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Posts posted by claude0001

  1. 17 hours ago, mat said:

    I only checked WiFi before flashing Lineage, which did work. It's not that the radios do not work at all, it it just that the quality declines very rapidly. There is no "average reception" as with other phones, the quality is either perfect or (close to) unusable e.g. when I am in the next room to my WiFi router or in the toilet booth at the office.

    That's quite similar experience I had before fixing the antennas of my prawn-x. One one side of my flat calls and data would work, on the other not at all. Can depend on what bands are strongest in different places ...

    Also in my case, wifi was unaffected and always worked. Its on a separate antenna module.

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, mat said:

    It installed easily on my brand new Pro 1X, but I have multiple issues with it (phone audio not working, WiFi, 4G and GPS reception being very poor).

    Supporting what @Hook wrote, and quoting the official LineageOS wiki:


    Warning: Make sure that you can send and receive SMS and place and receive calls (also via WiFi and LTE, if available), otherwise it won’t work on LineageOS either! Additionally, some devices require that VoLTE/VoWiFi be utilized once on stock to provision IMS.

    Alternative ROMs cannot magically fix problems that reside in the hardware or the binary blobs of the Pro1X. Are you sure WiFi, LTE and GPS worked fine with stock Android?

    • Like 2
  3. 39 minutes ago, mangled said:

    There's an app called Droidvnc found on fdroid that allows you to create a server from your device. 



    I have not tried it yet but it looks promising.

    I use it for remote-controlling my Pro1. Works well, but the refresh rates are rather low.

    Obviously, this requires a third device to act as the VNC client between the phone and the external display, so it's certainly no solution for all use cases ...

    Also, as any mirroring technique based on screengrabbing, it cannot be used to display DRM protected content (Netflix, Prime ...). Luckily the Pro1 has true HDMI ...

    • Like 1
  4. 3 hours ago, JJB said:

    Next up I will check that F-Droid stuff and app stores

    Depending on your needs, you might want to add the Izzy repository to F-Droid. It has a lot of interesting open-source stuff that does not (yet) meet the acceptance criteria for the official F-Droid repo.

    Aurora Store is what you want to be able to install (free) software from the Google Appstore. Some apps (e.g. official Firefox) are not on F-Droid, despite being open source ...

    Congrats on getting things going at last!

  5. 2 hours ago, JJB said:

    there is only "accept Google Services"

    As far as remember, you do have to "accept" the Google terms, even if you skip connecting the device to a Google account. That's probably because the Google Services are already installed in the Stock ROM, whether you want to use them or not. It's been a long time for me though ...

    That being said, the only point with enabling USB debugging in Stock Android is to trigger that initial reboot to the bootloader, which you can indeed also just do manually with the "Volume Dn + Power" combo.

    While there really is no special trick about it, let me try a step-by-step:

    1. Power off the device.
    2. In powered-off state, press and keep holding "Volume Down".
    3. Long press the power button to start the device, still keeping Volume Down pressed.
    4. Keep "Volume Down" pressed until the bootloader screen appears.

    Concerning adb and fastboot: I unfortunately have always only run the tools from a Linux PC (that being the natural environment for building Android), where installing them is trivial. The requirement for that USB driver is specific to Windows, so I unfortunately cannot help much there. However, afaik (and as @Kilrah wrote several times) there is nothing specific to the Pro1-X there. That "Google OEM driver" simply enables some low-level serial communication with the phone that is standard across all Android devices.    

    • Thanks 2
  6. 15 hours ago, chrissv said:

    I might be missing something as well, but I had no troubles booting this phone without a Google account, even on stock Android?

    Fully agree. When I first got my Pro1-X, there simply were no Google-free OS options yet. Still, I remember I was able to start the phone without linking it to any Google account.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 1 hour ago, JJB said:

    I already read in some posts, that the backup is possible here: Link but there is no guarantee if it can be restored, right ?

    Correct. The recommendation of backing up your partitions is lore from the early days of the Pro1-X and is largely obsolete now.

    To my knowledge no one has found a way to actually restore backed-up partition images. In some cases trying to do so seems to actually have caused the very troubles the backups should protect you from.

    If you want to flash LineageOS: Just look at the instructions at lineageos.org. They are up-to date with all required steps, including unlocking the bootloader and flashing the initial recovery image. My advice is to just follow that guide line-by-line, and to not try to find your own ways based on what you have been reading here and in other places ...

    Edit: What I wrote above relates to the so-called "device" partitions. See the full discussion here. Independently of that, you will of course want to backup any personal data (contacts, pictures, etc.) before flashing LineageOS as the procedure will wipe the user partition. However, I recommend to do that backup on the filesystem level rather than pull an image of the entire partition.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 1 hour ago, JJB said:

    Does the LineageOS have something like the "Advanced Privacy" from /e/OS which needs to be considered on installation ?

