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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/03/2022 in all areas

  1. Hello all, I did not find an answer in the forum so I start a new topic. I'm one of the backers of the indiegogo campaign and got the email about the engraving requirements. however while I was working on the svg I actually got some question. 1) How big (dimension) is are actually the engraving space? 2) Hand how big is actually the laser. Or lets phrase this differently. How thick is actually good visible? I add some image. Its still WIP but I think it gives context why I' m asking this questions. Right now I eyeballed the size. Hope somebody can help. THX
    2 points
  2. I agree that it doesn't seem to appear in the official service manual, but that manual has a few minor differences with the actual device.
    1 point
  3. Welcome on a similar boat.. Luckily sou know your phone is there. Team told me they don´t know where is mine.
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. Support Team (FX Technology Limited) 15 Oct 2021, 10:40 BST We got it here thanks for the input. Will update you soon on the repair. Feel free to let us know if there's anything else we can help you with. Kind regards, F(x)tec Support Don't hold your breath. This one was delivered in September. Heard Jack Shit since...
    1 point
  6. My experience is very bad. You can check my long story here: In two weeks it will be ONE YEAR since I started my communication with support team. Since that time I still have the same case number. Long story short: they repaired my screen, but when assembled, camera went wrong, so after obtaining my "repaired" phone I had to send it back again. So now I am without my phone since 23.07.2021. No contact, no respond, no money.. nothing. I am frustrated. Well, I thought it should be like this. But I can show you whole my conversation. Sometimes its a month, sometimes 45days..
    1 point
  7. In the hope that it might lead to them fixing their inbox system at some point, I'd suggest you to use keywords as "urgently" or "as soon as possible" in your emails. I have the feeling that mentioning them gets messages to be prioritised. At least I suddenly got answers within a day to such an email... I kinda feel bad for even mentioning it. But on the other hand their communication sucks so much, that I deem it acceptable.
    1 point
  8. I'm not sure this is true if you have a service ticket, those emails that have an incident number and have the directions to type any further information/reply above the line. Both in December 2020 and currently (Nov and Dec), it has never taken more than 2 weeks for them to reply.
    1 point
  9. T-Mobile seems to be the route they will most likely go is my guess, it is currently listed as supported device for pre or post paid.
    1 point
  10. A belated update to my earlier post, I followed up my enquiry with another email and this time Fxtec support responded within a few hours. As per some of the previously posted responses, it also mentioned end of year holidays and quarantine for the delay.
    1 point
  11. Hey there friend, I hope you were able to receive the communication that you desired, but I had asked about the concerns regarding production and manufacturing considering the phone has been delayed so many times and this was the exact response I received, Apologies for the late reply as the Team is slowly coming back from Holiday and Quarantine,We have recently posted an update regarding Manufacturing which you can find at : https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/pro1-x-smartphone-functionality-choice-control/x/22431813#/updates/allDue to the worsening COVID restrictions in China and the ap
    1 point
  12. Hi all please How long is complaint? Because I sent my phone on complaint 11/2021. Package was delivery and now is more as two mounths and no answer. I wrote 4x on [email protected] and nothing Please Have you anybody next experience? thanks
    0 points
  13. I opened up my Pro1 in order to reconnect the fingerprint cable. After I put it back together, I found this little bit of metal (about 4mm long) on my work area. I assume this came out of the Pro1. I found it quite hard to open up the phone so don't relish doing it again just for "fun", so I wondered if anyone had any idea what it's for and if it's very important!
    0 points
  14. AT&T used to be the carrier with the most phone choices about a decade ago. I remember recommending to my company to ditch Verizon so that we could go to AT&T and have more device selection for the engineers. Now they are becoming the complete opposite. It is what it is I guess.
    0 points
  15. Lucky you. I still DO NOT HAVE any official reply since 15 October 2021. Tried to push it few days ago: confirmation " thanks for your message " arrived, it still has the same case number what was at the beginning (February 2021), but nothing more happens. No phone repair, no cash back, no communication.. no, no no, no - nothing.
    0 points
  16. Also with looooong shipping time. I opted to change the screen myself, in order to avoid the delays (2x shipping, repair time etc). Last communication from Fxtec was that they'll receive the spare screens in November and they'll send one to me. "Just" +2 months from their own "deadline"/promise and my phone is barely usable. Yeah, yeah, I know... chipset crisis, fuel crisis, ukrainian crisis, covid crisis, djokovic crisis, canada truckers... never fxtec fault, god forbid.
    0 points
  17. Right, however, it is a very crazy solution - putting someone back replying to an issue created a long time ago. One may not know if that is currently waiting in queue, put it on hold or closed without any notification. Last time they told me they have booked a replacement USB board for me but they haven't requested shipment info. However, I gave them my address on 4th of January, so practically a month ago... however, I have also asked them when they are expect it to be sent but no reply so far... and my USB board is getting worse by time going... However, this case has started
    0 points
  18. Considering how people here and on IGG analyse (and maybe over-interpret?) these monthly reports, I think they spend quite some time writing those up. I can imagine they plan very carefully what to publish and how to present it in a way such as to cause least damage to the project. It is easy for us to ask for more honest reports and estimates, but unfortunately it is also a fact that many customers need the harsh reality to be "embellished" for them, or else they jump ship. Some people understand that by supporting Fxtec, they support an interesting enthusiast project: a concept of a sma
    0 points
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