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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/12/2021 in Posts

  1. The Pro1 seems to do quite aggressive background suppression when recording from the built-in ADCs, no matter what specific audio source is selected. For normal voice recording, this actually works quite well for me. But I do believe this is what prevents you guys from recording music with the built-in mics: Depending on the tone and loudness of a particular part of the track, the filter takes the music for background noise and suppresses it. In fact, I think I can produce these artifacts even when I try to record myself singing (though normal speech works well). And, no, I will not uploa
    1 point
  2. My son is on ATT in Michigan also, and no amount of cojoling or sim swapping hijinx were able to allow him to to keep his pixels on ATT. He jumped ship. I'm on Tmo and the Pro1X is on order. I'll let you know how it works if it ever ships.... 😞
    1 point
  3. (Some comment on touch issues, moved to this thread)
    1 point
  4. My only concern now is that if they are actually stalling it deliberately and weasel out of the claim, specifically the ghost touch problem I'm having. This response from @SCΛRECROW is bit concerning: Ghost touches and unresponsive area on lower screen - Page 11 - Support - F(x)tec Community (fxtec.com) Sorry but I'm losing hope, but I hope I'm wrong.
    1 point
  5. I guess this is the time to mention @Erik so that he might get notice about @adam.c.r.roman's and @Swond's above cases? With the regularity these cases come up even with the limited base of existing Pro1 devices, I fear it is now becoming enough bad publicity to deter potential customers for the upcoming Pro1X. Regarding @ToniCipriani's case – I think we can be sure now that new display replacements will not come earlier than the new Pro1X itself, which (as of now) means not before October or November. Also, we don't know if there even will be black screen casings to buy for our exis
    1 point
  6. Two weeks have passed, still no response. So you're not the only one.
    1 point
  7. I contacted them about a month ago. I still have no answer, but that could also be my fault, as last week my inbox was full. Now I'm very unsure about what to do. If they answered right during that time, then a follow-up mail asking them to resend theirs would be a good thing. If they didn't, then said mail would just send me back to the end of the queue, which in that case seems to be very long.
    1 point
  8. I'm sure I'm about to hex myself by posting this but, no case, no screen protector, no broken screen (though it was replaced by FxTec in January for Ghost Touches). In use since December 2019. For me, the true lifesaver is the textured Dbrand matte black skin on the back. Best shatter protection is having enough grain on the back to prevent it from sliding easily either out of your hand or off a surface. That, and not being in a blazing hurry when handling it. 😉 I do have 2 AlieExpress replacements waiting in the closet for the day when you all get to point your fingers and laugh
    1 point
  9. Oh, dear... I had multiple broken screens myself until I modified a case... this worked so good that the screen never broke again, even though I regularly throw it on the ground. I don't have a screen protector. This is the case I use: https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B07BQQ8JCC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 You only need to cut out the credit card storage case that's inside the case (then it has the perfect size for the thickness of the phone) and cut a few holes in the silicone so you can access all ports.
    1 point
  10. I received my second AMOLED. Haven't gotten around to replace it yet. This one came with f-ing 3M strips in stead of glue 😩
    1 point
  11. I can't believe it, another screen broken – I just tried to swipe a fly from the display, and what I did was swiping the phone from the table, because the EFFING SCREEN PROTECTOR I'm now using since my last accident is sticky to the touch! So it's back to @EvilDragon's repair service...
    1 point
  12. So I contacted FxTec on the 21st of July. I got a response on the 13th of August, asking if I could re-connect the flat cable/ connector and take pictures from all corners (guess to prove It hadn't been dropped). Today it's August the 8th. Still no response. I have swapped the display with a (damaged) spare to no avail. They really need to take a look at the phone. I'm pretty sure there is something wrong with either the flat cable or the connector on the mainboard and not the display. I wouldn't be surprised if my Pro1x gets delivered earlier than my Pro1 gets repaired and delivered
    0 points
  13. Unfortunately.. I am on the same boat. I had a broken touchscreen (not responsible in one wide row), so I sent it to repair back in May. It took 60 days to get the phone back. AND THEN!! I found out that camera is not focusing! Due to service disassembly and reassembly, it was not adjusted correctly.. So after two months without my phone, I sent it back again. This was on 21.July. FxTEC arranged their own pickup, but this was the last time I have heard about my phone. Since that absolute silence.. I sent an e-mail twice (took care that each message is sent from different address to avoid movin
    0 points
  14. I posted on this thread on July 13th that I'd been waiting 2 1/2 months for the FPC flex cable. The next day, on July 14th, I got this response: "Apologies for the delays in getting back to you. This has been shipped to you a while back, but given your response we're assuming it hasn't arrived yet. We will be re-posting this with a tracked service this week, and it will arrive at your door most likely by the end of next week. We're posting it to the address below, and if there's any change to it, please reply." The address was correct, yet it still has not arrived, over 5 weeks late
    0 points
  15. I literally just want an answer on when my replacement screen they promised is coming... sigh.\
    0 points
  16. I haven't had a response on my RMA request either (week ago).
    0 points
  17. I ordered a replacement FPC cable on April 7th, paid for it on April 8th, and over 3 months later I still don't have it. On May 27th, they admitted they had no stock and it was delayed, but it was in transit and I should receive it in, at the most, a week and a half. That was 2 1/2 months ago. I contacted them again on June 27th, then again on July 9th. Still nothing. And I paid like $43 for a 5-inch flex cable. Anyone know how I can light a fire under their asses? I'm losing patience!!
    0 points
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