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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. Yup. I guess the reasson is that it require more skills to change only the display, than the whole frame. So better to sell the more expensive option than having people destroy the phone. And it could also be that the wholesale price difference is outweighed by the price of a technician, so it might also be cheaper for their warranty to change the larger part. ..obviously an argumentation that only make sense if they are able to source the parts
  2. I do not know, but let us tag @Erik here. If not him, I hope he can arrange the needed connection.
  3. I'm pretty sure that if AT&T sent FxTec a request for a device for testing, then FxTec wold be rather likely to be accomodating.
  4. Is the pcb a plain old two sided or multi layer print? In the later case it can be hard to spot/fix, without a diagram, It might only leave a slight miscolurisation around an area where the fault is internally. But tiny lane, tiny burn, tiny spot...
  5. Smoothly installed aicp_pro1_r-16.1-WEEKLY-20220504.zip on March 5 security patch and open_gapps-arm64-11.0-pico-20220503.zip using adb sideload Known keyboard bug still there (see lineage thread) Note that the security update date is still stuck on March?
  6. Try an external hub also! It helped here using the front USB on a Lenovo Thunderbolt-4 docking.
  7. But there have not been an update to 20200825, so even if OTA was up, that would not offer anything newer.
  8. I'm a little confused here. Why do you need the OTA update? Isn't the issue fixed with flashing newest stock directly? Do it need to be flashing an older version with successive OTA update to be fixed?
  9. Yes, I recall that someone made something like that (forgot it was divstar though), But if I remember right, those that tried it reported that it unfortunately did not work as expected. Add:
  10. Indeed. Or at the least that there were a simpler option than an entire flash to stock, package by package to both to a and b, as the guide describes...
  11. Is this a clean install after stock, due to the display issue? If so did you follow the guide to the letter and wiped the user partition also? If an upgrade from 18.1 your data ought to be preserved, and the setup guide thus not launched. Practically everything was preserved for me. Despite being forced to also replace OpenApps 11 with MindTheGapps 12.
  12. This is HIGHLY unlikely that it should be hardware, as we have not seen the same reported on any devices with stock Android, but multiple with Lineage/AICP. Note that there are TWO different bugs. One where it completely ignores it being connected to a charger - and that can easily be hardware. One were the battery is neither charged nor discharged, but the device is power from the charger. The second is a functionality that is GREAT to prevent over-charging a battery, the problem is that it kicks in way too soon, under seemingly random conditions. I tried the described un
  13. Does anyone know if this stuck-charging bug is seen on the Pro1 only? @Sean McCreary ? @npjohnson ? I have never seen it on stock Android, but seen it on both Lineage and AICP. I'm not absolutely sure, but feel almost certain that it was not there in Lineage 16 (do not remember for 17) so it MIGHT be an issue deeper then Lineage-changes, that have occurred after Pie.
  14. (As always a restart fixes it - for a while. So not a huge issue, just a frequent nuisance, that you have to check that it is actually charging every time you plug it in)
  15. A wish: When password is required (e.g. after a boot), it would be great if opening the keyboard also did what swipe up do, so we can start typing the password immediately. Though this in theory is a general LineageOS request, the usage is currently very much limited to the Pro1, and perhaps a few others....
  16. Bad news, the charging bug is still there on 19.1 😞 Here stuck at 30% for 3h
  17. A little more on battery. As said earlier generally as lenient as 18.1 There was an odd pull just around the April/May shift though (the timestamps in the images are CET w DST), The phone lay idle on the desk all day: So I guess it was Google or some other bad guys monthly collecting stolen data?
  18. (lineage-19.1-20220502-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on April 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-12.1.0-arm64-20220416_174313)
  19. Same here, no OTA for the major version upgrade. Though the visual difference is minor there might be substantial deeper changes. BUT the good news is that you do NOT need to wipe your data.
  20. That was my (attempted) point. That despite it is fairly easy to get the display it self, that does not in it self mean they can deliver the assembly in the perk. We have no idea what components/resources that are in shortest supply, but I would guess that they will prioritise to produce entire devices.
  21. What the sell on Igg is not just the display, but the display mounted.
  22. Idle consumption is the same as LineageOs18, and that is OK, Roughly 11 Percent points a day when idle, and with WiFi on. So roughly ½ % per hour In the below it was charged during the upgrade, and charged shortly before being laid (practically) idle for the last 1½ day. (don't get confused by the slightly curved shape around 30% on 18.1 - the percentages are estimates, not accurate measurements)
  23. Update to April 27, with March 5 security patch using OTA went smoothly. Known keyboard bug still there (see lineage thread) (The download stage is substantially faster than LineageOS, But the stage after download and install called "Finalising package installation" is surprising slow though - like it is on LineageOS)
  24. I wonder if 18.1 -> 19.1 has any positive or negative effect in this matter? Anyone tried?
  25. The charging issue we have (had?) in 18.1 seems to me to be related to overcharging protection. It simply stops charging under some unknown conditions, and keeps it at that level +/- 1 or 2% A functionality that is GREAT to not kill a battery in a phone placed in e.g. a car charger all day. But it seems to kick in at a random point, And at random conditions. The lowest I have seen was 18%... if I remember correctly. Rebooting and it charged normally every time here. I think it is at the least a month since I had it though, but not sure, as I tend to only charge it once a week before upgra
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