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Posts posted by EskeRahn

  1. On the change of avatar, it is not that intuitive, as they work with both "Account" and "Profile", I was quite confused by that too....


    E.g. Click your user name on a comment OR from your account, this will bring you to your "Profile", and here click the cogwheel

    Profile crop

  2. Hi Craig, Well I'm a moderator in here, but have no access to the user accounts, only the comments. The Forum is very new, so I guess more functionality will be coming, like flagging for moderation - that I hope we will never need of course. :-)

  3. Let me put it this way, have you tried using a laptop opened flat? ;-)


    I for one LOVED the tilted screens of the Nokias over the flat slide of the SonyEriccsons.

    On a device with the keyboard in the 'wrong' direction like the BB Priv, a tilt would be odd though..


    As a benefit, the mechanism with two 'arms' of different length of the Nokias was much easier to blow clean from pocket lint and the like than the straight sliders, that are quite hard to clean if dirt gets into the rails. So I for one is VERY pleased that it is the approach they have chosen for the Pro¹.


    The only minus is that the flip to push to open (on the old Nokias) took a few tries to get used to (ten perhaps?), if a friend wants to borrow it (s)he might find it problematic to open at first. But it is not complicated, see the XDA video linked to here

  4. I'm not talking in absolutes here. Just that we should be aware that things can have a flip side.

    I use fast charging from time to time, and also uses wireless charging. Accepting the extra toll.

    But I would not use fast wireless charging all the time, no matter how convenient it might feel.


    Yes charging with 250mA is a joke - that was the point.. (hence the LOL). It might be academically optimal but not a usable method in real life.


    Think of it like human health. We know that eating junk food is bad for us, but doing it occasionally is not a big deal, but if we do it every day it is.

    But if we do not know, how are we to know we should avoid it?

    Same here. Wireless charging is convenient, and so is fast charging, and also the combination. And it is fine to use it occasionally when we need it, just don't do it for the daily charging if you want the battery to stay healthy..

    • Like 1
  5. achat_marken, just saw this post, That could be the reason. I do not know.


    Indeed wired charging ALSO warms up the battery, and the faster the worse. The issue is that it warms more with wireless, as the waste of the transfer through the coil ads onto the heat generated by the charging it self.


    So if you want to be kind to the battery you charge it wired over night by e.g. an old 500mA charger, or a PC port. But indeed the USB port is a vulnerable part of any phone, so this could also shorten the life of the device before service is needed... So we will need to handle it carefully, and be glad the port is not needed to use headphones as on most these days.


    So I guess the best compromise would be to charge any device wireless with an old slow charger, but by half of 500mA, it might not even have time to charge a device fully overnight. *LOL*

  6. Wauw 95%! where did you find that? Sounds like a miracle to me. Even a transformer with an iron core to help the magnetic transfer would have trouble reaching that. But yes 50% is a bad charger, 60-70% typically would most likely be more fair in 2019.


    And indeed as you mention in a car it is often vertically mounted, and that helps by simple convective cooling.


    The slower the charger the less the waste, and that means less heat, and thus less trouble. Region/season also matter, as, to LiIon, "Hot" already starts at around 30°C. So even a small raise in warmer climate matters.


    As a general advice on the use in a car for sat-navigation, I advice to try to be sure the battery is fully charged before starting the navigation. This way the battery is 'inactive' during the process, so the heating done by the cpu+powering does not hurt the battery.

  7. JjyKs, the BB keyboard software have a couple of clever tricks up it sleeves that makes it a bliss to use more than one language. I even have it using English AND Danish at the same time, and it auto detects what language I'm typing, and adjusts the spell-checking and word suggestions, so we often do not even need to request the national letters.


    If the techniques are not bound by patents I certainly hope the Pro¹ will be 'inspired'.

  8. Wireless charge is quite handy, but has a backside.


    Wireless chargers all has a rather limited efficiency, typically 50% and you should praise yourself lucky if it is 75%

    The rest end as heat.


    "And so what?" You might say. Well the WORST thing you can do for the overall life of a LiIon battery is to charge it heated...


    And as user replaceable batteries are getting rare, the lifespan of the battery really matters!


    So we should either charge very slowly wireless, or use cabled. And fast charge wired should also be used with caution, especial when beyond 50% capacity.


    Do not misunderstand, it is not that individual charges destroys things, it just wear it a bit harder than a slower charge. Compare it driving an ordinary car the same distance at at 50Km/h or 200Km/h, the second will be slightly worse.


