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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/24/2021 in Posts

  1. Going back without wiping should be possible by following the key-migration procedure "backwards", as also described under https://wiki.lineageos.org/signing_builds.html#using-a-script, followed by re-flashing the official recovery and system. Never did that though.
    2 points
  2. I can confirm that the description is very good. I've been using it to build my own LineageOS 16.0 for some time now, and it worked at the first try! Even if you have some Linux machine around already, I recommend to set-up a dedicated VM with the latest Ubuntu LTS, so as to stick to the recommended building environment as closely as possible. Indeed, because the code is signed, I do not think that replacing only parts of the system is easily feasible if you are currently using an official Lineage build. To replace your official LOS 18.1 with your self-built experimental versions
    2 points
  3. Okay, so I was speaking about QWERTY layout on QWERTZ variant (so US standard layout as QWERTZ is much closer to it than the shifted QWERTY). So the characters in question are "Ü" and "+" and its normal representation is good, but fn+"Ü" representation will give you fn+"+" representation. It is only one example, there are also other typos, most of them are exists twice after each other in the array. ...like "KEY_0" in the fn-part of "KEY_P", so fn+P will give you what fn+0 should give. I may not found this issue if I was not trying to redefine the keyboard as most of the keys
    1 point
  4. Right, we have QWERTY and QWERTZ profiles which remaps the physical keys according to the actual locations of the QWERTZ and shifted QWERTY layout to have their proper scan codes. If you look at the source of qx100.c which I don't know if it is the latest version, there are qwertz_keys / qwertz_fn_keys array and also their qwerty representation which are seem to be copied into key_array and key_fn_array arrays according to the value set as the physical layout. There is an aw9523b_check_keys() function which then selects appropriate key presses from the arrays above. There is a g_ph
    1 point
  5. I'm using the "English (US), international style" layout for the physical keyboard (QWERTY), and I've attached what I get from it (made with Softmaker Office for Android on the Pro1) with the help of the Sym key when (as in most if not all browsers) I have no access to the long-press special key selection popup. Unfortunately, while this key map covers much including everything the German language uses, I already can see it does not even remotely cover the French accents. keys.pdf
    1 point
  6. I just confirmed that the brand-new German AusweisApp2 (meaning "passport app 2") – which uses the credentials stored in the latest version of the NFC-enabled German passport (which I had to renew recently) to safely and securely authorize me online in various situations like dealing with the authorities (instead of having to visit them in person) for things like registering a new car – works perfectly with the F(x)tec Pro1 running LineageOS 18.1 (with Magisk and MagiskHide). Our phone is not yet mentioned in the list of compatible smartphones, but it might be soon, because I made use of the
    1 point
  7. Sorry, @VaZso, I probably misunderstood. I'm not pushing anyone to do anything. You and Slion seemed to have quite specific ideas what changes in the keyboard code could be test-implemented to see if that would improve things for you. I fear either you find a LOS 18.1 dev who is willing to make those test-builds for you, or you will have to build yourself. The latter process is explained in a very comprehensive and fool-proof (looking at myself 🙂 ) way on the Lineage Wiki. Getting the latest device-specific code for the Pro1 into your build environment is automated by the "breakfa
    1 point
  8. SafetyNet was passing, Google Play said I was certified but still I could not find Netflix in the store. Changed my spoofed fingerprint to Samsung Galaxy S21 SM-G991B (11) did the data reset and reboot et voilà... Netflix is there!
    1 point
  9. I just recently installed AICP on my Pro1 and, in another thread, I was asked how I went about getting root and Safetynet working, including Google Pay working. It was pretty straight-forward really, but I had to dig around a bit to figure it out. Here are the exact steps, as best I recollect them. This may not be the best or only way, but it worked for me. And thanks to a number of developers/contributors and forum posts which I consulted while figuring out this process. - Wipe phone, fastboot flash Lineage recovery, then adb sideload AICP and NikGapps ZIPs. Checked phone boots into Andr
    1 point
  10. Thanks. For doing this, I should have some time digging into LineageOS development tools, settings, looking where the actual sources related to Pro1 are (I saw there is a config but codes should be somewhere at GitHub), find a way of doing a pull request if modification works and find another Pro1 to work on, but mostly need time time and time. As I am not in LineageOS developmnet, it is much longer in time to reach even a working environment. 😞
    1 point
  11. According to that article this registration trick is only for people who can't even launch Google Play apparently, which is not our case. It won't make a device pass SafetyNet however. It's therefore useless to us apparently. It was too good to be true 😃 The only way forward it seems is Magisk and root as explained by OP and @Rob. S. I wonder if there are other good online guides to achieve this.