    Just my personal opinion: I wouldn't bother with any derivative distributions and just use upstream official LineageOS. If you use that without GApps, it's pretty close to /e/-OS. The main thing they might have added is disabling AGPS (you decide whether that is a good thing.)

    The main security (and thus privacy) concerns with the Pro1-X are the ageing Qualcomm binary blobs, taken from Stock Android and stuck in 2022. No open-source project can change anything about that anyway ...

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  9. 48 minutes ago, JJB said:

    I hope it's not too complicated needing a lot of insider knowledge on those devices and tools.

    It's not. Just follow the LineageOS wiki precisely.

    1 minute ago, JJB said:

    But are those images already aligned with the Pro1X or do we need to fondle around with additional firmware and stuff ?

    The Pro1X images at lineageos.org are ready-to-run ports of the OS, that support all the Pro1-X's hardware already and are updated OTA once per week (if you let them). No worries.

    The biggest obstacle can be to find a PC and USB port that supports fastboot reliably. Can be a bit of trial-and-error. This is not specific to the Pro1s though, and you might also just be lucky ... 

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  10. 1 hour ago, JJB said:

    And in case the Pro1X is not served with FDroid or and loading environment starting on a shell (actually I don't know because I can't pass starting it), how can I supply an environment for start using it with OpenSource Apps ?

    Building on @Hook's answer: I believe the Pro1-X still always comes with official (i.e. googlified) Android, no matter what OS you ordered. You have to flash a Google-free variant yourself. Take a minute to read about the procedures and options, following the various links on that entry point he posted.

    You will probably want to flash LineageOS 21. Choose between the official version without GApps or substitutes, or the derivative LineageOS-MicroG. I have always only used the former myself. For guidance, follow the very good instructions on the LineageOS wiki. Once booted, install F-Droid using the apk downloaded from their website and you are good to go with an up-to-date and completely Google-free OS.

    • Thanks 2
  11. I've uploaded my latest build of LineageOS 16.0 for Pro1 (SD835) at:


    Go for the ROM dated "20240620".

    Changes since last month:

    • Include backported Android security patches up to the June 2024 ASB.
    • Update bundled version of WebView to Chromium 125.0.6422.165.

    As usual, the full patchlog with respect to the unmodified, official LOS 16.0 tree is available at the link above.

    Have fun.

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  12. 10 hours ago, Steven said:

    When I run adb devices it does not appear.

    adb is not supported on the bootloader level. Use fastboot.

    Step-by-step guides on flashing back to stock are found here:

    Disclaimer: I have not tested those instructions myself.

    • Thanks 3
  13. For the few remaining fans of Pie, I have just uploaded a new build of my unofficial LineageOS 16.0 for Pro1 (SDS835). At


    go for the ROM dated "20240515".

    After many months of near-inactivity on my side, this build again introduces significant improvements (or so I think). As usual, it gives you security patches backported from the ASB up to May 2024. Beyond that, I finally upgraded the bundled version of WebView -- which had not been updated in 2 years -- to Chromium 124.0.636.82 (the version used by recent LOS 21). I also updated the graphics stack to the level of LOS21 (which uses the blobs from the OnePlus 5T). This bumps the OpenGL ES 3.2 subversion from 331.0 to 415.0. As usual, all my modding with respect to the official LOS16 tree is documented at the link above.

    Have fun.

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  14. Someone named fxtec_21 purports to sell 200 brand-new Pro1/X earphones on ebay:

    Fxtec In-Ear Earphones - Wired with built-in Microphone - 4 replacement Ear tips

    Strange, as those are (and afaik have always been) listed as out-of-stock on their own shop:


    Not that I'd like to buy them (the shipping cost to continental Europe is 4x the unit price), but out of curiosity: Is this official?

    • Thanks 2
  15. 11 hours ago, Rob. S. said:

    Nevertheless I'll show them here, because, for what they are, I think they're very good. 

    Can one flash the phone through such adapters? I.e. can one do things like "fastboot flash" or "adb sideload" safely without removing the adapter?

    I was considering something like this, but since I sometimes flash my Prawns several times per week, it'd likely loose the adavantage of reduced wear of the USB socket if I had to remove and re-plug the adapter each time.

  16. 1 hour ago, EskeRahn said:

    Currently LOS is pretty useless to me only allowing one layout, quite cumbersome to change when you use multiple languages.

    I'm still using Lineage 16.0 productively, where walking through multiple layouts via Cmd-Space actually works. Did not know this was broken in recent LOS. Still, I much preferred the graphical selector, as I cannot remember the location of characters not printed on the keys ... 😄

  17. 2 hours ago, Rob. S. said:

    Is there still nothing comparable to FinQwerty that would work on LineageOS?

    The lineage keyboard driver is different on the linux level of keycode mapping. I guess that is the reason why it may not work with third party remapping apps.

