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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. There IS a sensor in the screen for it, though we do not (yet) have something that can make it turn the display off, as we do for the Pro1 - thanks to @Slion - let us hope he finds a way to do it for the Pro1X too. On the thickness, I usually cut out the credit-card part, this gives a little extra space. (and the case usually is stiffened by some cardboard, so you can bend it to get a better fit)
  2. The method looks sound in principle, but forget about AICP-S for now... And anyway I use a MUCH older boot/image lineage_18.1-20210913-recovery-pro1.img You should fetch AICP-R not S, S is not stable (yet?), and still on march security patch.... I had a LOT of trouble with S.... With S, I needed to do a factory reset from within the recovery, and even so, it still asked me at the seventh boot, to factory reset again. And still after that does a bootloop after each flash of new version.... AICP-R is stable, so fetch a copy of R ASAP, as it is likely to roll out the bottom of the
  3. There is also a rather similar list under*#*#4636#*#*, BUT it is not identical - I do not know how these two list are intertwined .
  4. You could consider to choose to entirely omit the 3G bands, to avoid it attempting to switch to them. E.g. LTE only. There is a long list of combinations under preferred network type I do not know the exact meaning of all the used terms, so will likely require some googling to find the optimal setting.
  5. Indeed, we have several reports that fastboot is more picky than adb. I have a feeling that older pc's generally works better than new pc's. That is also why a simple hub inserted between the pc and phone sometimes can do the trick.
  6. Noticed THIS difference: And POWER_SUPPLY_INPUT_CURRENT_LIMITED sounds very much like what has been my theory all along..... The big question is how to avoid this state being triggered too soon though....
  7. ...If you are on a device with AICP or LOS you can (by an option in developer options) allow ADB to do rooted stuff, e.g. ADB root adb shell setprop persist.dbg.ims_volte_enable 1 adb shell setprop persist.dbg.volte_avail_ovr 1 adb shell setprop persist.dbg.vt_avail_ovr 1 adb shell setprop persist.dbg.wfc_avail_ovr 1 ADB unroot (not available on stock android though - neither Pro1X nor Pro1 )
  8. (lineage-19.1-20220912-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on September 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-12.1.0-arm64-20220605_174313) Still with the keyboard bug introduced that messes accessibility apps (works on AICP R/S based on Android 11/12) see e.g. this.
  9. I'm confused, do you by that mean the Pro1 (without the X) ?
  10. Are you sure the commands does not require the device to be rooted, or similar? PS, they can be entered with ADB shell: adb shell setprop persist.dbg.ims_volte_enable 1; setprop persist.dbg.volte_avail_ovr 1; setprop persist.dbg.vt_avail_ovr 1; setprop persist.dbg.wfc_avail_ovr 1 (from here) (If I run the commands on AICP on the Pro1 (non-x) they are accepted, but not on the other variants I tried it )
  11. Ah! This description reminds a lot of AISP-S that after install goes into a boot loop, and only on the seventh(!) boot actually boots, and needed TWO sort of factory reset....
  12. Try to make a clean installation without connecting to WiFi, and turn off WiFi as soon as you can. If it helps, at the least we know were the bug is. You could also try a clean install at a friend with a different WiFi, and see if things works better there. If so, we know that for some odd reason it does not work with your Access Point.... And you could try to fiddle with what bands it uses,
  13. Try putting it en aeroplane mode. Some of us see issues with spontaneous reboots when the WiFi signal gets out of reach - not always but sometimes. If Aeroplane mode helps, try with only WiFi off (obviously not a solution, but to narrow it down, also use it without restoring your apps, again to narrow it down - it might be an updated app that somehow made it crash.)
  14. This is a user-to-user forum, so the chance that your message is spotted by staff here is slim to none. Sorry.
  15. The missing preview is because it also works from the lock-screen, where you for security reasons are not allowed to access recent photos. But indeed the auto-shoot does not seem like a very good idea, in theory it could catch a moment fast, but in practise very likely to take useless photos out of focus. Had there been an option I would turn this feature off.
  16. Install something like GSAM or 3C All-In-One Toolbox, to find what app is the culprit. The LOS by it self is pretty lean on the battery. About 0.5%/h when idle. ADD, And when in Aeroplane mode it falls to about 8%/day (And this is on a preproduction unit from the the spring 2019, with original battery)
  17. I'm not too happy about messing with the system files, and as the numbers are the same when charging the battery works and when it does not, it is unlikely to be relevant.
  18. It looks this way no matter if charging is working or not. So not an indicator as such. And do not get fooled by the sign. Some phones reports charging as negative (e.g. Pro1 and Samsung S8-) other reports usage as negative (e.g. Titan Slim). I see this in "3C All-In-One Toolbox", that there is disagreement on the sign between different models..
  19. Flashed aicp_pro1_s-17.1-WEEKLY-20220907.zip on security update 2022-03-05 Seems much the same. Still initial boot-loop after flash, But that aside things seem to work.
  20. When the bug is present: C:\Util\ADB>adb shell "grep '.*' /sys/class/power_supply/battery/*" /sys/class/power_supply/battery/capacity:85 /sys/class/power_supply/battery/charge_counter:2491300 /sys/class/power_supply/battery/charge_done:0 /sys/class/power_supply/battery/charge_full:2906000 /sys/class/power_supply/battery/charge_type:N/A /sys/class/power_supply/battery/charger_temp:296 /sys/class/power_supply/battery/charger_temp_max:812 /sys/class/power_supply/battery/constant_charge_current_max:-22000 /sys/class/power_supply/battery/current_now:-3417 /sys/class/power_supply/battery
  21. You want to see this when the issue is there I assume? On AICP and LOS, Rooting is not needed as such. adb root adb shell "grep '.*' /sys/class/power_supply/battery/voltage_*" adb unroot returns something /sys/class/power_supply/battery/voltage_max:4400000 /sys/class/power_supply/battery/voltage_now:4204334 /sys/class/power_supply/battery/voltage_qnovo:-22 and /sys/class/power_supply/battery/voltage_max:4400000 /sys/class/power_supply/battery/voltage_now:3819082 /sys/class/power_supply/battery/voltage_qnovo:-22 on two different Pro1 The bug is not present at this m
  22. (merged the thread https://community.fxtec.com/topic/3689-is-the-lineage-os-out-yet-for-the-x/ )
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