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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/12/2024 in all areas

  1. https://suite.endole.co.uk/insight/company/14816776-clicks-technology-ltd?page=people-contacts but it is undoubtedly them. The company lists Adrien and Chen as company directors, among others The moto mod campaign failed because (among others) Motorola basically left the mod market to die after claiming they would help with marketing etc. It's quite well documented in the indiegogo I linked (at that time livermorium/fxtec was quite good at communicating and being transparent). edit: by the way it's also mentioned in the launch video https://youtu.be/e2n2ftM-MwI?t=199
    4 points
  2. This was my rig. I pulled the custom shell for S5 to substitute a Pixel 4a, and the fishing line is my own primitive workaround to keep it from flipping over. The type on the handle are my key remappings for em dashes, etc.
    4 points
  3. AH!! They got him registered with two different numbers.... https://suite.endole.co.uk/insight/people/24248551-mr-liangchen-chen https://suite.endole.co.uk/insight/people/30814671-mr-liangchen-chen
    3 points
  4. Companies House may add a bit of clarity: https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/11602958 or confusion
    2 points
  5. @HookWow. Thanks for the update. Yeah, that's a precipice that I don't want to jump off. Bummer, bummer, as I would buy that phone in a second, given my lack of need for social media, and the general pleasure of such a screen and kb. If it looks like a duck, and talks like a...
    2 points
  6. It seems to be the same data, at first glance at the least, but I guess your .gov.uk link is the authoritative base, from which other sites pull data. https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/officers/Pt7zKAA7fzLqJbJ77pn3yCCD60o/appointments https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/officers/9_JtS_IaTpZPYyNQtsQTefcMF6Y/appointments
    1 point
  7. Yeah, that confirms your previous conclusion. You are definitely right!
    1 point
  8. I notice Minimal has now reversed themselves. They say the phone will be done even if they don't reach their goal. Which would worry me if I were a backer because it sounds like a way not to have to do refunds. They also say they are planning on doing a lot of marketing in the next couple of weeks. That should have all been done just before the campaign. They are also doing the Planet Computers thing. "Only 4 left" they keep telling me in emails, but, of course, they add a few every time they get down to 1. And being barely over 50%, you know there are going to be many many more, but
    1 point
  9. A lot of times, stuff gets produced and is sold by different companies. I don't think that FxTec is clickstec but I could imagine they work with the same supplier. And who knows, maybe one company copied the idea of the other when they heard what they are doing. I mean to remember that FxTec failed with the Moto Case since they didn't launch the phone like they meant to (click-on external hardware connected to te phone). I don't remember the details but I'm quite sure it wasn't FxTec's fault. FxTec also succeeded in building a great phone. The mass production just never worked out. I
    1 point
  10. For my po1x I got this 2250mah twix deal https://aliexpress.ru/item/1005005043077240.html?sku_id=12000031429438778 short circuited it a few too many times while removing and attaching the boards, and at least once to the phone housing cause I forgot the isolation, but somehow it survived and seems to be working fine. I'm going to torture it with fast charging see how long it lasts for me. Sidenotes: - Bunch of ribbon cables under the battery, I almost destroyed one while prying it off, some real tough glue there. - My bottom speaker always worked intermittently, and especially at
    1 point
  11. ...Personally I could be willing to donate a minor amount - perhaps $50 - If that could help som already produced Pro1X to reach the recipient. But do not think I would pay for new devices to be produced. (I have long given up on the one I perked for as an Early Bird. Asked them to use it for spares long ago)
    1 point
  12. An interesting idea, but we need some info from FxTec first a) How many devices are already produced and only awaiting shipment, or perhaps the amount of money needed to send those. Have these recently been charged or checked for the need of charging? Any cost estimate on doiing that before shipping? b) Do more devices need to be produced, to fulfil the 'backlog'? If so, what amounts of money are we talking here including shipping? I'm not talking actual number, but rough ballbark figures. If few are left to be send, it might require a rather substantiial amount of money to
    1 point
  13. I love the detectives on this forum. You seem to be correct, Adrian is listed for multiple companies, all being not too successful: https://suite.endole.co.uk/insight/people/14137907-mr-adrian-chen-kee-li-mow-ching Liangchen is officially only working for Clicks technology.
    0 points
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