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Posts posted by Val

  1. 2 hours ago, Hook said:

    They don't like giving updates when there is nothing to update

    "While we do offer display replacements, unfortunately, our Pro1 displays are currently out of stock and we expect them to be back in November this year." Their response, November 4th 2021, when they initially refused to repair it under 2 yr warranty. After they've admitted that it's still under warranty, no more november displays. It's MAY 2022 and the display is probably one of the most prone to failure part and, as I've mentioned it, the same as for Pro1X.

    Production has started so they have ALL the parts, right? 



  2. 12 hours ago, theory said:

    21APR2022...  I got the automated reply and nothing since...

    Not even a month... :)) Just wait... and wait... and wait

    I'm waiting for a warranty display since october/november 2021. Not even a response to my last reminder email.

    • Sad 1
  3. Still waiting for fxtec to send me the replacement screen that was promissed in october and was supposed to be sent late november.

    Now, on top of chipset crisis, covid crisis, truckers crisis, ET crisis... we have the russia-ukrainian crisis to be used as an escuse by the hard core fans.

    I still don't get it how any of this crisis apply to the matter or to the fact that fxtec didn't even bother to reply to my January 27th email when I've asked for an update. 

    • Sad 1
  4. 19 minutes ago, EskeRahn said:

    long repair-time

    Also with looooong shipping time. I opted to change the screen myself, in order to avoid the delays (2x shipping, repair time etc). Last communication from Fxtec was that they'll receive the spare screens in November and they'll send one to me. "Just" +2 months from their own "deadline"/promise and my phone is barely usable.

    Yeah, yeah, I know... chipset crisis, fuel crisis, ukrainian crisis, covid crisis, djokovic crisis, canada truckers... never fxtec fault, god forbid.

    • Haha 1
    • Sad 1
  5. On 1/22/2022 at 10:56 AM, Jacob_S said:

    You say, you didn't have DND on, but still didn't receive any notifications. Never heard anyone else here describe this problem, so are you sure, you didn't just have your notification/call sound level on 0?

    I have the very same problem. Randomly, the phone is on mute, even if all the volumes are maxed, DND is off, and I didn't touch the phone. 

    If I reset the phone (10 secs power button), it's ok, but just until it happen again. It's been some months since I'm experiencing this problem. 

    You don't know when and if it'll ring. My "test" is the charging cable. If it doesn't make the charging sound, it's on "mute"

    • Like 1
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  6. On 12/2/2021 at 3:32 PM, EskeRahn said:

    In short, no I'm not telling you that.... Reread

    I did: "might". You also used italics.


    On 12/3/2021 at 12:38 AM, Rob. S. said:

    Getting upset helps noone, least of all yourself. All we can do in such a case, after two years of complaints publicly and directly to Fxtec's support, is actively trying to help them by pinging Erik. 

    Your prime mistake here is to somewhat naïvely think Fxtec wouldn't know that their support sucks, and how it sucks, and that therefore they could simply improve things by "learning" something.

    I'm not upset, just trying to make a point and hoping that maybe they'll change the wrongs for which there are no valid excuses. 

    I own several small companies, but one of them is the main backbone. One of my main employees left, you can say without notice, although in reality it was about keeping her word as agreed. In the past + one month I was practically doing also her job while teaching new staff and doing my part. There are some costs, less personal life and related, but if there is interest from management, it's doable. We're talking about more than two years, not smth that just happened yesterday, unexpected.  

    Some things/procedures can be observed and fixed just by reading the forum. It's not a problem for you that you suggest to ping someone from the management, when the same management can read ALL the messages posted in a week in less time than needed to light and finish a smoke?!? 


    Update and no so update:

    FxTec support told me that they'll receive a shippment of displays at the end of November and that they'll contact me. Nothing so far, but December is still young.

    Meanwhile, I just received my Aliexpress Elephone U Pro display, ordered in the same time with the support ticket. 7 days from China and the rest at the mortal postal office in my country.

    I hope that an adjustable lidl heatgun will do the trick, because It didn't work just by trying to pry apart the screen and I didn't want to force it. I've read that someone used a hair dryer to dismantle the diplay from the frame. 


