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Everything posted by VaZso

  1. Yes, we don't know what happened or not. Anyway, support may have been asked to stay because an order number had been associated to that order and wanted to ensure the situation of receiving both the phone and refund will not happen. Maybe the modification of the list they sent to partners is not even easy. I don't know the background but there may be several reasons in a specific case. Also, we heard in this forum about successful refund and also IGG backers were refunded on request.
  2. That is why I have not spoke about this phone at my work. They will see it when I have it in my hands. (I spoke about Keyboard Mod earlier and did not want similar questions.) I knew it will be a hard project and I expected the phone to come a bit later than it currently seems to come. There were several things to solve and several problems may come up. The only thing what I currently don't like is their current communication solution. If there are any information one can use to count what may happen, I would like to hear it. Also, I would like to hear if any delays. I don't
  3. When they said they will provide only a sleeve, I have instantly bought some rubber cases in a hope I can modify it. As I didn't really know its exact dimensions, I bought cases for the U Pro - I thought the same display may have similar physical size. The reasons of more cases (from different sellers) was the chance of getting one relatively soon... otherwise, I don't know if it should work at all... (I was really angry that time anyway...)
  4. Right. If they need to manufacture let's say 1000 additional phones, that means they need to order at least 1000 PCB and the assembly of 1000 PCBs which means they need to order electrical components of at least 1000x of every parts. There are places who does this, but components may come from other countries / distributors. Also some components are not available from one distributor, so they may not only come from one distributor. When the PCB is manufactured and components are available, then assemble should be done - it means 1000 assembled PCBs, not anything more than that. It may n
  5. I think by that time most of the things were worked out. Anyway, mass-manufacturing was still not built up by that time and as far as I know some minor modifications happened on the hardware (they placed some screws near the keyboard instead of glue), maybe some fine-tuning happened near antennas (or not, I don't know) and a lot of work happened software-wise. MWC was a good opportunity for them to show their phone is basically works well. They (as a startup) need others to know them to be able to have real business. Financially it is a very expensive project and if no buyers, it can
  6. I just would like to mention it was a preorder and in this category, things may happen. It is definitively not an easy thing to do any similar projects. I hope we will see some delivered phones soon and other phones will also arrive in a few weeks. That may give some patience also for others who are still waiting.
  7. When I receive refund from Ebay / Paypal or Aliexpress, it also take several business days to appear at my local bank. I think these things are usually not fast. It I send money abroad from my local bank it also takes some business days but it depends on the method I use to send (which have higher fee for a faster method). So I'm not wonder if it takes time...
  8. Maybe second batch can be faster if that is true that customs can be much slower on the first run of a new device. However, expecting 10 days and experiencing 5 for example is much better than expecting 5 days and experiencing 10. 🙂
  9. eMMC also has some versions (just like UFS anyway), so it can be relatively fast, but UFS interface is definitively better. 🙂
  10. I think flash speed can be more impact on the overall speed if it is relatively slow. (Anyway, they said it is connected on UFS interface so it is not eMMC which sounds good anyway, so I hope it is relatively fast.) Also software optimizations may have high impact on overall performance.
  11. I have the exact same thoughts regarding this and I also even hope to be a huge success. Also, how high the success is may be found when (and if) they start selling Pro2. If people see Pro1 (also those who did not bought it) and they find its quality good and hearing good opinions of their users, then they may also buy the successor and can be braver to buy it than any preorderers of Pro1. 🙂 I don't think other manufacturers are starting to produce similar hardware by that time, that may be more risky if we are speaking about Pro3. Otherwise, if they can build up a good reputatio
  12. I also hope the same. That also means they will have to start doing something in 1-1.5 years to have enough time for a new design. Maybe a new design can be done a bit earlier as there may have solutions which are exists now in Por1's design. Also electronically, also mechanically, also the experience and business connections. However, the next few months will be very important in this aspect for them as it will be the interval when they may decide about a successor and find if its worth the effort. So I hope they gain as much profit as possible and for this reason, the availabil
  13. Today's people may think also Pro1 as an outdated device. It isn't, but they will definitively not buy it one or two years later. Also, people don't really like "downgrading" from a higher-spec device to buy a phone which has real keyboard. So in this point of view, its worth considering to start designing a higher-spec successor in a few months and reach manufacturing state in 1-1.5 years from now. ...just to make higher presence and reach people who would like to have higher-spec phones with more current hardware.
