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Everything posted by tdm

  1. You mean data won't mount? What are you seeing? Does it boot to recovery and ask to wipe data? Something else?
  2. tdm

    ROM: Ungoogled Stock

    This is stock based. Sources are not available.
  3. Looking at a pic that I took yesterday on the rear camera in portrait mode. The EXIF data says rotation is "4", eg. bottom-left. If I remove the EXIF data, the image rotates +90 so that the top is shown on the right side. So it seems the physical camera sensor is mounted sideways. I can see how an app would generate a picture that is sideways, but I am confused how an app would generate a picture that is upside down. I'll have to look into this some more.
  4. tdm

    Setup without Google

    Use ungoogled stock?
  5. Thanks for the report. So it's not a regression. There are settings for camera angle correction. I'll play around with them.
  6. Don't suppose you can tell if stock also has this issue?
  7. I doubt it. I think this happens when it fails to mount /data. And that likely happens before adb is working. Also remember, if this happens again, you should be able to switch back to the working slot in fastboot.
  8. Don't know why ota would fail like that but you can always sideload to fix it. The reason adb goes to 47% and stops is because Google expects about 210% data transfer over usb. Once to verify signature, once to install, plus some overhead. So the percent you see is scaled. But lineage recovery caches data and only transfers 100% exactly. So it gets to 47% and then stops while the ota is installed. Lineage adb shows a nice little ASCII spinner to let you know it's alive.
  9. It is the pro¹ kernel. I need to add the exfat driver. Stock did not include it.
  10. Apparently there was an issue with the build server configuration. https://buildkite.com/lineageos/android/builds/25787#2280946e-4537-4166-9eaa-79e9dbfb50d5 You can track all Lineage builds here: https://buildkite.com/lineageos/android/builds Note the nice pretty shade of red all the way down the page... 😄
  11. If you boot to the boot/recovery that you built (by using fastboot to flash it), you should have no signature issues with the package. Just a guess, but perhaps the microg signature spoofing is getting in the way of the metadata signatures? The easiest solution might be to fastboot flash your built images instead of using recovery to install them. You'll probably need boot, system, vbmeta, vendor. You can find them in out/target/product/pro1 under your build tree.
  12. There is a kernel patch that automatically hides the "su" binary when it is not in use. So, as long as you disable root for apps in developer settings before launching your freedom-limiting app, it will not be able to detect it. But. As mentioned, there are many other ways to detect a rooted/modified device.
  13. I believe this is privacy guard. Try: "Settings->Privacy->Privacy Guard->Show notification"
  14. It was probably modified, but I don't remember exactly how or why. But there's also the possibility that selinux is getting in the way.
  15. That is easy to fix, just boot into recovery, flash gapps, wipe, and go again.
  16. And here's AICP... http://ota.nwwn.com/roms/aicp/9.0/pro1/aicp_pro1-ota-9.0-test1.zip
  17. Okay got AEX working... please test and I'll toss up a thread later. http://ota.nwwn.com/roms/aex/9.0/pro1/aosp_pro1-ota-9-test1.zip EDIT: If you need a recovery to flash this with, my latest Lineage test recovery should work... http://files.nwwn.com/android/pro1/lineage-16.0-pro1-test22-boot.img
  18. Looks like AICP and AOSPX both have the same FBE decrypt issue. I imagine that once I get this solved, both will boot and run fine.
  19. I've flashed every test build and my own builds from the official sources. Every time I flash Lineage, reboot recovery, flash gapps, reboot into Android. And every time it works flawlessly. I don't know why it would not be working for you. Once you flash the official Lineage build, you will be offered an OTA update each week. The OTA system will preserve your gapps. I have verified this myself, as have others.
  20. If you install via sideload, always remember to "reboot recovery" then flash gapps. Then it should be fine. If you try to boot without flashing gapps, then later flash it, all of the Google apps will crash and require re-install. If you install via OTA, this should all Just Work.
  21. tdm

    Factory Restore Tool

    1. If you have ModemManager running, stop it. 2. Understand that EDL is an "one shot" protocol. You must reset the device between tries. 3. EDL is very picky about USB hardware. If you cannot get it working after a few attempts, try: 3a. A different USB port. 3b. A different USB cable. 3c. With/without a USB hub. 3d. A different PC. Good luck!
  22. I don't know how you managed to brick 4 times. And neither do I understand how TWRP backups are so important. Once you get the device running what you want, how does it brick again? Anyway .. I should eventually get TWRP running with decrypt. Like hopefully within a few weeks. Especially since the new ROMs I'm working on don't have a nice slick recovery like Lineage.
  23. I needed a new personal ROM to run anyway. AOKP has been dead for some time, unfortunately. AICP seems to be the closest match out there.
  24. And I'm now an AICP dev also. w00t! 😄
  25. Got AICP built but it's not booting properly. Need to investigate, but not right now. I'll try building AEX next.
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