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Since there is a lot of fuzz about the things that gone wrong (especially in other forums), I wanted to point out what this project has achieved so far and how remarkable that this is.


This guys refused to let people down after the MotoMod Project got hit

They started a own phone manufacturing company without using Crowdfunding

They designed and tested a hinge so good, that nobody worries about it at all

Every feedback from prototype devices where positive, including articles from tech magazines

Answered a lot of questions to the phone at the beginning of the project

Designed three keyboard layouts, two with the community

Collected thousands of preorders

Won prices for their first phone!

Started Production


So all there is missing is the actual delivery of the phone. And the only thing that went wrong is a delay of 3 months.

Does not sound that much in comparison, does it? Sure communication wasn't the best, but there is a lot of indicators that the phone is gonna be delivered and that it is going to be good.


So I for myself see no reason to panic or cancel the preorder but the be positive and hyped about the next few weeks!


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You are right.


I am counting the project since it was started by the end of MotoMod Project.

At start, I was sceptical on MotoMod's forum as design a whole phone from scratch is a very complicated process - I wrote some comments about it there.

When they first mentioned the phone (temporary named as Q-device), it was sounded too simple.


Since then, they could solve several problems and they could assemble working products in small volume. Also, they are currently working on mass production and final delivery chain, maybe close to the end of starting the whole "production system" together.


This is a huge project for a startup even if we look only parts of the whole - so design the schematics, PCB, electrical connections (including EMI / EMC considerations and multi-layer PCB), do testings, modify, do testings, design the antenna system, design the mechanics including slider and the whole device case, placing antennas to appropriate places, tune them, do testings, fine-tune, do testings, organize manufacturing process, organize delivery chain, etc.

Oh, have I missed to mention to do testings and maybe do testings again of separate parts?

These are not only expensive things, but they also need lot of special knowledge - not only electrical but mechanical and also organisation skills.


So being here waiting for final delivery is the end of a very long road.


Anyway, when they first announced a potential delivery month, I was speaking with one of my friends about this phone (he has also pre-ordered it) and we both were in hope the that is real, but also expected at least a few months of delay.

Not because the lack of trust, but because of potential issues.


I don't know why some people seems think this is a simple project.

It is absolutely not any close to simple at all.

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Very nice reading. I am happy someone pointed out. Well, we have both optimistic either pesimistic people at this forum. But there is also another sorting - simplified users, who are for example "just" acountants (who are of corse very necessary, i don´t wanna disparage any of them!), but they can not really imagine how development works, and then there are users, whom work is somehow connected with higher management or production chain etc. Only these people from the second group can apprise effort of the FxTec and only those people can fully understand how difficult the way from nothing to PRO1 was. And still is. Until something really unexpectable makes you an obstacle, you could´t even know about that obstacle before. So I aggree with a statement above. It is unbelievable difficult way to make such a project done and since there is no other choice to buy, I am happy to wait few more time. And since I am used to sundry obstacles in my business, I NEVER EVER lost my trust into the company, so as was said - canceling of our orders is in my eyes useless. Sure, I am bit afraid, because of lack communication, but when I realize I do the same when under high pressure, I become calm again. So stay optimistic and look forward to what FxTEC prepared for us! :)

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Nothing much to add here, but thank you so much @doktor.oswaldo for putting things in perspective and giving us positives to focus on so that we remember to be excited rather than anxious. And to reminding the F(X) team we are 100% behind them at a time when they are under tremendous pressure. We are so going to love this phone.

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Well unhappy people shout the loudest I believe, but I am glad someone brings sunshine to these forums as what f(x)tec has accomplished so far is no less than very impressive :). Wouldn't have been able to word this better myself, I'm just here excited that THIS THING IS REAL and IT WILL COME SOON TO MY MAILBOX!! It can not be understated how happy I am about that.

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Well so far unhappy people are proven to be correct.

now another month of delay.

I will come here on 1st november and will ask the happy people if they are still happy for the next delay until 29th of november. im sure some will still be.

i wish to support FX team but looking at the history of these past 3 months i am sorry to say that i am pretty sure this pro1 will not be shipped this year.

Time will tell all these happy people.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The phone is finally coming together. But there is a lot of critics again.
That's why I thought a quick reminder to have a look at the overall picture may be a help.

This whole project is a great achievement and the price feels not that high any more, since we know a worker has 4-5 hours to assemble the phone.

Still I understand everyone complaining. Again there is a delay and they tried to sell it as "on track" to us.
Communication is still suboptimal at best.

But if you have a look at the video you should see what we all tend to forget. These guys are engineers not sales people. They are loving their product and put a lot of work, heart and especially risk into it!

What they got as answer is mostly positive but a few individuals targeted them personally through the whole project.
A lot of us, me included often targeted and criticized their moves as a company. This can be a lot of pressure for people not used to it.
Especially when you have already invested so much into the project and may be working way too much for way too long.

Sure most of us only want to give constructive criticism, me included. But sometimes it is hard to stay as friendly as we should, because we have a lot of passion for the product too. Sometimes a lot of people giving constructive criticism is unconstructive out of sheer numbers. Sometimes we would help them more by not pointing out the errors.

In the big picture we have a phone with a lot of great features, which is definitely coming (Come on watch the video, if this is a scam I will gladly pay for it).
And we have some delays and a bad communication. That is the only thing not up to the standards we expect. If there are no other problems coming I would be really happy. This phone would than have done better than expected.

Don't get me wrong, this does not mean that they shouldn't improve. They should!
And I understand if it is a bigger problem for you than for me, but what I want to say after all is.
If this is huge problem for you go ahead and cancel your preorder, I would understand. But maybe it is time to decide if we can life with the bad points and start communicate with our wallets and stop bombarding them with our criticism for a moment and wait for the phone. We will be all a lot calmer if we don't have to use a touchscreen to write in here anymore 😄 (jk I would never type a text as long as this on a slab).

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1 hour ago, Doktor Oswaldo said:

We will be all a lot calmer if we don't have to use a touchscreen to write in here anymore 😄 (jk I would never type a text as long as this on a slab).

It's gonna be absolutely excellent being able to write so much text on a phone though, I also would not do that on a touchscreen :).

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  • 1 month later...
On 10/30/2019 at 7:13 AM, netman said:

It's gonna be absolutely excellent being able to write so much text on a phone though, I also would not do that on a touchscreen :).

Well, the dates have changed, but the principle has not, and now some of us have our devices! Soon we all shall have them! Also, no touchscreen typing here LOL; I daily drive a Droid4, and use a PRIV occasionally in the evening. Physical keyboards for the win! 🙂

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