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  1. If by "plan" you are referring to the "Timeline" on the IGG page, you'll notice no bubbles have been filled in since October. 😄
    2 points
  2. Thanks EskeRahn and Hook If i rotate the screen the green part follow the logic i.e. its always the top part which is green. so its not a fixed part of screen and the green part moves to the top when screen is rotated. does that means my display is ok?
    2 points
  3. Forget about that, it's chinese new year 😁
    2 points
  4. In other words, is it any different than what is described here?
    2 points
  5. I'm not sure these layouts are 100% final yet. They are still to publish their AZERTY, so I would guess other layouts could get minor adjustments.
    2 points
  6. 2 points
  7. You have ordered your phone preloaded with UbuntuTouch, which is not identical to the Ubuntu distribution for the PC. UbuntuTouch is based on Android in large parts. It does not use systemd as process 1, and probably won't anytime soon. The choice of (native) Apps is more limited in UbuntuTouch compared to Android. But as you describe your (quite basic) requirements, UbuntuTouch will probably provide everythig you need. If you insist on Devuan for philosophical reasons: it runs nicely in one of the various chroot/proot solutions for Android/LineageOS. I have it in a (rooted) Chroot o
    2 points
  8. Good point. They *did* send the early Christmas phones, so there is progress there. But you are right. They haven't updated it. Have we not heard anything through any other channels on where they are with this? The time for refunds is fast approaching.
    1 point
  9. I doubt that this should be at controller level. 1) Look at the 'animation' as we turn it between the orientations 2) If you take a picture of the display with a digital camera, it is clear that the synchronisation stripes that might appear, is parallel to the short edge.
    1 point
  10. Their plan was to be assembling the new phones in January, I believe. I could be wrong on that. But if that is correct, then a person would think the design is final now and that they would update their website if there were any changes. But there are many "if" variables in all of that. 😏
    1 point
  11. If you rotate the device, does the issue follow the logic or physical screen? I mean is it the notification area in any direction, or is it the same part of the physical display? There is a general thing, that at low brightness, the deep dark nuances gets a greenish tint. but if it is limited to a certain area of the display it sounds like a hardware issue.
    1 point
  12. Mine has the paint worn off on the J key (QWERTY layout), where the horizontal, raised surface is for touch typing. The paint on the F key's raised area is still there. No other degradation that I can see anywhere else on the keyboard.
    1 point
  13. Yep, see that corner in the right circle? That's where i ripped it with my bigass "wurstfingers" as us germans would say xD By the way, for opening the case without a scratch, one of those shaving blades that have a grip on one side and a blade on the other, also used for scratching stuff from automotive glass panels, works very well.
    1 point
  14. This is exactly why i am interested in the device (other than the physical keyboard, but my BB key2 solves that perfectly already) Well, that PC is vastly more powerfull than what you would get on a phone with ARM emulating x86, for quite some time.. So don't get your hopes up. If you are into gaming, the GPD lineup of devices will cover you way better. WoA on the Fxtec would be quite good for productivity, "docked desktop use" etc. But not for gaming. But i really can't find any information on development status, only that the telegram group is quite dead :/
    1 point
  15. Good day. There are still months for me to wait unti I receive the pro1x I have ordered. No problem - I can wait. I have ordered it with Ubuntu. A big step forward from Android for me. But Ubuntu is stained by systemd. I do not want to start any sort of war here. I only want to state that I will not feel comfortable as long as systemd is running on my telephone. Everyone can choose the best ways to render his or her life more difficult. In my day-to-day (I've been writing code for more than thirty years, and I use Linux for all my computer needs, both at home and at work, since 1993)
    1 point
  16. Here is the new QWERTY layout: The most often used keys that changed, for regular typing, seem to be the : and ;. They were to the left of the Del, but are now to the right of the L. / is still on the P and ? is still on the L.
    0 points
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