    You can find a lot of blah blah on my blog on how to optimize stamina and lifespan for batteries start e.g. here

    • Thanks 2
  9. David, Florian and others. Personally an edges screen or not is not a big issue.


    As I see it, it is already quite wide (as wide as the Samsung S8+/S9+ phablets, and if we should have any practically protective bezels, it should be even wider, or with reduced display. Both of which I believe would scare of more users than the edge design. Since there seem to be this silly fashion that phablets go bigger and bigger all the time.


    Personally I already ordered some tempered glass protectors for the longer S8+ and S9+ (one is 0.2mm less wide, one is 0.2mm wider) and hope it got the same curvature, so I will only need to cut in one or both ends with a glass cutter to have it fit.


    Anyway the glass part is clearly edged lengthwise only, so it will be fairly easy to cut a simple flat protective film. Again my guess is those for the S8+/S9+ will be a good starting point.


    But of course we will not know for sure yet..

  10. YampA, I have not heard any confirmation nor denial of the possibility for user-editing the key maps.


    But I certainly will push all I can for us to get that possibility. :-)


    To me it does not need to be with a fancy user friendly UI to do it. Practically any reasonably described format will do for me (but I'm a nerd).

    As long as there is a way where we can share the layouts, so the less tech savvy users can benefit from what the nerd makes, AND they can easily reset it to default, if the layout they apply proves useless to them. The layout files should be pure passive keymaps, so there will be no risk of any idiot distributing malicious files.

  11. I primarily use my phones/phablets for SMS, and a bit of browsing.


    I think I will use it in landscape whenever I need to enter text, and keep it in portrait for utilities such as advanced calculators or playing sudoku.


    In my experience not too many apps support Landscape. It was already an issue back in 2011-2012 on my Xperia (Neo) Pro, and it certainly has not become better since.... Lazy programmers!!


    But whenever I got more than one available app I consider to use, the first thing I do after install is to rotate the device, and if no landscape-suport I look for alternatives....

    And many apps are not designed for there NOT to be a software keyboard. Many SMS apps only allow a few lines of entry even in portrait (That was a pest with finfdng apps for the BB Priv. Textra is one of those that works well - it is not perfect, but does the job for me.


    To me the Key½ is the worst of two worlds. You get a large device and a small display. I never understood why anyone favoured the form factor of the Key½ over the Priv. But there have been long discussions on the pros and cons on CrackBerry, to each their own, and let us keep that discussion over there, amongst those that prefer a keyboard in the 'wrong' orientation.... ;-p

  12. Well doktor.oswaldo the "US-International" is fine for those that primarily write in English, and needs to occasionally write foreign name or titles in many languages, But if you use e.g. one of the Scandinavian languages the national characters are almost as commonly used as E in English, so to have them at odd places with double strokes would really be an acquired taste....


    But SURE the US-international could be a good thing to print on an international version (The accent key of the international could go to the vacant one left of the Z). And be the default software layout.

    And then offer national layouts with the 2+2+3 keys right of A-Z remapped as software. I could easily live with that for Danish.

  13. From my keyboard case for an Iphone6- with backlight, the tiny battery on that lasted for a MONTH, and that's with Bluetooth! So I expect the extra power needed for the cabled keyboard to be negligible.


    As always with smartphones, I expect the display to be the real culprit in power consumption.

    And if you try to use it for extensive gaming and video the CPU too of course.


    A LOT has to do with usage patterns. The BlackBerry Priv got so much beating for the power consumption, I had stamina of over a week from it with light usage.

    (In the above and the links in it there are a bunch of hints and guidelines to get more from your battery than most)

  14. On 4) I do not know if there will be some official ones, but I think it MIGHT be possible to cut a protector for the S8+ or S9+ as these are slightly longer, but looks to have a fairly similar edge-design, and they are 73.4 resp. 73.8mm versus the 73.6mm of the Pro¹


    That will be one of the very first things I will try to do when I get my hands on one.

    (I already ordered some tempered glass protectors for the two models and a glass cutter....)

  15. Well rowos it is also a matter of how 'deep' in the hand it is resting.


    Try to take a large phablet or pocket calculator and place it in landscape resting on the outer two/three joints of two/three fingers, and support it with ringfinger/pinky you will see that you can keep a secure grip and have a huge range with the thumbs.


    We would naturally place a smaller device with the corners in the palms, but it is not a must for a secure grib

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