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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. The same are available directly under Settings ► Display ► Display Size as far as I can see. Or?
  2. For those on Lineage 18,1 not aware, 19.1 has been released for the Pro1. See:
  3. A big update. Unsigned drivers now allowed! On a Lenovo Yoga X1 Gen 6 I previously used an old hub to get things working, even after all the mess to work with the unsigned driver. Today fumbling with Lineage19 I found out that if I used the front port of their Thunderbolt4 'dock' and a short extension cord, flashing worked at normal speed after changing the driver (and thus twice enter the 48 digit key.....), So no need for the slow old hub. AND what is even better it STILL works after a reboot out of the no-driver-signing mode. So at some point since last fall, they have changed th
  4. PS, We are STILL not allowed to select what apps that can run in the background, and what is foreground only, and it seems even more aggressive in reloading stopped bloat than its predecessors. And this is NOT limited to Google's own bloat. Also things I maybe use once a year like Excel and Word... So they are now uninstalled...
  5. Not much to post, except the ugly clock it looks much the same, except notification area. Some Icons are changed from pure monochrome - thanks for that. That apart, I guess I would need them side by side to note the visual differences.
  6. UPDATE: Installed and working 😁 Including MindTheGapps (Unfortunately OpenGapps is not available for android 12.0 yet) My data and apps was preserved nicely 🙂 BUT two of my most used apps no longer work. 😞 Greenify and Android Assistant does not seem to be allowed to fake clicks to stop the loaded bloat any more 🤬. They DO both open the dialogues, and if I do the clicking for them, then they sort of work. But the positive side of maiming that vital functionality is that Ctrl+Space (Language swap) now works again... (but it did co-exist just fine with Greenify earlier on LineageOS
  7. No the Pro1 and Pro1X will not support 5G. It is anyone's guess if FxTec are planning some successor that do. I hope so, but will not hold my breath for it.
  8. (lineage-18.1-20220425-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on April 5 security patch installed smoothly using OTA ) ...But the reintroduced (early August 2021) Accessibility / keyboard bug is not (yet?) fixed. The stage after download and install called "Finalising package installation" is surprising slow though)
  9. I split the USB part to a new thread. Here a copy of the part of the answer relevant to this thread
  10. ...I wish they would offer the usb-board as a spare, e.g. on IGG, I would certainly buy some, as this always is a vulnerable part of any phone expected to have a long life.
  11. @VaZso I took the liberty to split this into a separate thread. Could you please (re)-answer on the display part in the original thread, and edit it out of the main post in this thread?
  12. Current estimate on IGG as of April 14: Based on this timeline, we expect to begin mass shipping your Pro1-X’s in mid-late May! Then the factor in answering your question is where in the queue you are, and at what rate the production will be, So If your order is recent, I would say after May.
  13. Ah sorry, it isn't offered as a zip for adb. So yes fastboot, as described in the official guide here. (I never tried the process myself, and I do not know how to pack it for adb sideload)
  14. Looks great, even with room for the magnetic USB-plug! And good that it grips both halves, as a bumpy road could otherwise potentially damage the sliding mechanism.
  15. I was SO close to buying one in the Z series several times, having ordered a few of the keyboards, but was so pessimistic that I persuaded myself to wait until I actually had at the least one keyboard mod in my hands - that proved to be a wise decision....
  16. Unfortunately I do not know of any short cuts. We all hope things will look better when they got the Pro1X available, since at the least some of the devices in queue might be replaced with a new device. and hopefully they will have spare parts after the production run.
  17. Update to April 20, with March 5 security patch using OTA went smoothly. Known keyboard bug still there (see lineage thread) (The download stage is substantially faster than LineageOS, But the stage after download and install called "Finalising package installation" is surprising slow though - like it is on LineageOS)
  18. (lineage-18.1-20220418-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on April 5 security patch installed smoothly using OTA ) ...But the reintroduced (early August 2021) Accessibility / keyboard bug is not (yet?) fixed. The stage after download and install called "Finalising package installation" is surprising slow though)
  19. You can only get it from FxTec. See https://www.fxtec.com/support and the "contact us", where you can write directly (or email them). I do not know how easy/difficult it is to replace, but as it is glued it will almost certainly need a heat-gun.
  20. Yes there are tools out there that give you a general margin, not just touch. I do not recall any names though.
  21. As @Rob. S. answered in the other thread, it (unfortunately) is not just an app. The only known method is to flash to stock (wiping everything) and then back to your preferred ROM.
  22. As a very early backer I was offered them too. But though sleek looking I knew that I would never use them so politely declined. (I use ATH-ANC33iS)
  23. My Guess would be that they are generally just deep flat concrete building, so the signal has a hard time reaching. So most likely they offer the WiFi as a service to compensate this, especially if they are one of those allowing you to scan the items with your phone as you put them in the basket. (That offer is quite common in Denmark. e.g. Coop) , I have given up using this due to net-issues doing so....
  24. Well I was talking WiFi... So only internet through the mobile carrier (when not at home, or a few trusted WiFi locations). But yes I will need to to trust my mobile carriers net.
  25. The polemic answer is: Yes, do not trust a phone as a safe place for data, no matter the OS or security update level... But then the big question always is HOW big the risk is, if we choose to take the chance anyway? Strictly someone could snap it out of your hand while you are using with your banking app open, so you NEVER get it completely secure... There are a lot of other things than security patch level in play. e.g. the security of the net you are using it on. That is the reason why my 'Paranoia' never would let me connect my device to a net where I do not feel they are su
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