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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. I agree. One last thing could be to try to hold power and volume down pressed while connected to powered, as this should make it boot into the bootloader menu, that is more likely to work than a full boot, IF it is the battery that is depleted, and not something more severe that has gone awry. ADD: It is a silly default, that it is NOT set to charge, but boot when power is applied in power off state. I will STRONGLY suggest anyone to do this: adb reboot bootloader Wait for the boatloader menu fastboot oem off-mode-charge 1 fastboot reboot (the adb/fastboot package
  2. Indeed. I struggled with the Pro1 initially, especially holding it in portrait in the left hand (for operating with the right), But as I almost immediately started using shells, and then flip-cases, the problem disappeared. But without a case it is as aPple would put it: "You are holding it wrong" *LOL* It will simply take a while to getting used to a grip avoiding inadvertently touching the fingerprint-reader. I'm pretty sure that if you delete all you fingerprints (Setting►Security►Fingerprint) it will effectively be disabled. The slick design where the fingerprint-reader is almo
  3. Thanks, i know next to nothing on edl. Could you please make a full guide of how to get edl, And how to use it for backup and restore of the persist. Preferably in a separate thread, I can link to.
  4. If not connected and you hold volume down and power you will get the bootloader menu (that accepts fastboot commands from a pc if connected), One of the entries in this menu (cycle with volume up/down to see in the top line) is Recovery. Booting into Recovery gives you a new menu from where you among other things can wipe the userdata and sideload (with the adb sideload command on a pc)
  5. not recovery but the fastboot mode. (From where recovery can be selected among others). You will see the bootloader menu, somewhat similar to this.
  6. If you disconnect, and hold down the power for a long time - say 10s, do you get anything on the screen? You should see a logo. Unless the battery is completely depleted.
  7. Added 'something' at the top of this on backup of the persist partition. https://community.fxtec.com/topic/3207-various-roms-available-to-the-pro1pro1x-available-for-download-links/ Please correct me if what I wrote was wrong. @mosen, @ducksoup, @steeb and I will have it changed ASAP.
  8. Yes, but note that this is a user-to-user forum where FxTec only occasionally are active. But sure would be preferable if they provided the info. I will add 'something' for now....
  9. Maybe you should make a separate thread on what to do switching FROM stock Android, that I can link to in the ROM thread? As this seems generally crucial/useful.
  10. Not ALL parts are the same, but many are, would be nice with a list of what is identical, and what is not..
  11. I'm pretty sure that the popping sounds are related to the clipping, so no clipping means no popping I tried it with some talk radio, and gone at max vol, and on the other hand when the level is below about 50% all sounds (including pops) seems completely gone from the right side/bottom speaker
  12. Sad. Then something is stuck between the case and the button. So the only thing to do is to have it opened and have whatever it is removed. So await what support suggest you to do. IF they suggests you to open it your self, and you feel comfortable doing so, then please take (and share) some photos doing so, as we have only the FCC images of the interior of the Pro1X, there should be some visible differences compared to the Pro1.
  13. With newest platform tools gives fastboot: error: Unable to get max-fetch-size. Device does not support fetch command. On both Pro1 and Pro1X
  14. Not that it is an actual fix, but is a functional workaround: If you use a shell (or flip) case, the chance of accidentally triggering the fingerprint reader is practically eliminated. (There is a loooong thread on (primarily) DIY cases here, a short summary is that any soft case fitting the Huawei P20 Pro, is likely to be a good base for a Pro1(X) case. I also made my own thread here.
  15. Looks fine to me. One minor detail. Flashing AICP, the 47% blah blah click yes is on the main zip, and does not appear again on the Gapps zip. So Lineage and AICP acts slightly different here.
  16. The Pro1X stock Android comes with a preinstalled FactoryKit app. (Similar for the Pro1, See this) It is not launched the same way as on the Pro1. Actually I have not found the correct way to start it! Though by using an app like "Activity Launcher" and selecting a shortcut for "FactoryKit" sub-item "FactoryKit", I can launch and get the following list, and some can be started, and some crashes direcrly. Launching it the above way make the app crash or halt after the test that works are finished, so you are likely to need to swipe it away from the app-list after ea
  17. Sounds like a software issue. Will try if I can reproduce... ADD; Yes I got the same (on a before retail sample) (Add II: Headset not affected by this bug)
  18. I will highly recommend NOT omitting this tiny step. Remember that an OTA update swaps what is active between A/B so could easily become a mess Alternatively flash the boot image to booth boot_a and boot_b, so it is in whatever is active.
  19. Me too: https://eskerahn.dk/?p=4539 Most important: Settings ► Intelligent assistance ► Other Settings ► Home key function ► Double press to launcher.
  20. HA, I replied you in the other thread too.... EDIT: Cleaned up my mess, now point back here! I'm pretty sure that is what is going on. I both tried to do multiple "Advanced", "reboot to recovery", and that did not change a/b. Then did a new flash of AICP, and instead did "Advanced", "reboot to bootloader", and there "Recovery", and it also showed it switched, I do not know if there is any other way to get the Recovery to refresh it self than to reboot to recovery. But would be nice if it at the least gave a warning if you attempt to make a new "Apply Update", that it will NOT go to the
  21. EDIT: Sorry for double posting, should have referred to the other thread in the first place. Replied there: https://community.fxtec.com/topic/3425-setup-lineage-os-on-your-fxtec-pro¹/?do=findComment&comment=62467
  22. Guessing here, it might have meant more delays, E.g. if they were not available within a reasonable time frame.
  23. I currently only got a unit that is not retail, so MIGHT be different. My button is quite loose, but if I do not touch it, it tilts one way similar to your picture. If I press at the opposite end, it tilts the other way. The active contact is near the middle of the button. If yours stay down pressing at the other end, it could indicate that 'something' is between the frame and the button. And I assume it is unlikely to get rid of this without opening the device.
  24. Thanks for testing. Maybe what recovery boot image I have in slot boot_b for some reasons make it behave less bad than yours - I have no idea what version.... nor do I know how to find out what version is flashed in slot boot_b? Obviously I could flash to both boot_a and boot_b, that is dong the flashing double before first boot, To make sure I am in a well known state.... With the risk of making it unable to boot AICP-S. I will consider this, the next time I'm in need of a wiping it anyhow. ADD; I tried sending the boot image to both, and it worked fine, (with no reset, and nothing missin
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