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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/30/2022 in Posts

  1. I received my Pro1-X and promptly managed to make it unbootable while messing around with the Ubuntu Touch installer. Where can I download the original stock firmware? Trying to use images for the Pro1 just made things worse. fastboot flashing works fine, but all the firmware I can find is for the Pro1.
    4 points
  2. On 12 Feb 2021, F(x)tec Support emailed me that shipment of my order (Pro1X replacing a Pro1) would be "ahead of all the Indiegogo pre-orders."
    3 points
  3. Right, and so far it looks like they're at least prioritising unfulfilled Pro1 orders over Pro1X IGG orders. (On the other hand, a few more days won't kill us, either, and at this point I'll be happy if and when I get the phone at all...)
    2 points
  4. It would be the most decent thing to do , first ship to those who ordered first. I ordered mine in Feb 2020 and I'd appreciate it Getting it before the Indiegogo backers. I didn't order the phone 2,5 years in advance just to be put on hold again.
    2 points
  5. OK so based on what I can see so far there's literally not a single person who backed the IGG campaing and received a shipping info - am I correct?
    2 points
  6. When did you get the shipping notification? What email address was it from? My order was February 22, 2020 and I haven't received an email and don't see anything in the spam folder that looks like it. On the website, it says my order is "processing." Thanks. 🙂
    2 points
  7. Looks like they're doing better this time around: I just got the notification that my phone has landed in Alaska. EDIT: And it's just left Alaska---presumably for the continental US.
    2 points
  8. I ordered on 06 Aug 2021 through the fxtec website, and my phone just landed in Alaska:
    2 points
  9. I'm in batch 1, and it looks like my package is currently crossing the pacific (HK International is in Lantau). I'm surprised that I'm in the first batch; I ordered off the fxtec website on 06 August 2021.
    2 points
  10. ...Done, but no matter what I do, the system insists on the strange order. Despite I both created and pinned them in order 1,2,3.....
    1 point
  11. @EskeRahn Might make sense to pin these three threads, what do you think?
    1 point
  12. (deleted, see updated version below.)
    1 point
  13. I never got one. I just assumed I had to be in batch 1 when I got the tracking number.
    1 point
  14. The shipping email was from FedEx on Tuesday (July 26). I knew it was the phone because the reference number was FX Store-[my fxtec order #]. Someone in the Pro1X State of Production thread said that people who ordered through the website are being given priority over people who backed them on IGG. It has something to do with customer protection laws? I'm not entirely sure. The phone has left Alaska now. I'm on the US East Coast, so it looks like it's on track to get to me sometime on Monday.
    1 point
  15. Looks like you ordered from the web site. There has been other evidence they are in batch 1, I suspect because there are more legal protections for actual customers and you really are customers and paid more. I am not bothered by that. I would expect, again, from my experience with the Pro 1, that you won't see it move until Monday.. then it will begin moving quickly. Good luck and congratulations!
    1 point
  16. Yep. That is exactly why I stopped buying Samsung. They became tall and skinny which totally threw off the balance of the phone when typing. Then there was all that bloat and programs you can't delete (Google). So here I am, awaiting my freedom from all that.
    1 point
  17. Neither have I (September 2019). Looks like their shipping order is similarly incomprehensible as it was back in 2020.
    0 points
  18. Lucky guy! I ordered in May 2020 and have still no massage ...
    0 points
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