragon's repair service...
    1 point
  4. Stick-splitting: slightly under, it was stamped 2020-08-25. 😇
    1 point
  5. Maybe it depends on the city, I am in Boston and the device has been fine. When I spoke to AT&T about it they just said as long as it supports 4G they will not take any action to shut the device down. One little trick i found was switching cellular off and then resetting it from the SIM info and then reenabe cellular. Then my connection worked. Maybe that helps. Also I am AT&T contract post-paid account.
    1 point
  6. True, if you don't count the keyboard... Still, my impression – not just from what I myself do (hardly any of which needs more than a low-end SoC) , but also what I read about SoCs and their real-world performance – is that 3 or 4 years old high-end chips like the SD 835 we have in our Pro1 hardly show any lack of real-world performance even today. And the more current, but also more lowly SD 662 shows similar CPU benchmarks, it's just the GPU that comes with a potentially noticeable drop of performance. Any real world applications which don't heavily rely on GPU performance will work jus
    1 point
  7. Interesting. So AT&T on the contract side is getting fussy about this. I still recommend you take it in to the techs in person and see if they can work it out. PAYG is not a bad idea. Also check T-Mobile coverage as they are a good alternative (I would look at PAYG there too). I am currently using T-Mobile on Lineage right now myself, just FYI.
    1 point
  8. Yeah, I'm not sure what that means. The message is IMEI is not recognized. But we have both had the Pro1 working on AT&T, so I really don't think that's the issue. I don't realy know much about how IMEIs work, but I think that message amounts to "your phone is not in some database we use so we don't know if it works on our network or not." I used AT&T PAYG under various names for years and never had the impression that they ever did phone model limitations like Verizon did. If it's got the bands their network uses, they'll take your money and go. I admit I have no experience
    1 point
  9. That contractor has been MIA for more than a year now. lol I don't think we will see official stock android 10 anymore. Although a heads up from Fxtec would be well appreciated at this point because everything points to the base Pro1 being left for dead. (save for Lineage and Linux...)
    1 point
  10. So @tdm Just curious, not trying to bug you. Is this project dead? Any possibility of AICP picking it up officially so it can get regular updates? I obviously would like it to be resurrected, but "no" or "hell, no" are fine. I just would like to know. 🙂 Whatever the answer is, thanks for all you did!
    1 point
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