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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/25/2020 in Posts

  1. I believe this is correct. I don't think this is the case, I think it just takes the other one instead unless it has type set to OVERLAY. With one big caveat, you can't have duplicate entries in the file, so you'd have to watch out for those. (say you have 'key A {' in the file one place, you aren't allowed to put a second one hoping it'll override the previous one). This may be useful: https://source.android.com/devices/input/validate-keymaps
    1 point
  2. September 2019 and still waiting. We both had the bad luck to be among the last few QWERTZ orderers who couldn't be served with the last batch of QWERTZ keyboards – since then, QWERTZ keyboards have been out of stock. Doesn't help either of us, but even considering the generally huge delivery times our case is still something of an outlier.
    1 point
  3. Indeed. I have no doubt that for the vast majority of people the extra weight and thickness alone outweigh the benefits of a real keyboard of the Pro1. But for a small group it is the other way around. And among that group some of us also finds the benefits outweighing the oddities and bugs (that we obviously hope will be ironed out). Everybody has their own priorities, and for ANY device counting the pluses and minuses can lead us to what is most suitable for each of us. But I can not imagine that there ever will be a device that is ideal for all. Not even within this small group of
    1 point
  4. Alright.... I received my screen today, replaced it. Phone works again as it should!
    1 point
  5. I'm not sure how universal this is. My build quality so far is fantastic. Yeah, this is kind of duh. 😉 Again, not here Again, not here on Lineage OS. I like they keyboard except for how we get / and ?. but I've adapted easily. Most of the other points aren't that relevant for me (e.g.,I don't use a phone for video much) and therefore can't attest one way or another. Are there improvements that could be made on a first ever phone for a new company, sure. I certainly hope they make it to a Pro2 or whatever where they will no doubt do that. But I would re
    1 point
  6. Anyway, the active speaker during handsfree mode is the one near main microphone while the other one is muted. My other phone had the opposite anyway. Generally it does not seem to be a good idea producing a "noise" next to the microphone which should have the "signal" input. So practically it should has been interchanged in software.
    1 point
  7. I thought that was pretty obvious. So true, quality need to improve. That I don't get, mine is so stable on stock and can run months without a reboot. I don't do much video recording, technically I don't think any smartphone does any filming 🤣 However mic has either software or hardware issues as people often complain they can't ear me well in speakerphone modes notably over facebook messenger. I'm just happy it has a keyboard at all 😉
    1 point
  8. It certainly is a matter of priorities! I just love my Pro1! 😍🥰 🤩 Sure there are things that could be better. But there are NO other devices offered that comes closer to fulfilling my needs&wishes. So with no viable alternatives, Pro1 got an easy win in my book....
    1 point
  9. I had to delete some of the content our very crafty users found about this :). We can’t share anything for certain until the 27th, as there’s still a lot of graphical (presentation) work undergoing, pricing is being drafted and more. What you may have seen is far from final, hence the links were taken down.
    1 point
  10. Technically, I did get mine in 3 months. If you count from when it was paid, Aug 1st, I was notified of stock fulfillment Nov 4th. Of course, then US Customs blocked it and I didn't get it until December 10th or so. On the other hand, if you count from when they actually started filling orders, which wasn't until October 2019, it was very fast. Then COVID hit. The lockdown ending isn't the only variable. As far as I know, factories in China are still not back up to full production, nor fully manned. I haven't seen a current analysis, so I'd be happy to find out I'm wrong.
    1 point
  11. I also feel it is a very good product. They chose components reasonably good and I feel it may work for a while. It may be called old tech it we want a technical comparison against flagship models and a bit lower-range models, but one may not use the full capability of a phone (even not the capability of Pro1) while it has other capability which is very good and unique. Also there are lower-range phones than Pro1 in every manner. It is an unfortunate situation. What I did around two years ago is I bought a Moto G6 for temporary use because my N900 started to leave its last
    1 point
  12. It's hard to predict, but in the F(x) Tec store they say 10-12 weeks, so, yes, 2-3 months is the fastest you might receive the phone right now. That could change if they reach the point where they build up stock, but until they do and change the information in their store, I wouldn't count on it. The Pro 1 is worth waiting for, but if you can't wait, you can't wait. When My phone died waiting for the Pro 1, I went out and picked up a cheap Moto phone to get me through.
    1 point
  13. I ordered a qwerty one last year in November. I have yet to receive mine. I don't even expect to ever get it at this point.
    0 points
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