  7. On 11/25/2021 at 9:58 AM, EskeRahn said:

    Do you expect say one making a washing machine to stock all the parts that might be needed to repair their machines for the whole expected life time of the device?

    "Might"? 😄

    So... again... we're not talking about some strange custom part or all of the parts. The display is the same part for Pro1 and Pro1X. 

    You're telling me that after 2 years of real life data of the defect rate for the display, the demand for buying it at 149gbp, as offered, you cannot estimate and have a buffer stock? Really?


    On 11/25/2021 at 1:43 PM, Rob. S. said:

     I agree that "they should have" done that in a perfect world

    As you see, I'm not talking about a perfect world, but a real one based on facts, when you can learn from mistakes, not repeat them as if it didn't matter.

    Same "perfect world" argument/advice for the customer who passed the 200 days without his phone sent for repairs?


    On 11/25/2021 at 3:48 PM, Doktor Oswaldo said:

    In conclusion, there is a highly complex supply chain, probably spanning multiple countries, which is probably completely uncontrollable for fxtec

    Exactly! When you know from past experiences that there might be delays for sure, you'll order 20pcs (5 already sold and 15 confirmed warranties) or 40-60pcs for the UK hub?!? I'm not talking about thousands of displays, as subtly implied by one or the other.


  8. On 11/23/2021 at 3:42 PM, Rob. S. said:

    You do have noticed that there have been supply problems worldwide for quite some time with electronic components of all kinds?

    Really? When exactly?

    You seem to "forget" that ALL the parts for the X were "secured"/bought in FULL more than a year ago and the only reported problem was with the cpu. The components crisis, mainly chips, is something more recent, around 6-9 months.

    And, besides the X case mentioned above, as a producer/seller/repairing company, they should have a buffer stock for the most common replacement parts like the display, which they're also selling. We're not talking about some weird/custom part needed in some very rare cases.



  9. 21 hours ago, EskeRahn said:

    Also remember that FxTec sees a larger part than the display it self as one spare part, so it might be other components they are missing for those.

    C'mon... it's not like the phone was released just yesterday or they're using some other display for the X. It is the kind of part which it should be always in stock and provisioned. Also, they're selling it as a spare from the begining. No valid excuses fot not having it in stock.

    • Confused 1
  10. So... one little update. I've contacted FxTec regarding the display and this is the response they gave me:

    "While we do offer display replacements, unfortunately, our Pro1 displays are currently out of stock and we expect them to be back in November this year. You can either order a display from us for £149 GBP, or you can order a third-party display with quicker shipping at https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005001300088859.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.4b6b295d5hlQAY&algo_pvid=adde8213-b7ad-4115-927b-2c3dbecfba66&algo_expid=adde8213-b7ad-4115-927b-2c3dbecfba66-8&btsid=2100bddf16231558140824462e5bea&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_ 

    Please note, the Aliexpress displays will need you to swap the camera and the proximity sensors on the display to the new display, while our original displays come with a new set of cameras and sensors. The third-party displays require a little more involvement sometimes.

    You can find a video on how to replace the display at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZHf-kyJWM20qemaSB-L1DVSXGFes9Ofd/view?usp=sharing

    Please let us know which option you prefer


    I've received my phone in February 2020 and it was bought with 2 years warranty. Some of you know how and when the warranty was "reduced" to 1 year and the FAQ section was "updated", but my purchase was before this magical update moment.

    I've just asked for a screen under warranty so I can fix it myself and provided video proof of the problem. Less hassle and costs for FxTec with repairing, shipping etc.

    Right now I'm having a WTF moment... I've replied and asked about the warranty. I'm very curious about their response.

    • Like 1
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  11. Another one bites the dust. 

    Ghost touches, bottom half of the screen, most of the time unusable. I can't find a pattern, because it seems that it "starts" by it's own.

    I didn't contact yet FxTec support, but I will. Based on the response time, I preffered first to buy a screen from aliexpress. Anyway, I'll ask FxTec to send me a screen so I'll replace it myself, to avoid the back and forth delays ans costs. If it'll arrive after the one I've bought, it'll be a spare.

    Because the phone has a mind of it's own when clicking trough the apps and menus, it managed to disable my speakerphone function. The other party hear me, but I can't hear anything. All volumes are maxxed, of course. Any ideas?

