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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/04/2021 in Posts

  1. I was on stock and hopeful for the longest time but gave up on it as the chipset "upgrade" of the X clearly meant the original would not get any official support. Moved to Lineage 3 months ago and never looked back. Yes it takes time and effort to set it up but it is well worth it.
    3 points
  2. Awesome ! bbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbb bbbbbbbbbbbbb this key was always problematic in my qwerty model, so I tape a little "b" to celebrate this. bbb bb ! THANKS !!!
    3 points
  3. They've finally acknowledged my warranty as (still) valid and promised to send a display (don't know if a bare one or a complete one) as soon as they'll receive the parts from China, the end of november. I'll keep you posted.
    2 points
  4. I think this is about the "bare metal" screen alone vs. complete screen assembly. F(x)tec sends a full display assembly including the camera and proximity sensor while we may purchase the display alone and swap the faulty and new displays on the frame which contains the camera and proximity sensors. Anyway, it also contains a black sticky grid in front of the speaker which should be removed from old display and installed to the new one. As of the non-functioning proximity sensor, it can be a sensor fault but if I remember well, there is also a rubber cover installed on that sens
    2 points
  5. I have the same behaviour, but this appears a few months ago. I've suspected AccA as I also use it, and sometimes the only way getting the charge to go is a reboot. When happens I tried with AccA service disabled but was the same. This behaviour is difficult to reproduce, I can't explain it and I haven't found any relation with update (yet). But it could be, as far as I know... ...(and I sometimes like imperfect hardware as it gives me distance with intrusive technologies... this was for the philosophic point).
    1 point
  6. All these bbbbbbbbs, I thought you were bbbbbbbrrr freezing 🤣
    1 point
  7. So... one little update. I've contacted FxTec regarding the display and this is the response they gave me: "While we do offer display replacements, unfortunately, our Pro1 displays are currently out of stock and we expect them to be back in November this year. You can either order a display from us for £149 GBP, or you can order a third-party display with quicker shipping at https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005001300088859.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.4b6b295d5hlQAY&algo_pvid=adde8213-b7ad-4115-927b-2c3dbecfba66&algo_expid=adde8213-b7ad-4115-927b-2c3dbecfba66-8&btsid=2100bdd
    1 point
  8. one day somewhere in 2022 we shall recieve some parts with a note ,some assembly is required but u could make a phone out of them maybe ? need to check the first purchase date but out of my head it was somwhere in 2019 😂 at least i have been getting the idigogo updates 🙂 i can stil look forward to seeing what people are doing with our money one day one day .... maybe
    1 point
  9. Updated to the 03 November weekly via OTA. All went smoothly and root was maintained, October security patch.
    1 point
  10. I am completely gave up using stock OS, going for LineageOS is a better option instead. Also, it has Android 11 support...
    1 point
  11. Same issue here. double "e", sometime no "d" or "a" and now and then the keyboard lags (words displaying on screen 3 to 4 words behind what I'm typing). I had the lag issue on my Nokia E7 a couple of months before switching to a BB Priv, so after about 3 years of use. Really a shame since typing turned from fun to annoying. Both issues described above not happening constantly, so this makes me think they are both software issues. I monitored CPU usage for a bit, but as of now, I couldn't pinpoint an app that bottlenecks the CPU.
    1 point
  12. My phone died over the day because it did not charge over the night. Even today I was unable to get it to charge. The cable was connected and it also accepted it, but still said "Can not charge right now" or however it's written in the English version. Seems like restarting "fixed" the issue. I hope it was just one time..
    0 points
  13. Not in my case at least. I usually get double a, l, o etc. edit: my device is QWERTY
    0 points
  14. Did anyone else notice a slightly different behaviour with charging after the latest update? While I cannot say yet whether something changed with the intermittent failures to charge although being connected (the ominous "not charging" state instead of either "charging" or "discharging"), it seems to me that it takes a bit longer now until charging starts after connecting the cable; also, I've had several occasions in which charging wouldn't start after connecting, with the state still "discharging"? I cannot totally exclude the possibility that in some of those cases AccA was keeping th
    0 points
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