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Posts posted by EskeRahn

  1. Haha =) Not really. Most of Switzerland talks Swiss-German and writes German. Of course there are French and Italian parts. but if you don’t live near these regions you won’t use it. Not any more at least. We still have it in School until Highschool, but I am not that young either. Thanks to globalization and the Internet English has taken over. We go further on vacation than 50 years back. And even the French now have to start using English with Tourists.


    Thanks for the clarification. Sounds a bit like Danish in Iceland. Taught in school and most likely people will almost never use it. Though some still take a university degree in Denmark, people leans towards the US now.


    I wonder why those that produces mail/texting programs and similar never bothered to add an entry in the Address Books on the preferred language.

    Especially as English has become the new Lingua Franca (excuse the pun), many will be using their native tongue plus English (or some more or less degenerated variant of it) frequently.

  2. On another Note on this Topic: The new Samsung Galaxy S10 will have a Lite edition (S10e) with a flat screen!

    So Samsung the shiny knight of curved screens does think there are people who want a flat screen or at least buy it even with a flat screen. But the real interesting thing is, it is the cheapest model which has the flat screen.

    So it seems to be indeed cheaper, even for Samsung, to have a flat screen.

    This does not 100% mean that it is the same for this phone (Samsung manufactures the screens themselves), but chances are pretty high that a flat screen would have been cheaper.


    Uh, I guess there are many factors in play here, And we can for part of it only guess on the "why"s. Sure when Samsung produce the display themselves, and in large quanta specifically for each model, the flat is likely to be cheaper. But the Pro¹ is going to use already existing 'standard' components, due to not expecting to sell multiple millions. And it might be that the number of displays in the right size, quality and resolution is quite limited, and curved are prevailing thus influencing the prices.

    Also remember that Samsung wants the S10e to be less desirable than the more expensive versions, to have a price-ladder. And that might be part of their calculation to keep the models apart to use what they expect people to see as a less desirable display. The same way they use a different camera setup.


    (But as I said those are of course just guesses on the "why"s)

  3. By gboard i mean the google keyboard default on phones that don’t come with some strange keyboard app by the manufacturer (link), for android 7 at least i had to update it from the appstore and fiddle with settings to get it to do bilingual. Dutch does have some characters with accents on them and such, but generally it’s perfectly legible without those so I got used to doing everything qwerty and ignoring the accents are a thing. You can set the danish keyboard layout and use that for english also I believe, I had to explicitly somehow get rid of the belgian layout it wanted me to use for dutch.


    Thanks, Well I'm currently on an S8- with a click on keyboard. Just tried the GBoard, but (not unexpected) the software can not handle to correctly automatically swap back to Samsung when the keyboard is attached (they DO swap to Samsung, but uselessly to the SOFTWARE not to hardware keyboard...), so currently not usable for me. unless I can find some switch/setting that can do the trick (there does not seem to be a (nice) way to disable Samsungs software keyboard. As it is the same package that handles the hardware, a hard disable through ADB would not do the trick.


    But indeed GBoard has the same idea of multiple languages in spell-checking as BB, though it does not work as smoothly as on the BB Priv. Google only seems to switch language after having had an explicitly typed word in the new language, BB is a tad smarter giver words from the other language(s) a less rank, but still have them as an option. I can normally easily type a text in Danish with e.g. an English or Swedish film title mixed in.


    Will be interesting to see what can be done with the Pro¹.

  4. I fear that swiping from the display to the edge is not that comfortable. You would probably need a lot of pressure to not lose contact with your thumb. So I guess the swiping must ignore the curved part.


    I guess it matters how the logic work, and how dense the sensor-grid of the display really is, It might not matter if it ends a few pixel before the actual edge. But of course if Sailfish expect the movement to go all the way, and the sensor grid is only a few pixels wide, it might be a problem to get to correctly trigger the outermost touch sensors of a display with protruding bezels.

