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Everything posted by elvissteinjr

  1. Most of these Discord privacy concerns are a little bit over the top. They are obviously required to deliver the current feature set of the application. There are still some things that got me stumped though. Like recently with the addition of streaming, it always scans and displays the current game in the application, even with overlay and game status disabled. There's no way to disable the streaming detection. What's also important to me is that they have this Nitro subscription. Now, I don't use it since I hate subscriptions, but at least they got some stream of money coming, so they shou
  2. Interesting question, though you answered it yourself with the text your quoted. This was just a playful thread of thoughts. I am supporting them. I gave me them money, some of it years ago (Keyboard Mod). I'm also telling people how cool this phone will be. I'm actually pretty calm, but can't sit there and applaud the current flow of information either. As I said before, however, the effort of posting something along the lines "Sorry, there will be a delay. We've sent out an email to everyone with the details.", just to have any presence in this forum, is largely overblown. I'm not ask
  3. I'm the opposite to be honest. Hardware is done? Okay, ship that stuff to me, I can flash the OS myself if that's required instead of a end-user-friendly OTA update. Could even ask me if I wanted that in theory, since I'm supposed to get it as one of the first anyways... but well yeah, this is the part where I understand doing that would likely be a logistical nightmare. Something I'm wondering though and I'll likely not get an answer is if these phones are still sitting in China. They probably are if this software has to be flashed yet as they wouldn't unpack them and do that from where t
  4. All of this gets me thinking though: Since the devices are manufactured in China and then shipped from some distribution center (or whatever) in the US or EU to the actual customer, wouldn't they have to have shipped from China already to be anywhere close the mid-September estimate? To me it doesn't really make sense to have still talked about mid-September at IFA last week without being sure about it, when at that point, or very close to it, devices would have had to have started shipping from China already. It's truly mysterious. The silence isn't helping at all, to be honest. I'm not
  5. This still matches what was told to the press at IFA. Pre-orders September, normal new orders October. Note how the wording has changed from "Be one of the first to order your Pro1 today. Shipping globally is estimated to be mid-September 2019." to just "Order your Pro1 today. Shipping globally is estimated to be early October 2019.". No pre-orders anymore. Well, there's also a chance it changed for pre-orders of course, but I kinda hope not.
  6. Mhm, about using a different launcher: I'm usually all about customization and stuff, but I have to admit that the default Android launcher just... does the thing for me. There are probably marvelous things I'm missing out of, but I don't feel like I need much else to just launch a bunch of apps. That's why I'd like this to be a feature in the enhanced stock launcher. Okay, let's assume using a different launcher. What are the options? Searching for something supporting different wallpaper per orientation wasn't as fruitful as I hoped. Preferably just as reliable and stable as stock and m
  7. This is just a random idea that got to me earlier, but I think it would do well for the landscape-optimized launcher on the Pro1. The default Android launcher does something odd instead... I think some centering and even unasked zooming on my wallpaper image that was tailored for the screen's resolution in portrait mode. Far from ideal. I'd rather have the option to select two separate images for each orientation. As cool as landscape will be, I don't see myself abandoning portrait completely either. Ideally the same would go for the lock screen wallpaper. Not the killer feature, but I t
  8. I don't think PayPal will return too soon. There's just a fundamental problem with this and their policies, see https://www.paypal.com/us/smarthelp/article/does-paypal-permit-transactions-for-pre-sale-items-faq1488 (I'd quote this but I'm afraid of the forum software doing unpredictable stuff again... can't wait for having a preview thing) So unless Fxtec knows they can ship within 20 days, they are technically not allowed to take pre-orders via PayPal. Now don't tell me others still do that just fine, I know. This is just what could be behind this. And if not, I'd advise caution, as PayPal
  9. We got some photo of the keymat: Looks good to me. My personal preferences somehow managed to get chosen. I'll be happy with this. I'll pretend I helped. I'm sure there might be something nitpick on this somewhere, but I guess this is the cutoff now. A lengthy keyboard discussion as expected, but not as long as I've seen it in other device's communities.It was well worth it, though.
  10. In my particular case it's about a game (Love Live, anime stuff), so it'd be hard to just replace it if something else. I'd like to keep playing it, though. The game in question blocks rooted devices, but it appears that hiding root from it works without any further consequences. My bank probably wouldn't like it either, but I haven't checked since I don't actually use their app. I don't have Netflix or stuff like that. In general I hope I won't run into too many issues with this. Like custom roms are great and all, but while there's still good support I'd love to stay on stock and still
  11. I'm gonna assume unlocking the bootloader/root will not mess up our warranty for this device, right? Also as a question directed at everyone lurking here: It's been a while since I've rooted an Android device, but I certainly plan to do so right away on the Pro1. The OS landscape has changed a bit in regards of security and restrictions and there are some apps I want to keep using though I know they go out of their way to check if the device is rooted and block access if it is. There seem to be a few different methods to hide root (not just disable temporarily if possible) from certain a
  12. It's really simple: The flagship SoC is amazing and capable of everything until the next one comes out. Then it's suddenly really bad and borderline unusable. It's science!
