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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/28/2021 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. I noticed these two videos appeared on the IGG page (at the bottom of a long scroll). I hadn't seen them before. One shows replacing the display (although it does it frame and all, not replacing the display in an old frame) and opening up the bottom part to replace the battery. Thought they deserved direct links here.
    1 point
  3. Alright, after toying with it for a few days I have cracked dual booting and decided to write up the steps myself. YOU WILL LOSE YOUR DATA DOING THIS. Credit to @order#10248 for proving the concept. First thing you will want to do is re-flash stock android on your phone. There isn't an official repo for this yet but @Waxberry has kindly provided one on this post. Download and extract the files from there and run the script fastboot_all.bat or you can download my modified linux version flash_all.sh. While that is flashing, download the latest version of Lineage here. Yo
    1 point
  4. Ah so that is why it is called N-key-rollover. ... Sorry, could not help it. *LOL*
    1 point
  5. I am completely gave up using stock OS, going for LineageOS is a better option instead. Also, it has Android 11 support...
    1 point
  6. I think tbm explained why it's impossible to get Android 10 for the Pro1. The company that designed the board went bankrupt if I recall correctly.
    1 point
  7. As usual still nothing on the original Pro 1 :(. Just come out and say we won't get Android 10 at this point for stock.
    1 point
  8. I had the same, but adding an ancient usb-hub at the least allowed me to do the flashing, though with the speed down at the least a factor of five... It takes a whole minute to flash the 64K boot-image, and sort of forever to flash the main image *LOL* So will see if I can find an old, but not THAT old hub, tucked away in a drawer somewhere...
    1 point
  9. Minor bug. Just got this notification: I would say a bit early to suggest to turn on the battery saver at 94% *LOL*
    1 point
  10. No, I didn't find a workaround ... but I also stopped looking after a while Disabling the signature check in Windows did work, the driver installed correctly, but fastboot still refused to do more than list my device. I have no idea what else could be wrong and just hope that I never have to use fastboot ...
    0 points
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