  5. I use both Dutch and English on a regular basis, but generally I keep all apps set to English because the translations tend to be lousy and confusing. However I do have gboard set up so i can swipe and get suggestions in both languages mixed, which I’m very glad it supports since what feels like not too long ago.


    Seems like the same as in Danish. The so called Danish translations are usually so poor it is really hard to guess what is meant.

    Never heard of GBoard, I'll give it a try, thanks :)


    But I guess that you don't have national letters in Dutch, so you can stay with an English layout (we have ÆØÅ commonly used), that is why a change in spell-checker language is not quite enough here.

  6. Hard question. Switzerland is a bad example. There is no useful Grammar and no useful Spellchecker. Our written Language is German (with some special rules). Yes we write Swiss-German with friends and so on. We just try to type like it sounds. If you write anything to a Person you don’t know it gonna be written in German (At least If you have some minor Form of Education).


    Thanks for the reply, Sorry, I meant (Swiss)German/French/Italian/Rhaeto-Romance. As I thought you used all four.

  7. Are there any other users that uses different languages, and would like these tied to specific apps as default?


    I use a mixture of English and Danish, and it could be nice if the language selection could be bound to the app.

    As a DEFAULT I would like English, and then for specific apps Danish.


    Though I for almost any app would prefer English, for SMS/MMS I 99% of the time use Danish, for mail it is about 50-50


    So I would love to have the 'system remember' that whenever I use Textra (or Signal) the Keyboard software should use Danish spell-checking and logical-layout (unless manually switched temporarily of course), but for all other apps I would prefer English as default.


    Of course the SUPER elegant would be if the Texting app selected the languge by one selected for the (first) recipient (by default using the country code), - but I have never seen anything offering that..


    What does people in multi-lingual countries like e.g. Switzerland do. Do you manually need to switch every time, to the preferred common language?

  8. The forum software has a (known) bug that editing a comment multiple times incorrectly triggers the spam-system, as if (almost) the same was posted multiple times. I have 'unspammed' it.


    Unfortunately I do not know a consistent way of escaping special chars, except writing them as url encode.

    That is an ampersand # the decimal number and a semicolon.

    e.g. [ for [


    (I tried to fix the comment with ` - hope this was what you intended)

  9. Honestly I don’t think anyone would be bothered if they just used the English abbreviations (like “ctrl” instead of “strg”). That’s how it’s done on the Swiss layout and I feel like nobody even notices that it’s different from the German one. Might be less confusing for non-German people too.


    A great idea in my book. As previously described this layout would only be a few keys away from the ones used in Sweden/Norway/Finland/Denmark, and those few could easily be remembered by hart. So would be better than the standard left-shifted QWERTY for me and others in the Scandinavian countries too I believe. And the English abbreviations are what we are used to see. I don't think I have ever seen a PC-keyboard with words/abbreviations in either of the Scandinavian languages. (Though some Swedish have the down arrow for CapsLock)

  10. From my understanding, Android One is pretty much a partnership program with Google. Google pretty much mandates manufacturer to do necessary changes and roll the updates within a timeframe.


    Personally, I doubt this is going to happen. If phone was going to use Android One, they would have been touch with Google during the design phase already.


    Ah I see, and if they had, they would most likely have used that for marketing, so unlikely then. :-/

  11. Yes, I just called the company. The foil protect the whole curved display!


    Thanks. That would be a nice fall back. But if possible i would much rather have a tempered glass protector as I do not really fear of scratches on gorilla glass as much as I fear breaking it.


    In my experience a simple £1-3 curved tempered glass protector takes the energy of many minor impacts. Though the quality is not that high, and they typically get a cracked line or two within about two months, so for My Priv (and the S8-) I just bought a stack, and change them whenever needed. It could typically break while playing with my dog and having the phone in the pocket bumping into something hard, e.g. him swinging a large branch.

