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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. I also read a NFC-tag on the late sample Pro1X. I have two other tags that can be read by the Pro1, but NOT the Pro1X. I edited the title slightly. This tag works on Pro1X, Pro1 (and Titan Slim also on stock Android 11) This tag I only managed to get to work once(!) a few times with the Pro1X after maybe once every 100 retry. Else i get "NFC read error. Try again." (Pro1 & Slim OK) Have not been able a really hard time to get this one to work at all on the Pro1X. (Pro1 & Slim OK) But I CAN get it working, holding it exactly right!
  2. No, OTA=Over-The-Air, so only did official update from within adroid (adup´s app on the retail Pro1). If a used the word "sideload" for that, it was a slip of the tongue. On that unit the only thing fastboot I have done was fastboot oem off-mode-charge 1 Unless my memory completely fails me. ( alsoI got a preproduction Pro1, and a "Final sample" Pro1, that has been flashed with boht sailfish, lineage and aicp in various versions, and can boot into recovery. Holding VolUp+Pwr at the dead icen after attemptied recovery, Works the same if I press shortly or hold to various states o
  3. The bootloader menu works fine (whether launched by buttons or adb reboot bootloader) , but when I select the Recovery option, I see the F logo, and then a dead android.
  4. no no the bootloader is there, but selecting recovery within it fails. I see exactly the same on my retail Pro1 (no X), that has only had OTA updates.
  5. Unfortunately the default bootloader does not seem to have a recovery image in it - at the least the 'early unit' I have does not, nor does the retail Pro1 (no X)
  6. I'm almost convinced we have not had an update, but that the bug is not always there. (I do not know neither what triggers the bug, nor what triggers it disappears)
  7. And a yet unused one that have long been awaiting the arrival of a blue retail Pro1X 😁 ...Yes the camera struggle with the white-balance of blue against red background...
  8. Yes it protects both camera and fingerprint reader in the 'Japanese book' version. I choose NOT to cut out for the camera, as I seldom use it, so no problem open the flap all the way to access it (they are already prepared, to fold in the middle) The whole idea of turning it around so it open to the right, seen as portrait, is that it 1) protects the fingerprint reader and buttons. and 2) it is more natural to have the flap away when the keyboard is opened. Here a few quick images.
  9. Sad that you do not like it. Well if the box has been opened anyway, I see no potential drop in value by you having tried it out also. From the experiences with the Pro1 we know that FxTec has the policy that the warranty follows the device, so should it be somehow faulty, the new owner will have the same rights as you have.. But obviously if you have tried it and it works flawlessly, it reduces the risk of a DOA device for the new owner.
  10. Have you considered a flip-case? Her a slowmo video of using a DIY case, that can be made in minutes from a cheap Pro2 Pro case, with no special skills. YouCut_20200123_155044091.mp4 It offers quite good protection IMHO.
  11. See also https://community.fxtec.com/topic/3600-open-discussion-related-to-the-progress-in-getting-your-pro1x/?do=findComment&comment=62891
  12. That is how I read the current situation, unfortunately. We know we need a backup of Persist, but we do not know why that did not help @ducksoup, at best it is a matter of how the restore is done, as it seems to work for @mosenwith edl.
  13. Thanks, Could it be a problem to request it to display anything, if it is fully depleted? I mean as the logic is so dumb that it does not have a lower limit for attempting a boot, most likely there isn't one for displaying either, so could also be problematic. ...I would not dare to try it...
  14. It sound like a depleted battery, and the (silly) default of booting on charging. We have another thread in here with one that had exactly the same, I'm not sure he found a fix. For anyone else i STRONGLy suggest to do the following from a pc connected (boots the phone, but does not clear things) adb reboot bootloader Wait for boot to bootloader to finish (or do manually holding VolDown+Power) fastboot oem off-mode-charge 1 There is this silly default that powering the phone turns it on, and if the battery is depleted, it does not have enough power to do the boot...
  15. Be careful with that, unless the keys are saved first. At the least the persist partition should be saved. I would suggest to start with a factory reset (wiping any user data), and skip everything in the wizard, no restore from anywhere. If it still does not work, try the reflash,
  16. A little more digging: It is when "Android Assistant" is given the accessibility privilege that the layouts act strangely on Pro1X
  17. Just did a factory reset of the Pro1X, and the keyboard works as it is supposed to.
  18. Great, Really happy that it is not a general issue, but just this one that is messed up 🙂 Can you select other languages too? Does Ctrl+Space cycle through them as it is supposed to?
  19. If no one else find a solution before that, I plan to try to backup everything from the retail unit that I hope to get soon, as well as the early unit in the state it is, and then see If I can wipe the early unit completely with Casey's guide, and attempt to transfer the keys. It might not work as the 'serial numbers' (imei, mac etc) could be saved somewhere completely different, and they just might have to match the attestation keys... I do not know. https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/info-android-device-partitions-and-filesystems.3586565/
  20. Indeed and maybe also what he did not *LOL* That is more precisely narrow down the difference between what @ducksoup and @mosen did. Since restoring the Persist helped Mosen, we can conclude that it is needed But since it did not for Docksoup, we can also conclude that restoring it is not enough. Maybe it is HOW they did the backup and/or the restore that was different? e.g. file rights, Maybe what Ducksoup did 'damaged' more than what Mosen did? Maybe Mosen restored something else, that also matters? It will require more thorough tests to say for sure what
  21. Beyond A-Z? I do not get neither Ü, Ä nor Ö nor SS et cetera. I ONLY see the Y-Z swap, the rest is US. I should be on latest firmware 2.1.2, Though the hardware is not a retail unit.
  22. Sad to hear, I was unaware of that it could be bound to a specific device, I thought it was info that could be moved even easier than a physical SIM. (Though contacts would obviously have to be handled also - but I believe it is rare to have the contacts on the sim today)
  23. There seems to be some issues with the provided layouts, selecting a number of different languages, none of them gives me letters right of L and P. Selecting German does swap Y and Z though, all the rest is like the US. So currently not matching the print. (ADD: Well French AZERTY do move the M up right of the L - the rest still US) Ignore this, see @Benni's replies below, local issue on mine.
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