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About oliviersenn6

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    Fucking up my flash Extraordinaire

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  1. I am aware and I have it installed. Issue is the same across versions so I'm moving to the newer thread. Disregard my previous comment about it being fixed, it enabled me to send 1 SMS and it broke again a few hours later. Note that when I go to click smsc refresh, the text box only gets populated after I click "refresh". I looked up what vzw was because I didn't know how to set anything to it, and it seems related to Verizon? Not sure how that is relevant as Verizon is not my carrier nor is it a carrier at all in my country (France). I was also unable to learn how to set smsc
  2. thanks (and sorry for deadposting but i don't come here often), this fixed it. didn't have to turn off RCS.
  3. constant, both RCS and SMS (but not MMS !) fail to send. LOS devs went "damn that sucks", and my carrier had me try things that went nowhere. at this point if i need to send an SMS i press send, it fails, i take a screenshot and send that as an MMS. Jus throwing it out there in case someone has seen that before but if you haven't heard of it then i'm definitely alone with this.
  4. Well, Happy New Year. to be honest owning a 25% more powerful version of the pro1, with an SoC released before 2020 and quite possibly the same screen QC issue, is not exactly my alley and i've been avoiding asking for a refund for years now because i thought they'de at least send it eventually. evidently they did not, and as my current pro1's battery health (hi Eske, yes, i did fast charge it, yes, you told me so, the thing is like 6 years old at this point it's fair to say it's old okay) is dwindling and there is not even a tracking number in sight, I asked support today for a re
  5. I use magisk because it's easier for most things, honestly (also my banks don't use those methods). for example having an su manager for in-app su requests is very useful, for example for installing Vanced rooted. but obviously if that's not your use case then by all means ih8sn is leagues easier to use than trying to get magisk to install, not to mention the wiping risk if you fuck up your flash.
  6. i have not tried 18.1, but i installed 19.1 this weekend. i'm using: lineage 19.1 with mindtheGapps Magisk 25.0, apk 25.1, zygisk enabled (important) Magisk modules, using fox magisk modules manager: magiskHide props config, set to fxtec pro1 Universal SafetyNet Fix, no additional config then reboot i am passing all safetynet checks, and i am able to add cards to gpay (my bank is still not supported but instead of "this device has been modified" it now says "your bank is incompatible"). My insurers app doesn't like rooted phones either and i am now able
  7. alright so that just fucking happened. since my phone wasn't booting, i decided "hey you know what there can be no harm in trying to install lineageOS, worst case scenario it doesnt work and i'm back at square one." so i flashed the boot.img for lineageos from tdm's website and the phone tries to boot into it and shows the lineage loading screen, but ultimately fails and ends up in a boot loop. So i used this tool yet again to actually go back to square one. and now my phone boots. what the hell is happening i'm so confused
  8. i'm not sure what you mean, but i can enter EDL by pressing both volume buttons down and then the power button. when i flash the phone using this tool, the flash process goes correctly but i always end up in fastboot. if I had unlocked the bootloader, it becomes locked again, so I can tell that it's doing something but it doesn't appear to work.
  9. sorry to dig up an old thread, but i'm having trouble with this. i used it once to do a full factory restore because i couldn't install updates and it worked fine. then after doing an update and rooting, i couldn't install any more updates (probably my fault) so I used this tool again. now my phone can only boot to EDL or fastboot (which says it's locked, although that's not exactly a problem). if I try to flash either one of the 2 QFPs you provide, the result is the same, if I don't enter EDL the phone boots to fastboot no matter what i try. additionnal info: i'm using
  10. well that's a damn shame, i can't seem to find a boot image for 20191203. @Craig or @Ilrilan,would you happen to have it on hand?
  11. this isn't working for me. my phone is asking me to install 20191210 (from 20191203), but regardless of whether i uninstall magisk or not, it fails with the message: "intall failed, reason: 20" which is rather cryptic. the only thing i've done apart from magisk is AdAway (with systemless hosts) and some database hacks to get google pay working (read my standalone post if confused). i've seen in another thread that adaway can cause otas to fail, but i've been very careful to not install it before enabling systemless hosts. Am I screwed? do I need to flash back to stock? EDIT
  12. it worked on my phone, build number QX1000_EEA_20191203104303 after getting the boot.img from this post, patching it and flashing it. EEA doesn't seem to be the problem. i did not have to flash boot_b at all.
  13. Disclaimer: i am not responsible for any harm that may come to your device as a result of following this tutorial. as it turns out, Google pay has detection mechanisms that enable it to detect magisk even when hide is enabled and even when you pass safetynet. this is annoying because some of use like to root our devices but would also like to be able to use features that were listed as a selling point for the phone. i found this topic on XDA which details steps to fool it into thinking the checks have passed, which I will copy below for your convenience. download an
  14. as soon as i saw the title i knew i'd see Eske in the comments talking about battery life lmao
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