    1 point
  12. https://wiki.lineageos.org/devices/pro1/build That link is the extent of my knowledge.
    1 point
  13. Right. Basically in a way to expose it to the system like it was on stock OS. I don't think it is a dramatic modification but something which would be necessary for practical use of its keyboard. It seems to be a simple difference but its impact is huge. Anyway, do you have knowledge about how this kind of development works on Android? I mean how could I update the kernel of an OS for testing, can I go back to the "stock" solution and what can I do in case of a failed attempt. The another part is the software environment for compiling under Linux and which is the actual sour
    1 point
  14. I'm not surprised, it may be that the only way forward is to modify the keyboard driver.
    1 point
  15. Right, @tdm made an awesome work and he worked really hard and could achieve results very quickly. I have tried to follow the thread about the keyboard driver and basically it seemed to be a good thing. I somewhat remember (but had to find it out again) the fn key was modified which I had a bad feeling about, but I could not test if it causes any problems. ...but apparently it prevents me to define my modified layout where slant arrow would be useful to reach an other layer of the keys just like how the blue arrow worked for me on my N900. ...and it worked for me absolutely perfect
    1 point
  16. I'm with you there. The work @tdm did for us is awesome but I would have implemented the keyboard driver differently. I tried multiple times to convince him and other members of the community to notably leave the Fn keys programmable so that they can be taken advantage off notably by international custom layout but I was told I was wrong and they were right sometimes not very friendly if I remember well. Maybe they felt threaten by the truth of my argumentation even though it was going in another direction than what they had in mind. 😁 Anyway my understanding of what we have is: Fn
    1 point
  17. Just released Fx Service v1.1.0 with support for Lineage 0S 18.1 Should work on LOS 17.1 too but it won't on 16 at the moment. https://slions.net/resources/fx-service.8/ I have yet to test the release version I uploaded but the debug version worked fine. Though I did not use it for any length of time so I can't tell you how stable it is. I have not tested for regression on stock ROM but I reckon it should work just the same as before and does not bring anything more so you could stick to the previous version if you are on stock. When the accessibility service turns on it s
    1 point
  18. Ok, now I do: They're M1.4x2 and any shop that sells small screws should carry them. Also, they're easy to find in black, too, looking good enough for me to not bother with the black stickers anymore. (The black ones I just bought have a slightly thicker head than the original silver screws, but it's still flat enough for the black stickers to perfectly fit on top of them.)
    1 point
  19. The Fxtec signature didn't work for me. That's why I chose the Sony one. EDIT: Well, of course, I ran the props command and it showed the current signature my device had. I compared it to the Pro1 key available from the list and found out they were the same. So I didn't confirm the changes and tried safetynet and Gpay, both failed. Maybe if I had confirmed the props script (even though signatures were the same between current and new one), it would have worked? On the surface it seemed nothing was being changed, but maybe the script would still change something even if confirming wit
    1 point
  20. Yes, that did it for me, too; except that there actually is an Fxtec Pro1 signature, too, which is what I chose, and it worked as well 🙂
    1 point
  21. has anyone got this working? did not really catch McCreary´s explanation above.
    1 point
  22. tdm added a feature to his keyboard driver that allows the user to specify a custom keyboard map. Unfortunately there is no documentation (other than the source code), but you should be able to remap any non-modifier key (e.g. not shift or ctrl) to generate any keycode you want. By default, the QWERTY and QWERTZ maps are set to match each key to the glyph printed on top, but of course the FinQWERTY maps make different choices than F(x)tec did when they designed the two keyboard layouts. The relevant source code is here: https://github.com/LineageOS/android_device_fxtec_pro1/tree/line
    1 point
  23. This is a detailed explanation of the key character map files: https://source.android.com/devices/input/key-character-map-files I am trying to achieve something similar, will post if find a way. Currently only change i saw was that the "custom keymaps" switch is enabled in the settings, but could not get to work anything.
    1 point
  24. So I went through all that, Magisk says SafetyNet passes. Google Play Settings says the device is certified but still Netflix is not turning up in the the store.
    0 points
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