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Everything posted by Erik

  1. I'd like to reassure you the device has actually passed the Google certification, which it wouldn't have if any of the suspicions mentioned here were correct. Adups, in this scenario is simply the name of our OTA provider - http://www.adups.com/index.php?lang=en, not the virus conveniently named "com.adups.fota.MyApplication" and others, neither of which match the files used for running our OTA software. I believe that particular virus known as "com.adups.fota.MyApplication" was only named this way to mimic a legitimate system app. com.adups.fota is flagged perfectly clean on
  2. HDMI out being tested with the new firmware due to be pushed over the air shortly. Should work with any USB-C to HDMI adapter. * The blurring is because we were scrolling at the time. Image is crystal clear in person.
  3. Hi everyone, A small update for you today. As some of you know our US shipment from the first batch has still not reached our US customers due to strict US customs regulations. According to the latest, the first US batch is being returned to our Hong Kong hub, but it's currently being queued in a customs office's sorting facility. We know the stock will arrive back, but by the time that happens, our next batches from the factory will be ready for shipping. Consequently, we will be bumping up the numbers of units in the next batches to accommodate for the customers designated from the firs
  4. Numbers are not relevant, as some customers with the order range of 1XXXX have only paid for their pre-orders last month, while we have orders from the range of 3XXXX that have been paid for 3 months ago. What affects shipping is when the payment was received or whether an Indiegogo coupon was used, in which scenario the order would be prioritised.
  5. Yes and no. Early-December is the time within which we expect all Pro1 pre-orders to have been shipped. As you might know, we want to be in general availability with a stock surplus at least 1 week before Christmas. From now, until all orders are complete by early-December, our customers will still receive their stock assigned and dispatch notices as soon as units are produced and are on their way to the logistics warehouses.
  6. Yep, we'll soon make formal, well-illustrated docs in our new support page. Quick sneak peek of what we are working on:
  7. We will prepare formal technical docs very soon, with info on how to flash your device, etc.
  8. As some of you wanted to see the Pro1 getting naked, me and my colleague shot the following unboxing video from F(x)tec HQ this morning :). And the initial boot-up with a keyboard slide:
  9. I'd probably be labeled a monster again, but look what we've got in our office this morning 🙂
  10. I confirm some people have received their tracking, more to follow by the end of this week :).
  11. From now on we will use the thread below for news. This one is for commenting.
  12. Hi everyone, A small informal update for you. As you should be aware by now, my updates do not represent what PR might have to say, but I'll give you the latest and best to my knowledge. As per the last time you received a director's update, there's nothing significantly new - our team is still working really hard to meet our own deadlines to fulfil all pre-orders and launch before the festive season. While stock rotations between warehouses (factory > Hong Kong hub > US & UK/EU) took slightly longer than initially predicted, due to the customs and weekends off, the first b
  13. That is still the case, correct, but there aren't enough units in the first batch for all of the backers. The coming second batch will cover all IGG backers + most normal pre-orders, potentially all because we plan to be in general availability before Christmas.
  14. Apologies, but this is incorrect. IGG promotions used are a lot higher than 100.
  15. Hi guys, Tiny informal update before I split this thread to make the news easier to find. We are on track with the 1st batch as previously suggested. I have been told that customers from the 1st batch will soon receive a confirmation that stock has been assigned to their order. I expect it to be done by tomorrow. Obviously, this won't be sent to everyone who has an order, as the first batch is relatively small to the ones we expect to come shortly after. On a side note, please be aware that I do not represent the PR or communications team - I am a techie at Fxtec involved in de
  16. I think this thread is getting too long to read now. I'll find a way to organise it shortly. I have mentioned the above a while ago, so it's nothing new:
  17. That's the information we all have most of the time. As soon as there is anything significantly new and different you'd see an official directors update.
  18. Yes and no. A percentage of the first batch, proportional to how many orders we have in Asia has been shipped from our Hong Kong warehouse to customers at the same time stock left on it's way to our UK and US warehouses. This is a very small quantity, so the earliest I expect (and hope) people will share some pictures of arrived devices would be next week. I am here to give you as much information as I have at the minute :). I am waiting to hear more today for a tiny informal update later.
  19. "We expect the majority, if not all pre-orders, to ship by the end ofOctober." this update was provided before all of us saw the directors update mentioning the first batch will be shipped on the 29th of October. We understand this didn't go as we all wished. Since the update above, the information hasn't changed. Shipping began on the 29th as we promised - with more news to follow.
  20. As far as I know, our online shopping platform calls "Pre-orders" anything that was signed up for, but hasn't been paid yet. When we started it took a few months before we charged for the pre-orders. I think now the website calls them "orders" because we take payment immediately after you place it. In real terms, however, anything is a pre-order if the device is not in general availability yet. And to us, the device will only be in general availability once we have stock sitting in the warehouse and waiting to be sold. Right now stock is being assigned to our pre-orders backlog as soon as
  21. Everything is a pre-order until we're in general availability with 1-2 days shipping advertised. Our website might word things differently, but currently every (pre)order is treated the same way.
  22. I believe most of the pre-orders will be completed until the end of November. We really want to be in general availability in December, which we can't do before all pre-orders are fulfilled.
  23. I am trying to get some news for you to share later today. I don't, however, believe I've ever said that the first batch will cover most pre-orders. If I did, it's mistake and I apologise for it. What I am saying instead is that the second batch is much larger than the first one, and it will cover most pre-orders. The first batch is much smaller than the ones that will follow in mid-November.
  24. Changed the spam settings. We shouldn't see anymore spam, but I am also afraid it will flag the good users too 😕. Let info@fxtec.com know if anyone has trouble posting.
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