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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/02/2022 in Posts

  1. T-Mobile seems to be the route they will most likely go is my guess, it is currently listed as supported device for pre or post paid.
    3 points
  2. The black tape is there because the copper-like part of new screen is sticky which would make hard to remove it later. I would suggest to place a similar sticker on that or remove what was placed on original screen and place it there. What I suggest is to use some glue like A800 at edges on assembly especially at the lower edge where the ribbon cable comes to ensure it can not move later what may cause a similar problem like these ghost touches. The silver-like tape is a conductor (shield) on top of screen/touch controllers and its wires, so I would suggest to also move it to the n
    2 points
  3. Which seems to be true-- not much they can do about that.
    2 points
  4. I have read that Discord channel discussion before the flash and it seems that the person who tried it (sorgo) did it few months ago, so it could actually work on that slightly older Lineage version, or maybe he did some additional or different steps back then, I don't know. I'm back on Lineage, restored backup (Swift Backup with root FTW! 😉 ) and nearly everything is as before with the touchscreen working as it should, finally.
    2 points
  5. Anyway, I did manage to open the bottom (keyboard) part in the end, using an iSesamo device. The fingerprint connector was indeed completely disconnected but I managed to reconnect it. I put a little bit of extra squidgy stuff underneath it to try to better push it in place, as follows: Before: After:
    1 point
  6. Considering how people here and on IGG analyse (and maybe over-interpret?) these monthly reports, I think they spend quite some time writing those up. I can imagine they plan very carefully what to publish and how to present it in a way such as to cause least damage to the project. It is easy for us to ask for more honest reports and estimates, but unfortunately it is also a fact that many customers need the harsh reality to be "embellished" for them, or else they jump ship. Some people understand that by supporting Fxtec, they support an interesting enthusiast project: a concept of a sma
    1 point
  7. It may happen it is a (software) power-off sequence as primarily it does a hard reset but it does not really want to stay powered off (as power button is pressed), so I have pressed volume button then selected power off earlier. I did not know they put in a poweroff like what you have found but it seems they have programmed this behaviour then (not at OS level but in the boot code).
    1 point
  8. Hi all please How long is complaint? Because I sent my phone on complaint 11/2021. Package was delivery and now is more as two mounths and no answer. I wrote 4x on [email protected] and nothing Please Have you anybody next experience? thanks
    0 points
  9. Many thanks for this, although I when I try this it seems to always restart, not shutdown. I'm running stock Android if it matters. As it happens, I just trained myself to stay away from the power button while fiddling with the device!
    0 points
  10. My attempts by email to get FxTec support to do something about it / work with AT&T have fallen on deaf ears. They don't seem to care nor have made any indication that they have actually tried anything. Last response from them was "They seem to be white branding the major brands so unfortunately the Pro1 will not be listed."
    0 points
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