  14. I'm also part of the Moto Mod backers and I have also not received that mail. For me, I would buy Pro2 even when my Pro1 is still functioning well. ...mainly because I would like to keep this style of phone being produced. I also hope the phone will have much more than 2-3 years of lifespan, but I also hope a Pro2 device may be available in not more than 2-3 years from now.
  15. Have you received any e-mail from them regarding that your order is being assigned to a Pro1? If not, you may be in the second batch I think...
  16. As far as I remember well, they said the first batch was in construction while they started to negotiate another batch - I think because the demand was higher than their expectations earlier. I don't know what was the real state of the first batch when they has started to write about the second batch - maybe they were mostly prepared for shipping but more likely that was about booking capacities in the factory and the first batch is just had been done a few weeks ago while the second batch may be currently in construction. So yes, it seems the second batch may follow the first batch in a
  17. I wonder if IGG backers would be less than 100 and I would also wonder if the first batch is less than 100 units (what we know they may be around 120 or unknown size, so the expectation of 100 may be right anyway). However, I also have IGG coupon applied and still not received the e-mail above. I wrote them a question about it by e-mail yesterday but they may be a bit busy now. So I am afraid the first batch does not cover all IGG backers or at least not all IGG backers with QWERTZ order.
  18. For me, I miss notification LED of my N900. A few months ago I have found there is a "flash" for front camera in my phone and found an application to use it for this purpose, but it is too bright and is only one colour. I think RGB notification LED is a very good thing to have if you are able to set it to notify only about what you want in appropriate colour. I mean it is much better to look at the phone and see if there was any calls or SMS rather than constantly wake up the phone to activate display - if you are waiting for a call or may others call you some time, then it makes life m
  19. I hope it will not be a one-off device, however, I also think we should wait for a while regarding any successors. They may relax for a while and may try to gain some profit - time will tell. They definitively should make Pro1 if there is a demand even if they have started designing any successor... and yes, that state they should not show it to wide public because selling of Pro1 would decrease that point... but if they have profit, then they may have money to invest in a successor and they may use the same or similar production and delivery system which were built up recently. So a su
  20. I think (I may be not true) they earlier thought they may ship phones from warehouses at 29th and later they did not want to announce another delay but blur the info a bit instead (or maybe they had internal misunderstanding earlier). It is an interesting thing anyway at PR-wise. If you say something was unsuccessful and have another delay, it may have a result of many unsatisfied people instantly. If you say everything is as expected and you can ship it in only a few days delay, it may be better - but if don't, it may be even worse. I am in a group who more satisfied if one say it is del
  21. They did several preparations (maybe a bit lately anyway), so I don't think they will stop now if there are no huge problems coming. ...as they sent units for certification, built up production and contracted with warehouses (which altogether cost high amount of money), they will definitively try to fulfill all orders and even later orders. Maybe almost two years ago, they have started something which they probably had no experience and finally built up a production system which result may appear soon. I understand if they are tired and thus make steps which are not good for community
  22. I think if they have some time, they will solve this. So if everything going right, I assume software upgrades will be resolved. ...at least that is more under their control than shipping for example.
  23. I don't know - we may see how it looks like. I think it may be not a huge problem, but I am afraid how hard (or easy) will it to break compared to flat screens. However, it seems the phone will be easily serviceable not like a usual phone today.
  24. Yes, when preorder became available, it was known and also curved screen was known. Communication issues (including the lack of communication) were the most important part anyway. Also, I hope to hear some good news soon - maybe near the first part of next week as there is nothing really new (which were unknown till Friday) may come on weekend. I really hope they will leave a note when stock arrive to EU / US and they start shipping from those locations. However, I don't know if we may even expect such updates...
  25. For me, sleeve is not really do anything as if the phone is in my pocket, then nothing else is near it... if I use it, then sleeve should not be put on, so practically it worth nothing if we are speaking about guarding the phone itself. The other one (SIM + uSD) is more like a design issue, but it has revealed very lately (I have started following this project before the very beginning). However, I have asked them to have SIM1 + SIM2 + uSD by that time, but that is another question. Also, I understand they finally decided to use this hybrid solution, but apart from that, it hurts so m
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