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Everything posted by Erik

  1. Hi everyone, Just a little heads up about tomorrow, the 24th of October. We'll be taking the forum down for a couple of hours after 1 pm UK time to migrate everything over to our new forum. We expect a few issues here and there - avatars will be missing, we'll have to manually add a few things such as the "thanks" count. Besides a few expected complications with the migration, this will be an overall great improvement for spam control - no more manual approval, performance improvements, user timelines, better formatting, etc.
  2. A tiny sneak peek of devices going through last Q/Cs before an official update goes out:
  3. Sorry, the update hasn't gone out - I was told by PR it was meant to be emailed last week. We are likely waiting on more updates from Chen who is now back in the factory. We are on track for shipping on the 29th, that is not changing.
  4. Director's update is expected to be emailed to everyone anytime by the end of this week. It will contain information on the progress that's been made. Our shipping schedule remains unchanged.
  5. Yes i did. I actually contacted them several times. and i also offered to pay them in full for the testing device. i also applied for the testing application back then. but Fx never offered me any testing device. Jhonny, could you please reply to the email from customer care? We've tried to contact you several times. This is regarding the business use case you've mentioned, and how we can assist with it.
  6. Late-November is a fair estimate for general availability. We'd be at that stage once as all existing (pre-)orders are fulfilled.
  7. Stock from the first batch is leaving the factory on it's way to the fulfilment warehouses next week, so we'll most definitely be ready for shipping on the 29th (or before but I don't want to overpromise). We're quiet because we don't have anything new to say - everything is currently going as expected and there isn't any change in plans that would potentially need announcing. I will see if we can post an email update, although I don't know how different it would be as it's all going according to plan.
  8. Thanks for your comment. The keyboard of the Pro1 makes it a very appealing device for users with limited accessibility. Our challenge at the moment is to make carriers offer our device, which is highly unlikely as a new entrant. Historically new phone manufactures can take between 3-5 years to enter carrier retailers, grow enough demand and allow for an appealing deal with the network itself. Meanwhile, we're looking at other options such as finance through our website or partners.
  9. I’ve contacted the team that maintains our website, it should be updated shortly :)
  10. We have achieved a fairly large amount of orders, given the little publicity we've had so far. I'd like to remind we have funded the development of the Pro1 privately, we've never had the large exposure crowdfunding platforms such as Indiegogo provide. And yet, we have very similar order quantities compared to some of the largest campaigns on startup funding platforms. We chose to privately fund the Pro1 due to the message its ads and the customer trust that it builds - despite the several unexpected delays here and there. Neither one of the crowdfunding websites come with any form of refund a
  11. Thanks for the details. Just curious, is the first batch(es) a mixture of shifted QWERTY and unshifted QWERTZ, or should we expect the QWERTZ slightly after the QWERTY? Some of us are a little concerned about the whereabouts of the fulfilment centre and the date IF it ends with a hard Brexit on Oct 31. As far as I am aware, all batches will be mixed with QWERTY and QWERTZ, although QWERTZ accounts for a relatively small percentage of the full number of pre-orders - so the factory will likely complete those earlier than all of the QWERTY devices. The Brexit VAT concern is currently som
  12. That'd be for pre-orders. We can't go into general availability until all pre-orders are complete.
  13. We don't need to be optimistic, but we can be realistic, and all pre-orders will ship by the end of this year. With consecutive batches arriving within just days after another, I don't want to overpromise, but we should complete most, if not all, by mid-November - leaving you with 1.5 months before the end of this year :).
  14. This is the original statement. (Thanks for the transcription, netman!) netman wrote: So, what’s the latest? [*clack*, casually opens Pro1] The hardware is ready. We started production last month, and whilst we are currently on a break due to the Chinese national holiday we’re ramping up again from the 8th of October. I feel like the key word there is “again”. They’ve been in production for a month now, so I’m guessing they’re using the term “ramping up again” simply to say they’re going to start production back up after the holiday. Of course, it’s hard to know without hearing the
  15. Hi Erik. I believe I have understood from your replies on this thread that all pre-orders which were placed up to the time that the first please pay requests were emailed (all pre-orders placed between first quarter 2019 and August 1st) WILL BE in that first batch of orders that will begin the shipping process (factory to fulfillment centers) in mid-October, which will then be dispatched (leaving fulfillment centers to postal services) to customers before the end of October (with expected final delivery — in hands of all these early customers — in early November)? Could you confirm if t
  16. Your words mean a lot to us, thank you for sharing @doktor.oswaldo :)! I believe everyone should hear back from our directors by email later today.
  17. Correct, but we're also looking into a third fulfilment location - Hong Kong, it just hasn't been established yet while the UK and the US are ready to process our orders as soon as they arrive there.
  18. If it's a recent order, for example one placed today, it is unlikely, but still possible that it will ship by the end of October. Most likely in November, as we have to prioritise the thousands of early orders that we have.
  19. As far as I know, the stock would be transported to our warehouses with an express courier service such as DHL, therefore the shipment would only take around 3 days to reach the US and the EU from the manufacturing facility in China. The only thing that could delay transportation would be customs clearance, but that doesn't usually take more than 3 days even if it's delayed.
  20. So Erik does that means that customers in other parts like i am in Australia has no hope to be shipped before november or beyond? i ordered in early march and it seems unfair that we in Australia will miss out the shipment in october? Not quite. As far as I am aware, orders to Australia will ship from Hong Kong or the US. We wouldn't delay orders based on regions.
  21. I cannot confirm that this message was authorised to be shared, but either way, we are happy to elaborate. The confidentiality statement is there is to avoid mass misunderstanding. As per my previous communications on the forum, we don't yet have a precise shipping timeframe, we only have an expected window within which we will have our devices in the fulfilment warehouses (US, EU). As my colleague mentioned, this is expected to happen between (not after) 1-2 weeks from today. After those 1-2 weeks, we'll be ready to start shipping the Pro1 to our customers. Exact shipping dates are not
  22. Please follow the article above for my updates.
  23. When only two colours are available I would suggest a layout that can be used in Sweden and Norway. Note that by sound and name Ä=Æ and Ö=Ø it is just the way it is written that is different. So this ‘bastard’ print I guess would be understandable by all parties And then we as Danes has to accept EITHER to use Norwegian logical layout (ÆØ swapped) OR to use the correct Danish layout accepting the print to be swapped. That's a very interesting idea, Eske. Thanks!
  24. That is actually something we have in mind, but we haven't yet decided how to implement it. We plan to have Swedish and Finnish as one layout, and Norwegian/Danish as another in software, but physically the layout would look the same - it would just act differently depending on which language you choose. This way you won't have to combine them with the arrow to get Ø and Æ. Ideally, I'd push for the Ø and Æ in Norwegian/Danish to be a different colour so it's more clear they're for use in Norway and Denmark only. For this to work, however, we'll need to know what the cost implication will be f
  25. I think it's a limitation of the forum. Open the full resolution image at https://ibb.co/PCv45n4
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