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Everything posted by VaZso

  1. Just to be clear, I don't really mind if the phone will be shipped on early November, mid-November or sometime in December. I know several things may happen and several problems can be faced. ...but if there are problems somewhere, I would like to know it may be delayed instead of repeating everything is on track till to the end. Few weeks aren't really matters in a distance of years now, but I would like to see real information and statements. The first time something broke in me was the lack of the ability to use two SIMs and uSD cards simultaneously and the last time was the prom
  2. Thank you your answer. I saw the site was originally used Wordpress CMS but I have not thought these numbers are not sequential order numbers... I have not used this CMS so I don't know its special behaviours nor the specific modules available for this system.
  3. Okay, but how / what have you counted?
  4. Where did you get the number of 150? Anyway, it would be good if they could send a mail to everyone containing what is their number in the queue. However, it seems they are not willing to give us _any_ numbers - the amount of phones manufactured till a date, the amount of orders received, the amount of phones are there in first batch, the amount of phones in following batches, the amount of IGG orders - be it actual numbers or relative ones. Nor they are willing to say anything real about current shipping state of packages to EU / US warehouses. They are practically quiet and we p
  5. Hi Erik, Thank you for you are being here and give us some information you know. Could you please tell us something about what part of preorders may included in the first batch? I mean about what part of preorders or what part of IGG users or how many devices we are speaking about or something closer? ...at least some news about the state of shipments from China to warehouses at EU / USA? Thank you in advance.
  6. Thank you your messages. Do you know if the shipments to EU / US have left customs in China (if so, when) and if they arrived near the fulfillment centres (if so, when) and if they left customs in destination country (if so, when)? When the batch arrives, how long may it take to ship them to customers (maybe expressed in days)? So it would be good to know some of the progress, including delays if something has happened - knowing what happening is much more important for me than if I knew nothing, I (and others) are worrying if we may receive any updates (like shipping numbers) soon a
  7. I don't like the idea of the "protection" is only a sleeve. I hate sleeves as they are very far from practical use of every day life. Also, they said other type of case. This way the phone will not have any protection at all when you use it. :S On my N900, I have used a full-body protection, at least that would be necessary to keep the phone in good condition. Also, the addition of having shared SIM2 / microSD slots and the lack of back protection altogether make me very, very sad. This way there is no space to even try to use two SIMs and uSD cards together without des
  8. I am one of the Indiegogo preorderers. I have received my payment request on the 1st of August at 9:56AM and payed it two minutes later (this is the arrival of my receipt mail). When I receive my unit, I will write a message on this forum (so when I will arrive to home and I hope I will not travel that day). Theoretically, that info may be good for some estimations...
  9. It is absolutely depends on the shipping method. Usually the higher the shipping price, the faster the shipping itself. For bigger couriers, transfer from China (or USA) to Europe can take only a few days including customs. When the last time I ordered PCB from China, they shipped on Friday and I held them in my hands by Wednesday and the whole stuff was in the capital city of my country by Sunday anyway - so main part of the delay was caused by the customs itself. All in all, shipping from far places can be extremely fast if a good courier was selected... even if we are in the mid
  10. I am also think the 30 day username change is okay (usually changing user name on a forum is not even allowed), but if the username has changed because of the new forum software, the user should have been allowed to change the username at least once and not after 30 days. The reason of time limit is to prevent the users to modify their messages after a reply arrived or after months because of changing mind. That case other messages would also look strange. The duration of time limit is another question.
  11. I am also think there are some automated tests for basic functionalities including the keyboard and working ability of display and so on which also need some manual work. Software can also show the operator if any fault has found by automated tests. Every manufacturers should do some testing in order to not send faulty devices to customers.
  12. Thank you, I haven't noticed that - however, it would be good if clicking to the topic name would also do the same... 🙂
  13. It would be good if I click on the name of a topic, then it would not take me to the first page of that topic, but to the page including the first unseen message (so the page which has the blue line indicating new messages). ...or at least to show at least one page before the last one so if I remember I was at page 9 last time and now the topic has 10 pages, then I could continue reading the 9th page and I may see the blue line at one of the latest messages on that page.
  14. Thank you, I haven't noticed that. Anyway, I was up-to-date in the old forum, maybe 1 day away because of travel. When the new forum has appeared, I have looked it but did not see which are the new messages (but bold topic names) and I was feel later I may have more time to find out what to do (so I have not really read the forum in the last few days because I did not want to miss new messages). Today is weekend, so I has started to look it deeper. I have found some topics with new messages without mark and many more (every other) with bold topic name but read messages (which were
  15. Thank you your reply. I see this blue line above your answer, but this was the first time I saw it. In older threads, I see messages written today or yesterday, I know I read older messages, but blue line was not there. Maybe it will be there when I open those threads again later, but it seems I have to open all threads once to begin this sign to work...
  16. Am I the only one who miss the ability to see what are the unseen messages in a topic? I don't like reading forum topics when I don't know what was the last message I read in that topic, so every time I have to search at least for messages written in the same day. Also, Activity may be a good thing, but it don't help in the problem above. Old forum had marked these unseen messages anyway, but I could not find it in the new forum yet. Edit: "Community" reputation has also zeroed as I see.
  17. Yes, they are another questions which would be good to be answered... If we may have some of the questions answered, that would be a bit better than nothing. That is why also my second question is redundant - the first one asks for a number and the second one only a yes/or statement.
  18. Anyway, it would like to know at least some of the following information: - What part of the Indiegogo preorders may receive their units from the first batch? - Do all the Indiegogo preorders may receive their units from the first batch? - About what part of the preorders taken at fxtec.com are expected to receive their units from the first batch? So, please share some information. If you don't want to share exact information (as it looks to be), then you may share some relative information like the above.
  19. Hi, I have changed the layout to German QWERTZ because the primary QWERTY keyboard of Pro1 is shifted and I think it is highly problematic if one would like to use another layout(s). In my old N900, I could use conveniently every Hungarian characters by using my own keymap, so I really hope a similar way of defining an own character mapping is also exists in Android system. If so, I will do my own sooner or later... So, I think a German QWERTZ keyboard is a much better starting point than the original shifted US version, however, I would choose that if it would be non-shifted as the
  20. I mean those places where they are going to ship these devices soon, so the actual shipping locations near the specific users of the area.
  21. Anyway, I hope production is ramping up soon (including the arrival of pre-orders) as Christmas is coming and if they can produce enough unit in time to be available in warehouses, then they may have even more additional orders if there is a chance them to arrive near Christmas...
  22. I also hope the same. I don't really mind if Pro2 would come in two or three years if Pro1 is functioning well and has good quality enough to wait for a Pro2. :) I really hope it will arrive later in time but currently the success of Pro1 is needed to even consider any successor. So I also hope the best.
  23. You are right. I am counting the project since it was started by the end of MotoMod Project. At start, I was sceptical on MotoMod's forum as design a whole phone from scratch is a very complicated process - I wrote some comments about it there. When they first mentioned the phone (temporary named as Q-device), it was sounded too simple. Since then, they could solve several problems and they could assemble working products in small volume. Also, they are currently working on mass production and final delivery chain, maybe close to the end of starting the whole "production system" togeth
  24. They are not necessarily have to be travel on a slow boat anyway. However, Li-Ion batteries may cause problems I think. Not the same range, but currently I have an order which was shipped on 29 September from China to Europe / Hungary and expected to arrive on 3 October - it has already passed customs and is currently in the capital city of my country. It will arrive on 2nd or 3rd depending of the end of delivery chain (it has already happened to receive package from the same source and courier a day before expected delivery date). Sometimes I order from the USA from a wholesaler and deli
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