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Everything posted by enPfzr4v

  1. For what it's worth, my focus in LineageOS is too "far". I need to focus at around 35 meters for "infinity" and if I focus further than that, everything gets blurry.
  2. Anyone know how to stop the symbols from popping up when you hold down a letter on the physical keyboard? Very annoying.
  3. I'm getting issues with basic file transfer over USB as well
  4. If you re-read my original message, I was referring to SARS and MERS which have a mortality rate of over 10%. We don't know what the mortality rate of the Wuhan coronavirus is yet.
  5. No. In the USA 20 million people were infected with influenza this recent season, and there were about 10,000 deaths. That's a mortality rate of roughly 0.05%.
  6. Isn't this a community project? Isn't this being worked on by unpaid volunteers?
  7. Coronavirusea like SARS and MERS are 100+ times more deadly than influenza, and the novel one could very well be the same once all the infections run their course. The only reason influenza has a higher absolute death toll is because it infects far more people. China is enacting a quarantine larger than any other in human history to try and stop it. Billions of dollars are being spent to prevent further spread. These diseases are not the same, and can't be compared.
  8. It seems like it only kills old people and people with poor health quickly. Those that are young and in good health just take a lot longer to die. The Chinese doctor who leaked news of the new virus to fellow medical professionals died today at only 34 years old, after being symptomatic for over 3 weeks. Again, sorry if this is offtopic so I will come back to the original point: Despite the massive quarantine efforts going on and huge amount of money being spent to contain this virus, it seems pretty bad and only getting worse. I wouldn't count on the factory re-opening within the next mo
  9. The virus outbreak is hitting China very hard. Everything is shut down for at least another week in the hope of stopping it from spreading. Somewhere between 10,000 and 100,000 are infected and it doesn't look like it's slowing down much. It's looking pretty grim... I wouldn't make any plans revolving around getting a new Pro1 within the next month or two.
  10. I never heard of them called that way!
  11. Try installing Firefox Preview. Does it have the same issue? Does it run faster?
  12. I would certainly love to believe in that, but I will remain skeptical until I have a tracking number for my order.
  13. It would be nice, but let's be honest with ourselves... Fxtec is doing the best they can but they have never met any deadline.
  14. At least remove the hairs and give the screen a wipe on your shirt or something before taking a picture, please!
  15. Is it some sort of tradition to post cases covered in gross bits of dirt, mysterious white flecks, and hair? 🤢
  16. Screenshot Assistant is an awesome little replacement for your google assistant shortcut if you're not using the google assistant: https://f-droid.org/en/packages/de.beatbrot.screenshotassistant/ It lets you quickly take a screenshot, crop it, draw a little, and share it directly to an app without having to save a file and open it in something else. It's free and open source.
  17. It's been a while since the latest post. Has anyone got a higher serial number than 158?
  18. This is my status update.

  19. And such an app will disconnect the charger for you? Or will you have to wake up in the middle of the night to unplug it?
  20. Please no. I really dislike signiatures. They are almost always spam. I like your idea of knowing if a poster has a pro1, but that could be accomplished with some kind of checkmark field.
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