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  1. SOLD! He guys, think about selling my Pro1 QWERTZ phone. It's technical 100% fine, optical some minor scratches at the edges. Display is also fine (thanks to a screen protector). Phone is located in Radebeul, Saxony, Germany. PickUp welcome, shipping (worldwide) also no problem. Send me a pm with a offer, if you are interested. I will take some pictures of the phone (and the accessoires and original packaging) in the next days. (Need a 2. phone to take the pictures. 😉 ) See pictures: (if you have any question -> pm (so I get a mail and can reply) SOLD!
  2. Do you ever listen to voice-messages send via WhatsApp? THIS sounds so horrible at the Pro1. Hopefully there will be a fix soon...
  3. Did you guys find a solution for the question mark? I still can not write a "?" with the hardware-keyboard at QWERTZ.... GBoard is up-to-date. (No Update found)
  4. Edit: Forget about it, my text was about refund general...
  5. And that's why I bought my Phone now from a retailer. Some Moto Mods are made and shipped. But the rest of us had no luck.... For me the Story repeats and I did not want to be fooled twice...
  6. And you still believe to get your phone sometimes between now and next year february? Or March? Or April? Or June? ... I did not believe this anymore...
  7. I also got my tracking number. 😏 But not from Fxtec... instead from DragonBox-Shop. Tracking estimates delivery for friday.☺️
  8. Okay? o.O That sound a little bit different from "You can request your refund anytime and everything will be ok ..." Let's wait (again) and see...
  9. Yes, same here. Tracking-number should come within 12hrs...
  10. #metoo 🤪 Let's see how long it takes to refund the money...
  11. Ok, the phrasing was unfortunate. You have to order before 14.11. and you will get your phone before christmas. But either way it make no sense for me to wait longer with Fxtec when I can buy the phone from somebody else who has the phone in stock now.
  12. So, I canceled my order now... #57XX, paid directly at 31 of July. Get no message about the order at all. Make no sense to wait for it, when I can buy it directly from an Online-Shop (dragonbox.de) where it is available NOW. Edit: Just to get an info about fxtec's deals... https://www.dragonbox.de/en/module/ybc_blog/blog?id_post=7 or in german (https://www.dragonbox.de/index.php?fc=module&module=ybc_blog&controller=blog&id_lang=4&id_post=7) : The deal was: If they ordered at least 20 phones before 14.11. , Fxtec guarantee a shippi
  13. I get a payment-notification, but I can't complete my payment, because both of my VISA-cards was declined by the payment-process... Anyone else get tha issue? The cards are valid, not expired, limit is above 1k€, end so on. I even used one card today at the local food store...
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