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Everything posted by elvissteinjr

  1. While I do share your opinion, I think you kind of misunderstood as normally EDL can be entered as said: The copper wire is the worst-case rescue scenario if you managed to break your boot loader entirely. At least that's how I understand it. What remains to me is the question how to break that boot loader if EDL is sitting in a true read-only ROM? Or is entering EDL mode via buttons only part of the flashed boot loader?
  2. If we don't have enough frames, why not just make some up? Not a serious alternative, but I find that version still very satisfying to watch, despite the artifacts.
  3. I'm not even trying to defend them, but rather check on my own what I can regarding this. Let's see, though... "com.adups.fota, com.adups.fota.sysoper, com.data.acquisition, com.fw.upgrade, and com.fw.upgrade.sysoper (bolded apps execute as the system user)" I can only work with the fastboot images as I don't have a device to check for real, but those images only contain com.adups.fota and none of the other apps. There's no trace of AnalyticsReceiver either except surrounding text that appears to be related the Google Analytics API. dc_app_flow doesn't appear anywhere either, nor does co
  4. If you don't want to believe anyone, you can find traces of it in the fastboot image posted in the forum as well. There's also this claim on their website: "Recently, We have launched the updated version Adups FOTA V 5.5, which has been certified by Google Security Team. We hereby request the relevant partners and users to update to Adups FOTA V 5.5 in time.Thanks!" (how the heck do I quote random text? The quote button does nothing) Google Security Team... do you trust them?
  5. Wild guess: Software patents? They're not a thing in the EU, but very much so in the US and other countries.
  6. Which is something that still kind of bugs me. As an IGG backer I was promised to get my device before anyone else. However, it seems like this will only hold up for the few in the first batch... of which we don't have a known size, but I don't think I could count up more than 10 users who mentioned getting theirs online. Silent ones are likely more, but it is a small number. I don't wish anyone to get their device deliberately delayed further, but splitting the shipments smaller would've been a nice gesture if this is really the case.
  7. Spare the eggs. Have Eske record a high velocity clack of opening the slider instead, since he has multiple units to do so anyways
  8. Best way to make customers happy is to reduce the price for others before their pre-orders are even all shipped out. I don't see how this would even be remotely likely to happen, as much as I'd like this phone to be cheaper.
  9. Erik's unboxing video has fxtec000003. Hm...
  10. Taketyon's first impressions on his blog: https://taketyon-2.hatenadiary.org/entry/2019/11/21/150048 It's Japanese, but Google translate can make mostly sense of it. Essentially the twitter posts linked before but combined with some details.
  11. While that's cool and all, did those ever go anywhere? This thread is about the Game Gripper, a proven concept, people wish to be able to easily buy at some point. Your stuff also looks like it's using parts from console/controllers and is a permanent modification of the keyboard. I assume most people are looking for something to just put on sometimes instead.
  12. Considering the community worked together on the Pro1 QWERTZ layout back in March and QWERTZ being planned even for the Moto Mod, I'd disagree on that. It was late to be actually added to the order process, though. That aside however, it's not like all EU orders are QWERTZ. There have been QWERTY phones shipped as well, just outside the US. This has nothing to do with the layouts.
  13. So the article mcdinner linked a page back says that the patched boot image method "allows you to easily take OTA updates on your rooted Android device" while other sources said you should uninstall Magisk before OTA updates or else you'd softbrick your device. Which is it now? I welcome any volunteers for testing this. 🙃
  14. After 13 months we're very likely at a stage where the phones are sold from stock and also have other retailers available. For example, the DragonBox Shop, based in Germany, is already taking additional pre-orders. That would be one option for EU customers to avoid importing if Brexit happens. Nothing to really worry about at this stage indeed.
  15. When it comes to remote access to Windows, my favorite is Parsec. It is aimed at gaming, but that doesn't mean it can't be used for other purposes. I admit, I have not touched RDP based stuff in a good while, but unless they stepped up a ton, Parsec offers a way smoother and lower latency experience. In the local network it's very close to sitting in front of the screen itself. In my experience it's also a tad bit better in latency compared to similar technology, such as Steam Link. It does support hardware keyboard/mouse/gamepad input from the Android client, so it would be a good fit for
  16. I think this is the first time I've heard some noise from the Pro1 speakers. Are those in any way decent? I'm kind of used to any kind of smartphone in various price ranges to just have terrible audio quality once you go past a certain volume level, but there might be physical constraints with them being super flat, power, or whatever. I likely missed out on exceptions, but people in this house have Samsung, LG and OnePlus stuff... and they don't really shine there. How is it looking on the Pro1 end? The best phone speakers I've heard personally were the speaker moto mods... but those were
  17. Pictures in original resolution: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EJc81rQVUAAZY9j?format=jpg&name=orig https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EJc81rSUUAE6W4f?format=jpg&name=orig https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EJc9QLAU4AAYF92?format=jpg&name=orig https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EJc9QLCUcAAA_FJ?format=jpg&name=orig https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EJc-_JTU4AA1LZ4?format=jpg&name=orig https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EJdCDdrU4AAdAvR?format=jpg&name=orig https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EJdCDdoUcAIaJAY?format=jpg&name=orig https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EJnoKi0UUAE74Z3?format=jpg&name=orig https://pbs.twi
  18. Why have large dog when you can have many tiny ones instead?
  19. And if you have a sleeve with a super loose fit, you'll end up with the phone in the pocket and the sleeve in your hand instead. Guess that option doesn't break the phone though. The sleeves I've had for my phones in the past and right now either had a super tight fit (with pull-out feature) or a locking mechanism preventing the phone from falling out. I hope the pre-order sleeve at least has either. But even if not, my current sleeve was meant to hold the Moto Z with keyboard mod attached, so it'd fit as well.
  20. We're currently at 2587 users, with 432 having at least posted once. What is the metric for active? More than 10 posts? We're at 76 users then. There are a few, but the majority of customers stays silent, even if you assume the lowest order counts presented.
  21. I bet if you told people it had a Snapdragon 855 and just handed them the device, most would just believe it until they run some benchmarks. And even then, these benchmarks tend to be very synthetic. +30% per generation? Who are they trying to fool? We're not in the 90s anymore. Not to say there aren't any benefits, but they're not as large as they're made out to be. And better tech existing doesn't make the old one slower, that's just in your head.
  22. The biggest mystery in all of this for me is the Hong Kong fulfillment center. If I got that right, all units went there first and then got split up by region or sent directly to a customer. Not a single non-US/EU customer has told us about them getting any tracking number. And I feel like Fx would not hesitate to tell us that a device has finally successfully arrived somewhere.
  23. I mean, I got this Moto Z to use the keyboard mod with it... and that fell flat. Don't blame me. I should've waited, but at the same time I had an Xperia Pro which kinda had no space left to install any new apps. Got a bit painful after a while, especially when moving apps to SD means to only move a tiny part of them. Keyboard sliders met their end here earlier than in the US too. I don't think there was anything with multiple cores or LTE here unless you imported it. And well, at the point when I had an incentive to ditch the Xperia, the importable devices were also kinda old as well.
  24. These tweets are getting really bold recently. (sorry, Eske)
  25. I mean, even that dreaded sleeve could've prevented that damage, perhaps, thinking about it. It might not be as useless as some people make it out to be.
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