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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/28/2023 in all areas

  1. Charging-only mode is part of Android, so the phone must be able to boot the high-level OS to charge. When you connect a power source, it will always start the Android boot process. If the off-mode-charge flag is set, it will start the charger program instead of the full Android UI. Yep, you triggered the "battery protection bug". The problem is in the closed-source firmware, and relates to the PMC configuration. LineageOS doesn't have licenses for this source code, so we need F(x)tec to fix it. The only way to avoid it is to periodically charge your Pro1 X, and once a month should be
    4 points
  2. Here is the full text of the gps.conf file that unlocked the ability of my 1x to get a GPS fix. Thank you, @claude0001 [quote] XTRA_SERVER_1=http://xtra1.gpsonextra.net/xtra.bin XTRA_SERVER_2=http://xtra2.gpsonextra.net/xtra.bin XTRA_SERVER_3=http://xtra3.gpsonextra.net/xtra.bin XTRA_VERSION_CHECK=1 # Error Estimate # _SET = 1 # _CLEAR = 0 ERR_ESTIMATE=0 #NTP server NTP_SERVER=north-america.pool.ntp.org #XTRA CA path XTRA_CA_PATH=/usr/lib/ssl-1.1/certs # DEBUG LEVELS: 0 - none, 1 - Error, 2 - Warning, 3 - Info # 4 - Debug,
    3 points
  3. That variable has nothing to do with individual signal levels. It works in conjunction with the INTERMEDIATE_POS=1 setting, and causes also the very early iterations of position estimates to be reported to client apps as a "fix". The unit of ACCURACY_THRESH is meters. Setting it to 3000 means that early position estimates are reported, even if they are still uncertain by 3 km. However, to my knowledge, the variable does not actually influence how the iteration towards the final solution for the position progresses. To me, the fact that @Name_not_avail saw their phone getting the fix
    2 points
  4. I've ordered through the website. My order has been set to completed after about 3 years of being in processing, so I presume that means it is shipping now. So I would say that means they are indeed shipping website orders.
    2 points
  5. I can't speak to that, as every other app that required root seemed to behave normally. But I have had a Eureka! moment in editing the gps.conf file! Until now both 1xs could do no better than 0 to a max of 3 satellites ever seen by the device, and neither could ever get a fix. I had all but given up until trying to play with gps.conf. Initially, the mods proposed by @claude0001 did not help, but then I "unremarked" the line # ACCURACY_THRES=5000 That didn't help either initially, but then I changed the 5000 to 3000, and BANG, the 1x instantly saw the whole constellation of
    2 points
  6. So although some people have reported their 1x to have decent gps fix performance, it's been rubbish for me. Pretty small issue relative to the rubbish voice calling bug, but annoying nonetheless. Then I read a recent comment by @claude0001 that it was possible on the old Pro 1 to modify the gps.conf file for improved performance: He pointed out that changing those settings on LOS 20 would require Magisk scripting, which he had no experience with. So down the rabbit hole I went. What I found was a script package that will convert the /system files and folders to be writable. Wi
    1 point
  7. Ho yeah, you need to change the layout in Windows or Linux too. Actually the layouts from Interface were extracted from Windows so there could be slight differences when used on Linux. Though it's all standardised so in most cases it should match exactly. At some point I might get around implementing a companion app for Windows that could take care of such things like keep the layouts in sync.
    1 point
  8. For the life of me I can't figure out how to trigger 3rd and fourth layer symbols. I've tried holding separately and in various combinations Alt GR, Ctrl, Alt, Fn and shift. Lol. It is likely user error, but clearly I'm missing something or my tablet is incompatible in some way.
    1 point
  9. Oh yes, I don't know why it didn't work the first time I tried with my Thinkpad X230 running Manjaro. Works fine now. What was weird, though, and possibly a coincidence, is that I lost my sound feedback when I connected to Linux, When I repaired with my Windows Thinkpad, the sound was still gone. I had to reinstall your app to get the sound back. Have no idea what happened there. Will run more tests to see a)if it keeps happening. b) is it my tablet doing something funny and not your app (likely) c)if there is any pattern. Made me realize how important BOTH the sound and vibration f
    1 point
  10. @Casey you say that you are here to help us. You encourage us to trust fxtec and have faith. We do, we try, We contact you and tag you. And we get ghosted. So I am really hoping that you can clear this up and this is not just one more example of fxtec mishandling things. I paid $161.80 for a battery. That's like 25% the cost of the phone.
    1 point
  11. Interesting! But the leading text for ACCURACY_THRES seems to indicate that you now include some that were previously thought to poor quality signal to use. Obviously what you got is much better than nothing 😁, but the really interesting question is why the receptions of these are so poor that they go under the default threshold? 🤔
    1 point
  12. I've been fiddling with this off and on and it is really pretty nice. Surprisingly nice. The haptics are one key to this-- they really help a touch screen keyboard, the vibration standing in for feedback, so the more a tablet has good vibration the better. It helps to go into accessibility settings on my tablet and change "touch and hold delay" from the default "short" to "long." This reduces keys being accidentally typed just because your fingers are not quite steady passing over them. I have been mostly using the US QWERTY. I looked quickly at US International, but I have to figure
    1 point
  13. Let us hope @Casey can get the parcel stopped, and rerouted to the correct address.... But the tracking already looks weird that it GB-to-GB should take a whole week... That date would be more what we would expect if sent GB-to-US
    0 points
  14. I checked every street in Blyton and there is nothing even close
    0 points
  15. I am really curious considering I paid £39.34 in shipping @Casey? Any insight? Someone is getting my package today and it isn't me.
    0 points
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