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Everything posted by Erik

  1. All of the countries that we have orders from will receive devices. The formula above is to ensure they all receive devices, even if there was 1 order from a small island country.
  2. No no no. The formula is: 1. "Total orders of a country" is what percent of all orders? 2. Then, how many units does the country percentage equal to out of the current batch size? 3. = the number of units shipped to that particular country, based in order of when the payment was received. Whether it's a country with low interest or not, this formula keeps it fair for everyone. If it was only done in order of payments, the smaller countries may have to wait for a while, as not everyone was awake when we started accepting payments :). Obviously we don't count the
  3. Hi everyone, Mostly good news today, as always gathered personally. The logistics team is currently drafting the shipping lists for the big batch that will ship in a few days. This batch is 6x bigger than the previous batches combined. Most of you will be left very happy, and those in the list will receive a stock assignment notice either this weekend or early next week. There is nothing left to prioritise on the Indiegogo side, as that will be fully covered by this coming batch. Those with Indiegogo deals can start getting excited as they are the first known customers that will
  4. We use our own production units for sales meetings :).
  5. Thanks for pointing out before the mass panic :). Corrected to January as it was meant.
  6. It's either that, or using production devices, which we like to save for pre-orders at the minute. Right now that is the priority - we didn't want to affect the already small batch from 2 weeks ago by taking a bunch of devices to CES which will never be owned by a user.
  7. Hi everyone, Exciting update today. Liangchen is visiting the factory in China at the minute and he expects all of the pre-orders will be produced by the 18th of January, so in less than 5 days now. We have already produced a very significant number of pre-order devices, which are waiting for the full list to complete by the 18th. As you are all well aware by now, once the devices are all produced on the 18th, the stock will be rotated between our warehouses, so there will be, I'd say, 1 more week after complete production before you receive your tracking. Just so I don't overpromise
  8. Some footage from CES. FYI, the CES demo units are early developer units (as you know we are very tight on stock with the pre-orders), hence the strange rotation behaviour in the video.
  9. Minor update on another thread:
  10. The aim is to ship the stock to our EU and US (if we re-establish a US warehouse by then) warehouses, or directly to customers before the Chinese New Year, as after that both the factory and the 1st logistics hub in HK will be off for a while. The Chinese New Year starts on the 25th of January, so some of you will have their devices before the end of January. Others, perhaps those in Europe, will have their stock assignment before the end of January only, and delivery by 1-3 February, at least to my projection.
  11. I am well aware :). Chen is in the factory right now, and he expects them to produce all of the pre-orders before the Chinese New Year. The meant to be "big batch" has already been produced, but this time we'll be shipping all of the pre-orders together, not parts of them. Small batches keep our customers happy, but they take longer to get around as it would mean allocating more workforce to the delivery side, multiple times, while right now the priority is to produce all of the pre-orders and ship them all at once. Therefore, the advised deadline "by the end of January" is still very much in
  12. Mid-February, as the current pre-orders will ship by the end of this month.
  13. Exactly. If you try to push it straight forward, it's a bit hard, but if you push at a certain angle at the very edge of the curve, kind of pushing up and not forward, it slides perfectly without an issue. Takes a week to get used to, and then it's only the satisfying "click" left.
  14. Yes, I think there was one batch that didn't go to London first, but was sent directly to the European customers from our Hong Kong warehouse. We are legally required to pay VAT in Europe, which we already charged our customers for, therefore we are pre-paying the duty for EU-based customers. I am not sure if this is happening again though, as we'd likely continue shipping to London first and then to customers. Either way, customers are unaffected, and if there is a problem, let support help you with it - [email protected].
  15. Contact support and we'll pay for it. To our understanding, we pre-paid that as you are in the EU, but maybe someone in the warehouse in Hong Kong made a mistake with your order and didn't pre-pay it.
  16. All similar requests are processed but they need to be approved and submitted by our C level colleagues :), which is why it may take longer than a typical support email. Typically an accounting team would look after those, but at our scale, it's taken care of by the directors.
  17. Yes, I've been typing 2019 robotically.. It'll be like this for the next 2 months.
  18. The retailer digital.ch has never received devices. Try ordering one, they'll arrive in at least a month. The big batch is shipping in the first full week of January, so not exactly this week, but next week.
  19. It's arriving today, we called UPS this morning. They delayed it because of Christmas and then New Years, but it's definitely coming today. Worst case we'll send the tracking tomorrow, but we're aiming to send the tracking for the small batch today.
  20. We had very limited staff availability last week because of the Christmas days off here in the UK, while the amount of customer requests is surprisingly identical. We will get back to everyone next week, but it won’t be immediately as we’ll probably have a massive backlog because of the days off. This is a pretty standard thing to expect from most companies out there during the Christmas season.
  21. Further to this, we wanted to ship the small batch today, but it did not arrive earlier this week as we expected. The courier bringing the stock to the UK confirmed it will arrive sometime today, which means tracking for the next small batch will be provided to you on Monday. The big batch is also on the way for January - that one will notify of stock assignment.
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