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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/14/2022 in all areas

  1. Update: Until Februari 2023 I won't be able to dispatch out stickers and I'm not sure I'll watch the forum, but until then if you want stickers you can message @Hook to request stickers regardless of location :). They are still available and still free. Edit: do not be concerned, i'm just away traveling for a while :).
    3 points
  2. Without knowing how well they are prepared for handling mixed tickets, my gut feeling is it is probably better not mix. The tapping-sound problem with the bottom speaker has been reported by several users (including myself) in another thread and there are hints this may be a firmware/software problem they are working on. @Casey promised to take home our reports and come back to us once more is known.
    2 points
  3. Updated to latest version also. I can confirm that the SIM card lock screen bypass vulnerability is now fixed. (But my Zenfone 9 is still vulnerable with stock firmware)
    1 point
  4. So I started playing around with my Pro1-X again. After the device being shelved for ~1.5 weeks, the battery is now at 61% and /sys/class/power_supply/battery/voltage_now never exceeds 3870000 µV. In this state, I cannot reproduce the speaker issue! So, maybe, it indeed occurs only on brand-new devices (and batteries) where the voltage exceeds 4.1 V significantly after charge ... ? This might explain why the problem goes away after some time of using the Pro1-X. edit: Re-charging the Pro1-X now, to check whether the problem comes back with battery full.
    1 point
  5. Updated OTA to lineage-19.1-20221114-nightly-pro1-signed.zip with the November 5th security patch. Installed smoothly, left root intact, Still takes about 2.5 hours to do the OTA. I have no idea why, but I'm too lazy to set up flashing. It works and I am sitting at a computer for that 2.5 hours.
    1 point
  6. I had this, only I think it was a fade to black. In my case, it happened a little while after a sharp drop cracked the screen at a particular point on the edge. Assuming you haven't dropped it, I'd say it should be something to get fixed under warranty as others have said. But I'd also suggest you enable debug mode on the phone before the screen deteriorates further, and install scrcpy. At least then you can use the phone through the computer and back up data before you're ready to send it in for repairs.
    1 point
  7. Yes. They will ask some questions, probably ask for pics and then tell you how to send it. I expect they have all the parts they need, but they will tell you. My limited (n=2) experience with their customer service (I am in US) has been very good.
    1 point
  8. Hm, tech support is very very hard to reach these days. They initially told me to flash etc, so I've told them all the steps I'd done, and there's been radio silence ever since. Wondering if opening a new ticket would help.. 😞 still stuck with a borrowed phone, not cool. Oh well. I'll try to keep my optimism up.
    0 points
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