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  1. Yes, as of now it doesn't seem possible. I asked them about the option, too, when changing my order from QWERTZ to QWERTY since there were no QWERTZ devices available at the time, and got a similar response. My impression was that they hope they'll be able to offer spare keyboards later, which I guess means when or after the X is in full production.
    2 points
  2. I think that is the best layout of original Pro1 and it was even unavailable outside of Europe. I love it anyway... although it is a German layout, it is not shifted which makes it good for use together with international layouts.
    2 points
  3. I think it may happen the screws under the circular covers may get loose. When I have replaced my display, every screws were loose and one of them was almost totally unscrewed. I haven't checked other screws in my device as I did not want to remove more covers. So I think tightening its screws will help you...
    2 points
  4. Hey everyone! Just got my pro1-X and I am loving everything except android 9. 🙂 the form factor is a delight. I found the finger print reader weird until I realized that with more fingers i could unlock it in both landscape and portait. I definitely regret no tasking for lineage os, and might need to flash it later, unless android 10 is on its way. I think the full screen gestures + no menu bar for the phone would just work better. Happy to answer any questions for people on the fence.
    1 point
  5. So, I indegogo'd the Pro1 X with Ubuntu because it will be the closest to the phone that would be ideal for my usage case. However, my work environment would make Windows 10 a much easier integration (easier than Android and iOS) and I will be coming from an HP Elite X3 running Windows 10. So, my question is...how likely is the Windows 10 development to actually materialize. I hate to say it, but in my use case Windows (and Windows 10) on phones has been an actually great phone OS for me. So, kind of interested in how/what the development plan is. Thanks!
    1 point
  6. Just removed the taskbar, added a rotation app for some annoying apps, and added fullscreen gestures. Im a happy man.
    1 point
  7. I would like to order a Pro1-x. Unfortunately I don't have credit card and Google Pay doesn't work in the Netherlands, so I can't pay for a perk on igg. So when they start shipping the Pro1-x and you are somehow not satisfied, let me know :).
    1 point
  8. At some point in time (before production), they wrote something about improving the durability of keyboard, if I remember well. They did not write details but maybe this is one of the differences, or the difference itself. 🙂
    1 point
  9. Astro has taken a bit of a hit on last update they have finalised the specs and had to use the mediatek 800 instead of the 1000 as they wouldn't license it to them! I suspect they are having FAB problems like everyone else though nothing sinister 😄 They have put more RAM in it though and now has a AMOLED display and camera is a Sony 48MP one.
    1 point
  10. I too had hopes for extra keyboards, and really wonder why they do not offer them. I mean if we pay before they are ordered from production, what have they to loose? But am surprised of the quality they have.... Having used mine as a daily driver for over a year, I do not see even the slightest sign of wear where more white are exposed. The keys on my Lenovo X1 Yoga Thinkbad (20FQ) usually last about three months(!) before the paint have been worn through on Ctrl and arrow keys, and as it looks like the same principal idea on the Pro1 (Transparent key, a white layer, and an almost fully
    1 point
  11. ....And the hard to find qwertZ variant without the key shift, so could end in a high price. 🙂
    1 point
  12. Thank you so much! Yes, I would say condition is quite good! Tried to keep it in good condition.
    1 point
  13. ~wow good condition for that price, I am sure this will sell pretty fast!~ Nevermind, thought it was a asking price, instead of a starting price, still pretty good condition judging from the photos
    1 point
  14. Well it is unfortunately not hard to believe. Fxtec screwed up in this point multiple times. They had no system to send the devices out sorted by the date of the order, it was more or less random when you got your device. They sent devices to resellers before preorders where done and so on. But stay strong guys, the phone is worth it!
    1 point
  15. Yes tighten screws. If that does not help, some people added some stuff below the hinge to stabilize it. On my old screen I just shove a tiny piece of paper under it. But that was related to a drop. Normally the screws should do the job.
    1 point
  16. I haven't followed general Windows on ARM development but does it work well on other devices? Also, do your Windows software you would like to use support API which were also developed for ARM? I don't know how well x64 emulation works on it.
    1 point
  17. I think @tdm has thought of a different problem. When a newer revision of a PCB comes out, the software needs to find out which hardware it runs on and it should handle its components accordingly. Things are simpler when there is a drop-in replacement if there is a way to find out which component is installed. Usually it works to read one/more registers or detect an address to determine which sensor or other component is installed. If a bigger modification is necessary, for example because of an unavailable / obsolete part (which may happen easily anyway), then things may become mo
    1 point
  18. Excuse my reheating an old thread, but Just in case someone might have wondered what happened with my "PrinCube" ("the world's smallest mobile multi-color printer"), ordered and payed on Indiegogo a month after I ordered the Pro1 I'm still waiting for: in October 2019. A few days ago I actually received the item! Missing the "permanent ink" cartridge that was part of my order (there are hints it may come separately), and the thing itself doesn't work, either. No connection possible to the control app that is supposed to be on the device, neither by WiFi not by USB, which are the two possi
    1 point
  19. Hard to belive, that the Pro-X is deliverd bevor the Pro-1 is fully delieverd.
    0 points
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