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DIY battery replacement options?

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8 hours ago, EskeRahn said:

I wonder if that counts as "installed in", or this was actually smuggled in...

I was thinking the same thing.  It might be to make it look like they are installed in something, since that is a key requirement for shipping lithium ion/polymer batteries with some shippers.

8 hours ago, EskeRahn said:

I guess that if similar was done with mine, they might have been confiscated in customs here as an attempt to smuggle them in. If so a bit odd I have not been contacted by the police. Could also be that some just stole the doll hoping it to contain some drugs.... I mean at an x-ray it might look like some bars of drugs?

They did have the lithium ion batteries sticker on the outside of the box.  I don't know how difficult it is to determine they are batteries on an x-ray. 

I would guess they would open it up if they thought it was something illegal.  They would hopefully see it was not and then forward it on to you? 

The stealing concept might hinge on the percentage of Danish customs officials who are drug users or sellers?  Time for another cartoon??  🤣

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Soo yesterday i have madded my battery refurbishment . It was simple process - remove kapton tape, cut old battery cell  contacts from pcb, littlebit shorten contacts on new cell, solder new cell

Soo yess...my phone have stuck on 10% (battery saver) for more than one hour with youtube playing. Final time on battery was approx 34 hours and 6 hours on display. After second charging my

Drum roll, please.....🥁 Meet Peaseley (one of my daughters named him). Last photo is my original Pro1 next to the stack of new batteries.  Looks like a match.🔋

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How's Mr Peaseley doing?  
He's done a grand job, but it must have been quite an ordeal for the little fella.  
I hope he is all sewn up and on the mend.  
Get well soon Mr Peaseley.  

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15 hours ago, MonCon said:


How's Mr Peaseley doing?  
He's done a grand job, but it must have been quite an ordeal for the little fella.  
I hope he is all sewn up and on the mend.  
Get well soon Mr Peaseley.  


Peaseley thanks you for your well wishes.  Considering all he's been through, I think he is doing quite well.  Here he is post sew-up.



As you can see, he has managed to keep his cheerful disposition through it all.  He is currently resting, and helping himself to quite a few Easter treats.  He's a bit self conscious about it, so no photos of the feasting (yet).  


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In related news, I measured the voltage of each of the 10 batteries.  They were almost all identical.  They ranged from 3.83 volts to 3.85 volts.  I'll guess that at roughly 70+% of capacity, going off some online curves for LiPo batteries and some readings from the AccuBattery app for the (estimated 91% of new capacity) battery in my Pro1 X.

I plan to set a calendar reminder to charge them back up to about that level every half a year or so.  I'll document that process when I get some equipment I've ordered.

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5 hours ago, david said:

In related news, I measured the voltage of each of the 10 batteries.  They were almost all identical.  They ranged from 3.83 volts to 3.85 volts.  I'll guess that at roughly 70+% of capacity, going off some online curves for LiPo batteries and some readings from the AccuBattery app for the (estimated 91% of new capacity) battery in my Pro1 X.

I plan to set a calendar reminder to charge them back up to about that level every half a year or so.  I'll document that process when I get some equipment I've ordered.

I forgot to add this, for anyone else who gets these exact same batteries:  The positive tab is the one on the left, as you are looking at the side of the battery with the printing on it, and the tabs facing up.  It has also been extended at the factory, so the positive tab is longer than the negative tab.  I'll add a photo later.

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13 hours ago, david said:

I forgot to add this, for anyone else who gets these exact same batteries:  The positive tab is the one on the left, as you are looking at the side of the battery with the printing on it, and the tabs facing up.  It has also been extended at the factory, so the positive tab is longer than the negative tab.  I'll add a photo later.

Here is a photo showing the longer, positive tab on the left.


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A little more hackery and results regarding the batteries...