    • Sad 1
  12. I have the same problem and I couldn't find a pattern. Reboot always fixes this.

    To me, it happens very often and I've missed important calls because of this. I think it may be related to alarm snoozing (pressing all the damn buttons to make it silent and give me THOSE 5 more minutes :D), but I'm not sure.

  13. 10 hours ago, Slion said:

    and it is hard to prove the device hardware is at fault in this case.

    Correct 😉 But, as you see, I'm not the only one having this problem.

    10 hours ago, Slion said:

    If you are mostly driving the same car you could use a BT GPS receiver such as this: https://buy.garmin.com/en-US/US/p/645104

    Thanks for the idea. Do you know any Aliexpress equivalent? :))))))


    3 hours ago, DieBruine said:

    Doe your car have front window heating? If so this could be actively interfering with gps.

    No, regular window. I know the problem with the heated windscreen, but it's not the case. 

    • Like 1
  14. 2 hours ago, Slion said:

    Maybe Pro1 does not get a good GPS signal in your car for some reason. Do you get a fix when you leave it outside with a clear view of the sky?

    Was AGPS enabled?

    When it works, it works. Same car, even same place ;). I've tried also clear sky with APGS enabled, in all the possible combinations, trying to indentify a pattern. When I've quit trying, after over an hour of driving, suddenly connects. In other case, not after more than 1.5 hours.

    I thought that only my phone have this problem and it's kind of overkill to send it for warranty just for this, also being unable to find a pattern. But now I see that I'm not the only one having this problem.

    • Like 1
  15. On 9/25/2020 at 8:05 AM, Slion said:

    If you keep on driving before your initial fix it is very possible you won't get a fix until you remain stationary long enough.

    Over half an hour, stand still, in my car and no fix. 

    I've never had a problem like this with other phones, not to mention even Nokia E66 :)))

    • Sad 2
  16. 11 hours ago, rkjnsn said:

    Has anybody else experienced this issue?

    Yes, I have the same problem. It has a mind of it's own. I didn't manage to find the right recipe to make it always work (reboots, enable/disable, clearing cache agps etc). I've installed some additional software to clear the agps and it manage to see the sattelites (22, 24, even 27) but it wouldn't connect to any of them. Sometimes, suddenly connects after 30 minutes, for example, out of the blue, while not running anything or running the same software.

    • Like 2
  17. 23 hours ago, Swond said:

    Is there anyone from actual batch buying the phone B2B and had/have problems? Or is there anyone, who had not?

    Not from this batch, but I've had the same problem(s). In my country, Fedex is TNT, but the stupidity it's the same. @CornholioGSM is right, but the import it's triangular. VAT paid when it's imported "on the paper" in UK, reverse charge invoice UK-you, shipping from China. In my case, FxTech used Expansys as operator. I don't know if such a simple triangular B2B problem is Expansys fault or just FEDEX/TNT. I'm betting on the later, because in some EU countries there were no problems. Seems to be country FEDEX/TNT level related, because the EU regulations are the same. They insisted that I import the phone in the EU and wouldn't release it otherwise. It took almost a month of back and forth emails. In the end, I "accepted" that I'm the importer just to get the f. phone and I didn't have to pay anything extra. In my accounting, I've registered the invoice from UK and ignored all the fedex/tnt "import" docs.

    They'll ask you different invoices, because the one from UK it's "not good" for them. From the factory or from Expansys. FxTech it will give you all the support you need with this, over the mail :)


  18. 13 hours ago, __fastcall said:

    So what point are you making? Are you just angry and searching for clues? I can understand that, but you should be digging deeper as this doesn't make sense at all.

    You don't know the past "debates" and "problems". 159 pages only in this thread, not to mention other related threads. Do you think that Craig mentioned Clove or Dragonbox out of the blue?

    Maybe you should be digging deeper and it will make a lot of sense, not only related to Clove but also related to not keeping their word about the shipping order. Yes, I'm the same person who said a few days ago that, so far, they are definitely NOT scammers and this is also a fact.

    Ref. clove, as VaZso also noticed and said, their choice of words it's at least unfair to FxTec, given the fact that they choose to go that path for, I guess, greater exposure, instead of shipping as stated conditions/promises. 

    PS: I received my phone in late february. It's about history, repeating history and principles.

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