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  1. FYI, we're trying to source a replacement for you already @DieBruine. No point in delaying this. Support will update you within 1 week with details.
    7 points
  2. According to the tracking, the package was returned back to us after it was held for 1 week in a DPD depot in your home country pending customs charges. Also, if you checked the tracking that we provided you with, it's pretty clear it is still on it's way back to us. The tracking hasn't changed to "delivered" - hence nothing arrived back to us. We like to side with you, as we've seen this happening a lot since Brexit - unpaid customs, customers never contacted by the courier asking for the payment, and yet things still getting returned for unpaid customs... This was our shipment brok
    6 points
  3. That's all I wanted @Erik, an honest response. I contacted DPD UK + NL while it was held at customs. All, and I do mean ALLL, my information was included in the shipping documents. Nobody contacted me. Even when I asked for help and called them, the information was needed from the sender. There was nothing I could have done. Regarding the shipment/ delivery/ return the The Dutch division told me it was delivered to the sender on the 15th of March around 10:42 if I recall correctly. The UK tracking site does not show the full information. The Dutch tracking site showed that it was delivered
    2 points
  4. Sorry what I meant was get the details from DPD for the tracking number. Yes its upto FxTec to deal with DPD
    2 points
  5. No need to go to DPD at all. DPD has zero responsibility to you.
    2 points
  6. Seeing that my display now has also developed two thin, bright beams coming out of the 5mm black hole I had managed to create in it by dropping the device, so it's not exactly getting better, and with me still being buried in other work, now thanks to @EvilDragon's announcement I decided to book his replacement service, even though I already have bought two displays (and a heat gun!) elsewhere – which I'll keep as spares... I'll report how it goes! Being in the same country, at least that will reduce shipping durations to a minimum...
    2 points
  7. No this is FxTec shipping him the device back but it got sent back due to brexit so its with DPD or FxTec or Stolen
    2 points
  8. I agree, if there are additional fees. I would pay it as customer. I would guess you don't have to, but I have a feeling, that nobody really knows with brexit... so I would advise to bite that apple. You could also book a transport yourself (probably more expensive due to pickup) or let them send it to an english buddy of you and then use the postal service. P.S. to be clear I am NO lawyer, and all my advise is done to my best knowledge but without any form of guarantee!
    1 point
  9. Oh I got it wrong too. And yes indeed as FxTec chose the method of sending it back to @DieBruine it must be them that has to take the struggle with the courier, and must prove that either the device was delivered or compensate with a device or money. (whether FxTec can reimburse a compensation from the courier is their own fight)
    1 point
  10. Oh, ok, then I got that wrong! Yes, it's FxTec's obligation then.
    1 point
  11. You should be able to get all the information from DPD from the tracking number they gave you they would have take photo evidence of delivery back to FxTec. If they can't provide it then they didn't deliver it. If they do provide it you have evidence to take to FxTec and can also use this possibly in a small claims court to prove they have your device TBH this is the ideal situation as you can claim the full amount of money + time and expenses. If you put a claim in with DPD you will only get the insured amount so depends on the service they used (probably £100 or £200)
    1 point
  12. Yes! Reported that my replacement failed to fxtec Jan 9, provided some photos showing that there was no outside damage to the phone. Got a new screen March 18. I hope this one lasts more than 6 months.
    1 point
  13. I honestly cannot give a qualified answer, but I will try. Hopefully someone with more knowledge of Android will correct me and I will learn in the process: On Android, every app runs under a separate UID. This is to ensure any specific app cannot access files written by any other app unless that other app explicitly grants system-wide access. In a world where you expect every program on your device to spy on your data, this is supposed to enhance security. Effectively, this alone makes something like a file browser impossible: on Android, these have access only to files that belong to t
    1 point
  14. If you are trying to use Magisk to get root in Lineage, you don't need to do that dance with patching the bootloader. Just use adb sideload to flash the Magisk zip from HERE and you will have root, no muss no fuss. (I'm still using an old one, 21.0) I never even open Magisk Manager, although the zip installs it. I'm sorry, I don't know what's going on with fastboot. I assume you are booted into the bootloader, not recovery, when you are doing that (I'm not trying to be insulting by pointing to the obvious-- when I get frantic I can miss incredibly obvious things and am happy when people
    1 point
  15. That would be @npjohnson, I believe. He also hangs out in the unofficial Discord for FxTec.
    1 point
  16. Plus updates and comments on IGG
    1 point
  17. https://community.fxtec.com/topic/3326-pro¹-x-–-state-of-production-and-delivery/ https://community.fxtec.com/topic/3292-pro1-and-pro1-x-design-change-to-use-snapdragon-662-no-new-devices-before-august-2021/
    1 point
  18. Yeah your going to need to request the evidence of delivery from DPD. As they say they have delivered it somewhere if they can't provide it then they are liable. (But only to the insured amount) But if the evidence does suggest they delivered it is with FxTec and in that case you can take them to the small claims court in the UK. (Not sure how that stands for an alien)
    1 point
  19. Oh what a mess! When DPD claims they delivered the parcel to FxTec, and FxTec claims the never got it. It should be DPD that has to provide a receipt from FxTec on them recieving the parcel. If DPD are not able to produce that, it should be their responsibility. If they can produce a receipt then it is FxTec that has the problem.
    1 point
  20. In the Netherlands there are organisations where you can file a complaint when there is a dispute and/ or lack of service. My issue lies with both DPD and FxTec. According to DPD NL I should contact FxTec and according to DPD UK, FxTec should take actions. We all know where this is going, and has been going for months now. Asking FxTec for help hasn't resulted in anything apart in a thank you for co-operating (WTF!?). So I tried filing a complaint with DPD UK. Here is where it gets 'funny'. DPD UK still refer to the EU consumer board when you have a dispute. But, since the UK is no longer a me
    0 points
  21. I have had no response from both these A-holes since my last message asking them to sort things out. As a recipient I have no rights. And FxTec's response is we have done all we can, which I loosely interpret as screw you buddy. Nothing I can do at the moment. And I highly doubt FxTec has done all it can 🤬.
    0 points
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