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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/30/2020 in Posts

  1. Well they got the Crackberry forum where they can share their frustration over things that does not work, and are highly unlikely to ever be fixed... 😇 (But in all fairness, also help each other with known workarounds, hints and the like)
    2 points
  2. Indeed... Me, I never wanted to use a no-keyboard smartphone, and I never did, until I bought the Moto Z in early 2018 which wasn't even supposed to be one, as the first few pre-production samples of the Moto Keyboard Mod to clip onto it were just being shipped to customers. It was unfortunate for all involved that those samples remained the only ones. The promise of a future phone from the same people, instead of just a keyboard attachment, was my only hope to get another keyboard phone again anytime soon. Some fifteen months later, about a year ago, I grudgingly bought my first sm
    2 points
  3. Funny you say that... because precisely their software is what's killing my Priv. I was on the Hub+ Suite beta, around April they pushed some update and completely killed my email and calendar functionality, crashing the moment I opened anything. So pretty much the software was useless, hence I rolled back to their release channel version of the apps to restore it. Right after I did that, the weird random reboot issues I had all came back. Reported these to them, and BlackBerry's response? "We're shutting down the Beta Program Forums". I'm seriously considering de-BlackBerrying my ph
    1 point
  4. Some people already discussed this, you may wanna check out their thoughts. https://community.fxtec.com/topic/2585-which-car-holder
    1 point
  5. I am still using N900, although its browser is slow, unusable and won't do tls 1.2, worn battery, no USB transfers any more and unreliable charging that can break completely any time. My humble wish is to have Pro1 before my N900 dies.
    1 point
  6. Following up on @VaZso and his friend's device... we looked at a USB packet capture and determined that everything was fine until the programmer tool sent a request to write to UFS, and the device never responded. I have never seen this issue before on any device. My theory is that UFS is bad and the device needs to be returned for service.
    1 point
  7. I replied to the issue on github. The timing issue is probably not fixable. But I can look into an option to disable the popup. Or, more specifically, treat the keyboard as full instead of alpha.
    1 point
  8. Hey all, I know it's been a while but .. well .. pandemic and all. I have been doing my "day job" remotely from home with 4 boys running around doing some sort of "school" for a couple hours of the day and being .. well .. being boys the rest of the day. So it's been a bit of a challenge to manage everything and still run side projects. But I think I've got most everything under control now and I'm going to try to drive this thing to the finish over the next couple of weeks. So, as a (re)starting point, I've synced up my Lineage tree and rebuilt from where I left off to make tes
    1 point
  9. Here is the 20200304 boot image file for anyone wanting to root from that point in time. http://www.mediafire.com/file/wq9eu0ysaojwke8/20200304_magisk_backup_boot.img.gz/file
    1 point
  10. Could please somebody confirm fingerprint sensor running well with magisk/xposed? For some time I lose fingerprint data after every reboot and I suspect it might have something to do with magisk/xposed. Does anyone else have similar issues? Thanks.
    1 point
  11. If someone need - i upload to google drive stock versions of boot.img, backuped by Magisk from all versions i had: - 20191028 - 20191111 - 20191129 - 20191210 - 20200106 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1EHlG9ZWNMimAN55yKDvMUUE_ow-FDznG?usp=sharing
    1 point
  12. There is a way to root with Magisk and get OTA Updates. Follow this easy guide, worked for me when I tried. https://www.thecustomdroid.com/install-ota-update-rooted-android-device-guide/#How_to_Install_OTA_Updates_on_Rooted_Android_Devices
    1 point
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