Note/Reminder:  We are dealing with raw LiPo batteries (no built in battery management system (BMS) protection circuit).  These are a dense source of energy.  Fires, explosions, and toxic fumes are possible.  Don't cross the streams!  (don't short circuit the positive and negative tabs on the batteries)

I ordered an Adafruit Feather HUZZAH (https://www.adafruit.com/product/2821).  This can run off a 3.7/4.2 volt LiPo battery, like our phones do.  And, more importantly, it has a smart charging circuit, so it can charge the battery up to 4.2 volts in a way that is proper for LiPo batteries.  It does this when plugged into a USB charger.  It has overcharge protection and stops charging when it gets up to full capacity.  It also has undercharge protection, where if you use a battery to power the board, without plugging in a USB charger, it will shut down the board when the battery gets to 3.2 volts, so that the battery isn't over depleted.  The board charges at a max of 100mA, so it is an ultra slow charger (and extra kind to the batteries).  You can sort of think of the board as a battery management system (BMS) without the over temperature protection.

There are a lot of LiPo charge/discharge devices out there, similar to the following: https://www.amazon.com/Tenergy-Balance-Charger-Discharger-Connectors/dp/B00466PKE0.  Those can charge and discharge faster and can be used with a wider variety of battery chemistries.  I may want to play with the microcontroller board for other projects, so that was one reason I chose it.

I didn't take the time to solder alligator clips onto the wires that I bought with the board (https://www.adafruit.com/product/261) yet.  That made it a little tricky to get things hooked up.  The 26 gauge wires are a pain to work with too.

After getting the wires connected to the battery, I plugged in the connector to the board to power it on, and then plugged in the USB charger.


Here is a close-up of the board:


And after some time has passed, you can see the voltage has gone up from 3.87 to 3.94.



Continued in the next post.

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Continued from previous post...

Voltage up to 4.02.


And finally reaching 4.19. 


After being at 4.19, the board continues to run, but the charge light goes out.   I think when the light is out, it might still be trickle charging to the battery, with constant voltage and lowered current.  I say this, because the reported voltage on the voltmeter was still 4.19, yet when I unplug the USB charger from the wall, I get this drop to 4.17 volts.  It is also possible that drop is simply from the load of the board on the battery.


Either way, it shows that the battery is able to be charged to pretty much the full capacity of 4.2 volts, which was the point of the exercise.  I'll use this board to bring the batteries back to 3.8 volts every half a year.

I'm currently running the board off the battery to get it back down to 3.8 volts and to see how long that takes. 

My next step might be to move a BMS board from an MI 6 battery to this one and see if I can power my Pro1.  I have some other projects to attend to, so that might not happen for a while.

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  • 3 months later...

Current info for anyone else following this thread for battery replacement info:

I contacted Fxtec through this form https://www.fxtec.com/contact-us about getting a replacement battery. They just got back to me and said that they have no more replacement parts available.

(They didn't mention if this was temporary or permanent. But, at the very least, it's going to be hard to come by official batteries for now.)

My battery has started swelling, so I will probably have to dig back through this thread to figure out which 3rd party battery is "close enough" and then do the soldering necessary to adapt it to my phone...

(I am really thankful to everyone who shares knowledge about this stuff! Thank you!)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Since the Pro1 battery connector is the same with Xiaomi Mi 6, I think that the connector is Panasonic B01 Series (AXF361500 / AXF461500). More information about the connector can be seen below:

Could it be possible just to solder that connector to RK61 wireless keyboard batteries? That battery is still available from Aliexpress etc. (example). It has the correct cell and board included but I don't know if the board gives correct values for Pro1. If that is possible, then maybe it easier to solder just the connector than swap the whole board from an old Pro1 battery?




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On 8/5/2024 at 5:43 PM, FlyingAntero said:

Since the Pro1 battery connector is the same with Xiaomi Mi 6, I think that the connector is Panasonic B01 Series (AXF361500 / AXF461500). More information about the connector can be seen below:

Could it be possible just to solder that connector to RK61 wireless keyboard batteries? That battery is still available from Aliexpress etc. (example). It has the correct cell and board included but I don't know if the board gives correct values for Pro1. If that is possible, then maybe it easier to solder just the connector than swap the whole board from an old Pro1 battery?




...Solder Directly ? NO!
Is needed to use Fx electronic from old battery for correct charging.
RK61 batt have only two pins on connector

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4 hours ago, CornholioGSM said:

...Solder Directly ? NO!
Is needed to use Fx electronic from old battery for correct charging.
RK61 batt have only two pins on connector

Thanks! I don't understand electronic that well. I was just assuming that you could just forget signal pins and solder wires to both ends.