  13. I can accept the resulting layout from that and will still get a device with it, but as a German user I have to say that the argument for not making the other changes is not really valid.
  14. Let's see if this goes anywhere. I'm German and will very likely be an user of this layout so maybe my opinion matters a little bit. Okay, for the capitalization of words: 2, 3, 4, 1 For the degree symbol: 12, 13, 14, 11 This is also assuming the latest changes by raphaelcno will be applied. Those look pretty sane to me.
  15. To add to my previous post, in the last tweet Liangchen put out, you see the current QWERTY layout again. It has standard capitalization instead of all lower case as on the "final" QWERTZ layout. I said before that it's a design decision but the more I look at it I wonder why it has to be different. The German-centric layout is the one where I'd expect the opposite perhaps (since we capitalize all nouns and stuff). I think suddenly calling the layout done and seemingly not looking at this further was a mistake. We have to end somewhere as I said before, but there really seem to be some issu
  16. EU customers will be fine in terms of customs. Not confirmed, but a reasonable guess would that it's shipping from the UK in that case, since that's where F(x)tec is located as a company.
  17. This looks fine for the most part, but is it just me or is ' (apostrophe) missing? Can't tell if the top right symbols are both accents (as expected) or one is the apostrophe. Not having apostrophe would make writing English and well, many other things too, a bit awkward. I'd still vote for having the degree symbol ° on there somewhere, but we've agreed it's not that critical I suppose. Are the symbol name keys now all lowercase on QWERTY as well? I'd personally say standard capitalization of the first letter on them would fit better with German, but that's purely a design decision. Hop
  18. So there's been some ideas floating around since the last official version posted here, some which I disagree with, some which are okay. Might sound selfish, but I'd personally prefer a German centered QWERTZ layout with little to no symbols from other layouts mixed in. Software layout can be whatever. This is about the labels. So what's the state of the official layout right now? What's the deadline on it? We need to be done with this at some point I suppose and perhaps also get some additional pointers in regards what's actually up to discussion right now and decided on that.
  19. There's nothing stopping you from using the keyboard with AMD Link. As long as they support keyboard input it will work. Android supports hardware keyboards natively, so it's not like it's a hacked implementation from F(x)tec. Even if that doesn't work, there are alternatives for streaming from your PC such as Steam Link or Parsec, with the latter having the lowest latency in my experience.
  20. Oh, oops. In this case "that guy" is Liangchen I suppose... okay I messed up there. It's also odd how I didn't notice that on the other layout images posted here. I kinda just assumed all symbols were in the expected spot since most were and we've been talking about sticking close to PC QWERTZ the whole time. That version is better then indeed, yeah.
  21. USB host functionality is pretty much standard on today's phones. At least the last few I had could take devices with no issues, provided you got them plugged in though an adapter. Android supports many things out of the box. Mass storage, audio, input as keyboard, mouse, gamepads, etc. Perhaps it's not even as common as I think, but the phones I had recently were Snapdragon devices as well, so it's very likely ot work on the Pro1. You probably won't get real USB-OTG... though I think that's kinda of deprecated and next to impossible to get cables for nowadays.
  22. Something that come to my mind today as I had to some deep troubleshooting on a Windows tablet (real fun) and needed to pull out a keyboard for that. It would be neat to be able to just use the one you're already carrying in your pocket for stuff like this. Now this is a software matter, of course. However, the solutions I managed to find require root (not an issue) and a patched kernel (could be one). I'm not familiar how troublesome or feasible patching the kernel as an enduser would be, so I think it would be nice to at least have the required functionality enabled in there, even if the
  23. This guy's change makes no sense to me. He moved # to FN+3 and removed § for no reason. This deviates from QWERTZ and I don't see why you would do that, especially removing a symbol. I brought it up anyways, but yeah, I'd say this is fairly common. I went browsing keyboards to confirm my experience and the majority has something like that, some a diffferent kind of arrow and a few say "Caps" or even "Capslk". This varies between brands and even within the same brand sometimes. So as I said it's not a dealbreaker but perhaps worth considering. The German norm DIN 2137 describing German
  24. I like this. I'll pretend I helped. One little thing that comes to mind seeing German labels on this: The Caps Lock key looks a little bit out of place. Going with the German Feststelltaste obviously isn't an option since it's very long and would be odd anyways. What you typically see is a downwards arrow as a label instead, like this: ⇩ However, there isn't anything set in stone for this, so sometimes you have ⇪ instead. It looks like there are also some keyboard that have a German layout but keep English labels for some reason. I'd gravitate towards ⇩ as a label, since that's what
  25. I got it this time, thanks. Still ended up in the spam folder on Gmail, but it was there. Perhaps it looked a bit suspicious to the filter with the high amount of links and cryptic characters :)
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