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Sean McCreary

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Everything posted by Sean McCreary

  1. Are you using the FinQwerty app or another user-customized key map? So far I have had no luck duplicating these problems on a vanilla LineageOS installation (with or without gapps).
  2. tdm added a feature to his keyboard driver that allows the user to specify a custom keyboard map. Unfortunately there is no documentation (other than the source code), but you should be able to remap any non-modifier key (e.g. not shift or ctrl) to generate any keycode you want. By default, the QWERTY and QWERTZ maps are set to match each key to the glyph printed on top, but of course the FinQWERTY maps make different choices than F(x)tec did when they designed the two keyboard layouts. The relevant source code is here: https://github.com/LineageOS/android_device_fxtec_pro1/tree/line
  3. Several older branches are patched each month from the Android Security Bulletins on an unofficial basis, but the LineageOS project only makes official builds for one branch at a time for each device. You can use the updated branches to build a (mostly) patched version of 16.0 or 17.1 for the Pro1 by following the instructions for building your own images: https://wiki.lineageos.org/devices/pro1/build These monthly updates do not include any new kernel patches, however, or any fixes for the pre-compiled libraries (a.k.a. the 'vendor security patch level'). For a sample ASB update (Ap
  4. Please do not use the Sailfish OS TWRP build for any purpose other than for installing Sailfish OS. It has a bug that will force you to factory reset if you ever boot it on a Pro1 with an encrypted filesystem.
  5. FYI, there is an easy Treble-compatible tweak to wake the Pro1 with any keypress. When combined with the modified lights HAL, this will turn on the keyboard backlight on when the device wakes.
  6. For anyone interested in trying an Android 10 GSI, I highly recommend using my patched boot.img and vendor.img from this thread. The latest versions of both are regularly updated at https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ey6g1N1ORYZ34oRXLYsF4zCCL6_KGRCi These patched images include several important fixes for improved Treble compatibility, including a refined key character map, better keyboard slide behavior, and a working keyboard backlight. The latest boot.img also includes the new keyboard driver from @netman and a fix for the swapped stereo channels on the built-in speakers. Please r
  7. Remember this thread is about Treble-compatible changes, which means no changes to the system image are allowed. We can make changes to the HALs below the core OS, or add apps that run above the OS layer, but mostly my fixes simply improve integration with the core frameworks provided by Google. These limitations make it difficult to add entirely new features. Google expects the slider to send SW_LID events rather than keystroke events, so the slider fix means you can't turn the keyboard backlight on and off with F5 and F6. There are other ways we might add backlight control using key com
  8. Even though the kernel accepts an 8-bit value, sending it a '1' seems to result in the same brightness as sending it '255'. I don't think the keyboard backlight hardware supports variable brightness.
  9. I haven't debugged the problem with the slider fix and the stock system image, but it could be the same as the problem with the October 'release' builds of the Android 10 GSI. IIUC it *ought* to work, but perhaps the RRO for framework-base.apk has to be signed with a different key on a user build. In both cases the kernel generates the events correctly, but they aren't processed by Android's higher layers. All of the builds that work with the slider fix are userdebug rather than user, and consequently they have slightly reduced security requirements. I have let F(x)tec devs know about the
  10. I have added a new lights HAL to the patched vendor.img that forces the keyboard backlight to follow the display backlight state. Whenever the screen is on, the keyboard backlight is on as well. This isn't ideal, but it works well enough that I felt it was worth an update. I also updated the kcm to include VaZso's patch, so shift/fn + arrow keys will send PGUP/PGDOWN/HOME/END, and fn + backspace sends BACK while fn + Del sends FORWARD. The download directory now includes a brief changelog file, with notes about what was changed on each date. The changes are cumulative, so the latest date
  11. Hopefully F(x)tec will like some of our changes enough to add them to a future update. In the meantime I have updated the kcm file in my patched vendor.img at https://drive.google.com/drive/mobile/folders/1ey6g1N1ORYZ34oRXLYsF4zCCL6_KGRCi
  12. I pushed a patch to GitHub with a variation on this mapping: - shift/fn+left arrow: HOME - shift/fn+right arrow: END - shift/fn+up arrow: PAGE UP - shift/fn+down arrow: PAGE DOWN - fn+backspace: BACK - fn+del: FORWARD - shift+del: INSERT F(x)tec really wanted a key that sends a hard BACK keycode, and I think this is a better way than stealing ESC. I also like having FORWARD and BACK next to each other, so you can hold the left 'yellow arrow' Fn key and easily move back and forward with the other thumb.
  13. BTW, the slider sends Fn-F6 and Fn-F5 when it moves, which is why the keyboard backlight turns on and off. Sending these from the keyboard will also cause some side effects, depending on whether you have the rotation lock enabled or disabled. I think we need a way to manage the backlight from the keyboard, but this method may stop working in the future. Until then, it seems useful 🙂 In LineageOS I have changed the kernel to send SW_LID events when the slider moves, which triggers Android's native landscape keyboard support. F(x)tec decided not to use the native framework for this, but sin
  14. As a former computer security professional, I want to emphasize that everything tdm has said is correct. But any serious discussion about security needs to be very concrete about the threat model, or it becomes very difficult to determine what the effects of any change might be. Google has produced a detailed white paper describing the security model of Android, and it lists 15 different threats in section 2.3. Only the first two critically depend upon secure boot, i.e. the cases where, "Adversaries can get physical access to Android devices," and the primary attack vector involves modifying t
  15. Thanks for the link 😊 I installed FinQwerty v1.5.2 on the Jan 10th Android 10 GSI build and it seems to work.
  16. In a pinch you can always try to enable the keyboard backlight manually with the command: This is inconvenient and doesn't work on stock, but it is better than nothing.
  17. The trouble with the Fn key is a Treble bug, and the patched vendor.img has that fix. I haven't tried installing the FinQwerty app while running an Android 10 GSI, but it ought to work. Note that the GSI builds posted at ci.android.com do not include GMS.
  18. [Note: This post is on an esoteric topic, and is only suitable for people who enjoy tinkering with their phones. Please don't try any of this if you aren't willing to erase everything on your Pro1] Project Treble made it possible in theory to run new versions of Android without requiring any OEM updates. If you've tried this in the past then you know the usability results can be 'mixed' 😉 The good news is that the Pro1 ships with fairly good Treble support, and you can find some information about how well it works while running an Android 10 generic system image (GSI) at https://github.co
  19. FYI, I have imported the Pro1 FinQwerty v1.5.1 key character maps (kcm files) into my LineageOS builds. If there are other kcm files that people have worked out for the Pro1, I'd be happy to add them as well. The current FinQwerty maps add support for Czech, Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, and Swedish, as well as the alternate German mapping. For reference, you can find the patches required to add additional kcm files to a device build here: https://github.com/mccreary/android_device_fxtec_pro1/commits/lineage-16.0/AsantiKeypad The last of the three is not necessary for the stock Pr
  20. The version of TWRP linked from the first post in the Sailfish OS thread works well enough to install Sailfish OS, but YMMV if you want to use it for any other purpose. It cannot decrypt the userdata partition (so you can't use it to make a backup), and you're better off using fastboot to restore the other partitions rather than a nandroid backup made with TWRP. Also, the current bootloader does not support 'fastboot boot boot.img'. ☚ī¸
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