  12. Actually, steering is Lenkung (used for vehicles).


    Oh, sorry if I was unclear: Etymologically the same, and also etymologically the same as the Danish variant "Styring", that in Danish can be used both for steering and control (Though we also have "Kontrol", but that is leaning more towards checking than handling). It is so funny how words that some time back in history have been the same can slowly change differently in different languages or dialects. Yes, I have a soft spot for etymology :)

  13. A company in Germany need only the dimensions of the screen to build a customized screen protector.


    If Fx(tec) send the the correct dimension I will ask https://atfolix.info to create a new screen protector for european customers. The company build a lot of screen protectors for me like GPD Pocket2.


    Are they making foils only, or also (one direction) curved tempered glass protectors?.(like this)

  14. To type the letter Ö, press once the [ ” ] key and then the [ O ] key.


    Welcome. Yes the 'dead-key' approach has been mentioned, though especially in the thread on the German layout. And indeed it is a solution to supporting many languages with a common keyboard.

    I hope we will have the option to remap things quite generally so we could make practically any logical layout, no matter what is printed on the keys.

    Currently the suggested German QWERTZ keyboard are closer to Danish than the standard right-shifted QWERTY, as we also got national letters right of L and P, so that would be a better print for me, so only a few keys shows something different from what they would actually give with Danish selected.

  15. P.S. The swipping on sailfish might be the first functional pro I saw in this thread. Has somebody a video or another source about that feature? Would appreciate it.


    Never tried SailFish myself, but found this "Hands On & Demo" video from here

    But can't see why this could not work on a 'bezelled' display also.

  16. Would be nice if they get one.

    Perhaps if the screen is identical to one used on a more common model, we could get one for that one. The dimensions seems rather close to the Meizu 16(x), so perhaps that is a match?


    If not my personal fall back plan is to try if a tempered glass protector for a Samsung S8+ or S9+ has the right side curvature (the width is 0.2 mm larger resp. smaller) and then use a glass-cutter to shorten it sufficiently.


    And if that fails too my fall-back plan is to get plain foil-protectors for one or the other. those should be easy to cut.

  17. I don’t really care either way. I have a Priv and do see the curved screen as a bit of an unnecessary gimmick, but it’s not going to stop me buying the only landscape rootable Android phone on the market.


    Spot on in my book!. A landscape keyboard slider is MUCH more important to me than if the edges are curved or not.

  18. I think it’s completely beside the point to use a curved screen to make it look cool for a wider audience. This phone is made specifically FOR the dinosaurs. Who else would buy a keyboard phone? The “kids these days” don’t care about a keyboard. It’s just not cool anymore.


    We might be dinosaurs, but I at the least do not want to go back to neither monochrome, non-touch nor vga... ;).

    So I hope we all agree that we want a modernised version not a replica of what we had.

    I personally don't have neither a strong urge for nor grudge against curved screens. As I wrote earlier I did dislike them until I actually got a device with it (Priv), and found my fears of the discomfort to be hugely exaggerated.

    On the pro-side it allows for a larger screen at the same size device, and allows for swipes on SailFish - and despite sounding odd I believe also easier to get and thus cheaper in 2019. On the con side it will be more exposed (and thus have a higher risk of breaking) and can give unwanted side-interactions.


    Does one outweigh the other? Personally I'm not sure, but to each their own,


    Before giving up on the curved, try to find a friend with e.g a Samsung S8+, S9+ or S10+, and borrow it to play around with for a few hours. as they are quite close to the same width.

  19. Regarding Caps using the pointing down arrow… Is that a common one on German language / keyboard?


    I think there are many variants, not limited to German

    Here is another one

    The aPple guys seem to like this variant


    The REASON for the at first odd arrow down stems back from the time of typewriters, before the up arrow was used for Shift, and Shift-Lock was a key that physically stayed down, and forced the whole set of arms to shift up, so we got the lower symbol of each hammer when hitting the roll, and thus had the upper case letters AND the symbols on the number keys active.

    See e.g. this

    (the shift lock was released pressing shift)


    ADD: And BTW this is also why the term "Shift" is used as it shifted the whole set of arms, and was held up while holding it pressing one of the shift-keys with a pinky.

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