So, if you don't have original battery available, only possibility is to solder Mi 6 battery board to suitable cell? Someone reported that Mi 6 battery works with Pro1 but does not fit inside the phone.

I am asking this because if you try to remove the board from Pro1 battery and fail, then you don't have any battery anymore. Poor battery is better than no battery at all. 

So this method will not work?


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10 hours ago, FlyingAntero said:

Thanks! I don't understand electronic that well. I was just assuming that you could just forget signal pins and solder wires to both ends.

So, if you don't have original battery available, only possibility is to solder Mi 6 battery board to suitable cell? Someone reported that Mi 6 battery works with Pro1 but does not fit inside the phone.

I am asking this because if you try to remove the board from Pro1 battery and fail, then you don't have any battery anymore. Poor battery is better than no battery at all. 

So this method will not work?


Question is, if tested mi battery works really correctly. 

Electronics inside battery communicates with qualcomm charging ic in phone.

Connection will be Positive - Negative - Data(id) - Btemp i mean.


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On 8/8/2024 at 4:19 PM, CornholioGSM said:

Question is, if tested mi battery works really correctly. 

Electronics inside battery communicates with qualcomm charging ic in phone.

Connection will be Positive - Negative - Data(id) - Btemp i mean.


I tested the Mi 6 battery with the Pro1 phone and it ran off that battery fine.  I don't remember if I tested charging the Mi 6 battery through the phone.  At the time, I didn't have a working usb port.  I have since received a working usb port.  The phone is still disassembled, but I had to rob the screen/selfie ribbon cable for my Pro1X.  Therefore, I won't be able to use the pro1 screen to see the current charge. 

I could probably test charging the battery through the USB port by getting the current charge from my external charging board and then try to charge it from the phone connector and USB port and check the charge later back on the external charging board to see if it increased.

Let me know if you would like me to try that, @FlyingAntero

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On 8/9/2024 at 1:38 AM, david said:

Let me know if you would like me to try that, @FlyingAntero

If it is not too much hassle to you, it would be nice to know if Mi6 battery fully works. According to images below, the Mi6 battery board seems to have about same length than the Pro1 battery board. The cable has different length though, so the battery cell would have to be little bit shorter than the original. Then you could be able to reach the connector. So maybe the 5036108PLN battery cell does not work out with Mi6 battery board but atleast you could try with shorter cell like @nshanused (link to the post).

But my goal to is to build spare battery for Pro1 without destroying the original old battery first. It might be possible with Mi6 battery board.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Soo yesterday i have madded my battery refurbishment .

It was simple process - remove kapton tape, cut old battery cell  contacts from pcb, littlebit shorten contacts on new cell, solder new cell to pcb with spot welder, isolate, bend pcb to correct place and then new kapton tape.

It looks like original and whole process was for 5 mins 🙂


I am now inside testing - charged to full - lineage batt info shows approx 2900mA after full charge.


I have now 66% on battery after 10 hours usage (lineage update, yt music for 2 hours in car, 40 mins on browser, some calls etc.).



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45 minutes ago, CornholioGSM said:

I am now inside testing - charged to full - lineage batt info shows approx 2900mA after full charge.


Great job!  What was the mAh showing before the swap? And does the new battery show the same specs on its packaging as the old one?  What was wrong with the old one?

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1 minute ago, david said:

Great job!  What was the mAh showing before the swap? And does the new battery show the same specs on its packaging as the old one?  What was wrong with the old one?

yesss....good question...i dont know old values 😄

Old battery was holds only around 8-10hours max.

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I am not sure but maybe will it be same as when i have changed battery cell on my old motorola photon.

After first full charge motorola stuck on 5% battery for hours and was needed to wait util phone off and then recharge.

After 3 full charging was battery info "recalibrated" and all was fine.


...i am now on 55% after 15 hours and phone says that will be on battery up to tomorrow 14:30

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Soo yess...my phone have stuck on 10% (battery saver) for more than one hour with youtube playing.

Final time on battery was approx 34 hours and 6 hours on display.

After second charging my phone charges up to 3138mAh but after few seconds after disconnect chager it shows again 2900mAh.


It looks like i can be happy with new cell. Question is for how long.


BTW cell looks exactly same as original with contacts on exactly same place.


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