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  1. Thanks for your understanding. It's been a hectic journey but we still 100% have confidence in shipping all orders/contributions to everyone. Yes, you're right. But there were some unpredicted events that really impacted this project, namely, the SoC change - where we spent nearly half the fundraised amount. If those funds were still available, all problems would be solved. We've also addressed some key questions people have been raising in the IGG comments section. If you have time, please have a read.
    4 points
  2. This is how i see it and im probably wrong so their phones have been sold by the shipping company that has them since july 2022 https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/pro1-x-smartphone-functionality-choice-control/x/25381237#/updates/40 Fx already paid them but they want more money because of shipping prices going up But Fx tec cant or don't want to pay more money Meantime the shipping company just sold the stock because of payment issues to people who are interested and shipped them to Japan ( the japanese company is not at fault since they might have purchased the devices without kn
    4 points
  3. Yes, but in the comment section they also have this "This action was taken by our warehouse in an attempt to recover a some of the outstanding balance that they are due to paid by us. To put it shortly, shipping costs have increased substantially during the pandemic and after." and to a question on how time helps "We have other products and services unrelated to smartphones. In fact that’s what funded all of the Pro1 X production." That really is saying that they are lacking funds right now, and obviously that would also affect pending refunds.
    3 points
  4. I´ve finally taken a look at the FinQwerty code and made a test build (attached) for myself that fixes... issue #22 – there was no colon in the U.S. for physical US QWERTY layout, a semicolon was produced instead and implements... issue #23 – adds U.S. intl. with dead keys for physical US QWERTY and U.S. intl. with Fn dead keys for physical US QWERTY layouts which, unlike the Pro1 layouts on the Pro1 X, have correctly assigned L / ; and ? / : keys. I've asked Anssi Hannula if he's interested in my changes. Until something happens there, I'm offering my test build attached t
    2 points
  5. Yeah, saw that. Either the person who wrote that mistakenly put years instead of months, or they think the campaign started with the original Pro 1. The Pro 1 was not crowdfunded.
    2 points
  6. I was wondering what kept the usual Monday update, and checked this https://download.lineageos.org/devices/pro1/changes It seems like the next update we get will have a LOT of changes (over 120), so might be a good idea to take an extra backup, and be sure to download the previous 2023-03-13 build if we need to go back.
    2 points
  7. I order things to the US from China not regularly, but frequently. The longest I have had to wait in the past 3 years has been about 3 weeks from order to delivery. Most recently I ordered something on March 8th and got the package on March 17th. I am not saying that fxtec does not have legit problems; I'm just saying there is more to the story. I really feel bad for them, because it's a great phone and they did such an amazing thing taking on the market and producing a device that mostly lives up to its promise. I love my Pro1. I wanted my husband to love his X. I hope that th
    2 points
  8. I also once had a theory along the lines of Expansys "appropriating" part of the stock . However, F(x)tec now explicitly state that at least all IGG-backed phones are "ready and in Hong Kong".
    2 points
  9. Terms of Sale also state the following. The buyers are covered. I could have waited for the finance team to get in touch with me, but after 5 emails asking for proof of cancellation with no reply other than "I will pass that along to the finance team" I went the other route and contacted my credit card company. Fxtec has not case and can not contest the sale/charge when it's going on 2 years (for me) and they did not provide the product. Know your rights, and take control of your finances. Even as an IGG backer you still have a valid case for a refund.
    1 point
  10. Ummm, that statement by @EskeRahn was not in reply to you. You are in a different category.
    1 point
  11. "WE ... bare any risk"? What are you writing here? I am not a part of a crowdfunding. I ordered in May 2020 at the online shop. The info was, I will get the phone within 3 months. I bared no crowdfunding risk! The phone never arrived. And all infomations I got in the last three years were vague, evasive, wrong, partly a lie and stalling, mostly. The Fixtec communication is horrible bad and untrustworthy. Today I received the first info mail since 8 or 9 months. Nothing, absolutely nothing is standing inside this mail. Only garbage. And my request in 2022, to send back my money was never answer
    1 point
  12. Actually, reading through the IGG comments, I find now that F(x)tec actually confirmed the "appropriation" theory! F(x)tec (@IGG): However, they also state that, as they have manufactured many more devices then needed, there are (still?) enough to deliver to all backers ...
    1 point
  13. From IGG: you accept the risk that the project may experiences changes, delays, unforeseen challenges, and it's possible that a project you fund might not come to fruition. We leave it up to you to make your own judgment about a campaign’s merits before making a contribution. I believe, iirc, language to that effect also appears when you make your pledge.
    1 point
  14. I wonder if some clever ways of remedying the shipping costs could be thought up? What if we somehow could order spare parts, and the money for those were used to send the devices 'immediately', and we then waited for the spare parts to be produced&sent in stead? I for one would like to have some spare parts. e.g. usb-boards, and also keyboard-tops and keyboard mat. But as the need is not imminent a delay of send for even several months would be totally acceptable (to me).
    1 point
  15. To be clear, I assume this was ordered on their website, not an IGG backing? IGG folks do not have this recourse, as far as I know.
    1 point
  16. I feel sad too. Today it officially cleared. I'm glad that there is at least some recourse for those people who really, truly want a refund.
    1 point
  17. I just meant I don't even think THEY know the extent of what is going on.
    0 points
  18. I believe they did get assurances before the campaign, but that's why the crowdfunding was needed. As soon as the money was released, they paid for the order. And the supplier accepted (and didn't return that payment). This is why crowdfunding is gambling... Unfortunately, the theme song of this crowdfunding campaign is one of those blues songs where the singer intones "If it wasn't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all." 😟
    0 points
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