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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/14/2021 in all areas

  1. tdm added a feature to his keyboard driver that allows the user to specify a custom keyboard map. Unfortunately there is no documentation (other than the source code), but you should be able to remap any non-modifier key (e.g. not shift or ctrl) to generate any keycode you want. By default, the QWERTY and QWERTZ maps are set to match each key to the glyph printed on top, but of course the FinQWERTY maps make different choices than F(x)tec did when they designed the two keyboard layouts. The relevant source code is here: https://github.com/LineageOS/android_device_fxtec_pro1/tree/line
    6 points
  2. Latest experiment (courtesy @vvv): Adding more padding to the LCD connector. I noticed the foam where cutout for the LCD o on the chassis has a pretty deep marking (not my phone shown, just for location): (Source: https://gelraen.github.io/fxtec-pro1-teardown/) Folded up some duct tape, and padded that cutout. So far it's working, I was able to complete 2 Mario Kart races without losing control. Calculator test also passed. Will report back in a day, my last reseat lasted that long.
    5 points
  3. One more datapoint for the group here, but I'm experiencing the same problem, and noticed the same behavior. I then noticed that the ghost touching starts pretty much soon as I clip in the lower-right corner of the screen, near the lcd connector. The black PCB there seems like it has a lot of flex to it, and my theory something's damaged in that PCB from the flex. I stuck a folded up sticky note under that pcb to provide some rigidity, and although the problem is not resolved, and I still have a bit of a weird unresponsive area of the screen, it seems to be an improvement since I'm not ge
    3 points
  4. Several older branches are patched each month from the Android Security Bulletins on an unofficial basis, but the LineageOS project only makes official builds for one branch at a time for each device. You can use the updated branches to build a (mostly) patched version of 16.0 or 17.1 for the Pro1 by following the instructions for building your own images: https://wiki.lineageos.org/devices/pro1/build These monthly updates do not include any new kernel patches, however, or any fixes for the pre-compiled libraries (a.k.a. the 'vendor security patch level'). For a sample ASB update (Ap
    3 points
  5. I'm happy with the camera. It's not perfect but it's the best phone camera I have ever had.
    2 points
  6. Please do not use the Sailfish OS TWRP build for any purpose other than for installing Sailfish OS. It has a bug that will force you to factory reset if you ever boot it on a Pro1 with an encrypted filesystem.
    2 points
  7. ...and my cat today in a very dark environment:
    2 points
  8. Off topic but I wish we got some info on Android 10 progress for the original Pro1 too..kinda feel shafted as an original customer. (I don't expect 11 but at least finish 10 please, it still has drivers for the 835)
    1 point
  9. From what I read I thought this should be possible, but in lack of experience I wasn't sure. Many thanks for clarifiying this, as well as the problem of the signing keys when overwriting an official image by a self-built one. If I had a spare Pro1 as testing device, I would probably try to bake my own LOS 16 immediately. Unfortunately, I have only the one I use as my daily phone, and there is a realistic chance I will f**k things up at the first few attempts. So I still hesitate ...
    1 point
  10. ...and asChristian Svensson noted in the comment section some odd wording The HDMI will allow for mirroring i.e. displaying different things on different displays. it certainly sounds like unusual mirroring... 🤣 I HOPE it is a typo and they meant "...allow for more than mirroring...."
    1 point
  11. Good news indeed! Although I see some additional "7-10 days" there in the video for "internal redesigns" because of unavoidable differences in the new PCB, if I understood it correctly...
    1 point
  12. I'll try some more padding experiments. This seems to align with my very first experiment with reseating everything. So far I only tried padding and insulating the main flex cable connectors, I thought the gold grounding may be causing some issues.
    1 point
  13. You can find protective glass on Amazon or ebay. Quality is average!!
    1 point
  14. I'm still using a Photon Q running LOS 14.1 (Feb 2020 security patch) and microG on a daily basis. You've to avoid gapps, decreases performance considerably. Much faster compared to Droid 4, still somehow sluggish, but sufficient for my requirements: phone/SMS, email, whatsapp/signal, webbrowsing with opera, ebook reading with moonreader, even navigation with sygic works pretty well, as well as vnc to fiddle with a raspberrypi. Of course you have to forget the camera and gaming (both I don't really need). Still hoping/waiting for an affordable Pro1...
    1 point
  15. The short story: the keyboard layouts seem to need a factory reset after upgrade to 18.1 For the long story, see the error report linked above...
    1 point
  16. This is very true. BIOS of IBM XT/AT was a good compatibility layer but it was really slow so some hardware-specific workarounds appeared, then later systems started to use hardware-specific parts, then it was only used to load the OS. The reincarnation of BIOS became UEFI, but it has the same purpose. On ARM devices, there are separate solutions... uboot is maybe one of the most common loader placed in RAW area, but for example, Raspberry Pi uses an own method of loading initial data from a separate FAT partition placed on an SD-card (when other options were not supported). O
    1 point
  17. ...and she is my 15 years old cat four days before the rainy day above, in a sunny day:
    1 point
  18. The following photo was taken a few minutes later:
    1 point
  19. The following photo was taken afternoon in a rainy day mid-March, it was raining a bit. I had to reduce the resolution of following images because of 2 MB upload limit.
    1 point
  20. The short story: the keyboard layouts seem to need a factory reset after upgrade to 18.1 For the long story, see the error report linked above...
    1 point
  21. Thing is, every single time I reseat the screen or even run the phone with the screen detached from the phone chassis, it's not happening. I really hope that's not in indication that replacing the panel will not solve the problem.
    1 point
  22. Right, but if SoC manufacturer does not help, mainline Linux support will come later (if ever), then the hardware becomes obsolete, manufacturing stops, people change hardware and also maintainers may move and the code may be also obsolete in the kernel (sooner or later). However, a chip being supported fully by the mainline kernel would be a very good effect for the long-term future, that is absolutely right. I am writing this on a 4-5 years old PC (Thinkpad P50) which was replaced an around 10 years old another one last year (Dell Latitude E6510), but basically the same system runs
    1 point
  23. That is why we eventually need mainline Linux support. And truly open-source phone operating systems. 🙂 I am typing this post using a fully-updated Linux OS running on a 12-year old PC (Thinkpad T400). If the hardware endures, nothing will prevent me from installing the most recent Debian distribution on it for ages to come. Remember: the most recent Linux kernel can run happily on an i386 with 32 MB of RAM ... That is where we want to go with phones, too! I am of course half-joking here: You are completely right that money its made (in obscene amounts) from planned obsolescence. The
    1 point
  24. You're right. I just checked by powering it back to life. I've put lineage 14 at that time. And it's damn slow... It boots and charge the battery though. It's funny how it looked big at the time I got it, and now it is cute and the good size to me. Sad in a sense...
    1 point
  25. Yes, it should be a typo like 60 MHz of refresh rate. 🙂 I think writer was a bit tired.
    0 points
  26. I could not agree more. What you describe is the reason I am staying on LOS 16. I have plenty of hacks in place, where I cannot predict whether they would still work on LOS 18.1 (or 17.1, for what matters). I use several autostart scripts in /data/local/userinit.d/ for setting up stuff on boot automatically. Those scripts are officially unsupported already in LOS 16, but can be made to work using some third-party apps. Will those still work with LOS 18.1? Obviously, all of those autorun scripts require root access. Will those early-executed shell scripts work with (third-party) Mag
    0 points
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