    However, this is also not necessary, as the LOS driver (on Pro1, not Pro1-X!) natively provides powerful options for remapping of Fn-combos.

    But that is not the point: I do not want to remember keys not printed on the keyboard. Therefore the popup selector came in very handy for me.

    It is (and has always been) true that some apps do not support showing the selector upon long-press. That's the case e.g. for ConnectBot. I guess apps can opt in or out of the features of the ALPHA keyboard type in Android.

  18. Thanks for checking in LineageOS 21, which I can't do easily. I type a lot of German and French characters. With my previous Pro1's QWERTZ keyboard, most of those could be entered natively. But both my Pro1-X and my "new" Pro1 are QWERTY, so it is becoming more of a problem now.

    Apps that have the broken selector: K9-Mail, MaterialFiles, Notally, OSMAnd~, SimpleCalendar Pro, VLC, F-Droid, AuroraStore.

    (Recently updated) Apps that haven't got the problem (yet?): Firefox, NewPipe, VanillaMusic, QKSMS. I guess it depends on the target SDK specified when building the app, and therefore I fear that the problem will only get more prevalent with time.

    One interesting thing I now find while testing around: The official Wikipedia app supports the character selector, but it is themed differently compared to the "default" look as shown above (which somehow reminds me of ancient Android versions):


    This is a new variant that I've not seen before. Makes me wonder whether the "broken" apps just make some wrong assumption about the default theming of the dialog box. Which would be something we maybe could fix on the OS level ...


  19. Anyone else noticed that the accented-character selector box, that pops up when long-pressing a key on the hardware keyboard, is garbled in most apps nowadays?

    One of the last Apps I have that properly supports the feature is QKSMS, where you, e.g., get the following when long-pressing the 'A' key on the hw keyboard:


    Pretty useful, eh? Sadly, most Apps now display the selector like this:


    The example is from K9-Mail, but it really happens in most recent Apps that support the ALPHA keyboard features at all. Note that the selector basically works: You can blindly hit any of the white boxes, and get some accented variant of 'a' (you pick at random, obviously), it is only the display that is messed up.

    I have this on Lineage 16.0 (Pro1) and on Lineage 20.0 (Pro1-X), and I'm pretty sure the feature worked universally accross all Apps in the past. So I suspect it has something to do with Apps recently targeting higher SDKs that causes this to break.

    Needless to say, the eqivalent function (long-press for accented characters) works perfectly when using the on-screen keyboard. So for now this is one more nail in the coffin of the slide-out keyboard for me ... 😞

    Any ideas if (and how) we can fix this universally on the level of LineageOS? I reported this as a bug against K9-Mail some time ago (with no response so far). But, seeing how widespread the issue is, trying to get it fixed in every App individually seems like an uphill battle ...

    • Sad 1
  20. 6 hours ago, claude0001 said:

    The simple reason is that Apps assume portrait orientation, and therefore spread-out graphical information vertically on the screen. When forced into landscape, this leads to terribly inefficient use of the screen area.

    Even though I think we actually all agree, let me illustrate my point.

    This is NewPipe, actually a very nice FLOSS YouTube client (available on F-Droid) :


    Beautiful, isn't it? Now, let's flip out the Pro1's hardware keyboard, forcing the app into landscape, and look at this tragedy:


    Literally one third of the screen is occupied by ... a rectangular red bar?! The amount of information displayed on screen is less than 40% of what you see in portrait mode. When browsing through content, you can't do long, efficient strokes with your finger, but have to perform many small swipes for the same overall scrolling travel. And I am already using a smaller-than-default font size!

    The reason is that the App just stupidly scales everything according to the number of pixels available along the horizontal direction, still stacking all its information vertically, without trying to make intelligent use of the different aspect ratio. Too many apps behave like this, and are therefore just no fun to use with the Pro1's keyboard flipped-out.

    Please do not get me wrong. I love the Pro1, and, as mentioned, I do have use cases where the horizontal slider really shines. But, I think, 99% of today's users are better served with a portrait keyboard.

    • Thanks 1
  21. 4 hours ago, VaZso said:

    current hype of foldable phones also contain a not always portrait use scenario.

    2 hours ago, Rob. S. said:

    In my first few days with the Honor Magic V2 foldable I've got a hint of an impression that this new phone type may have become a new incentive for app developers to care more for non-portrait orientation

    Good point guys, that I hadn't thought of. Of course these foldables are still quite uncommon. But if prices drop at some point ... maybe this is the closest to a pocket computer we will have ...

    • Like 3
  22. 1 hour ago, Doktor Oswaldo said:

    What I mean is, it feels strange, that they just founded the next keyboard phone company (the apple thing).
    I do know, that this has reasons, but the feeling is bad. An open explanation would help.

    In a sense, they return to their roots by making a keyboard accessory for a phone. In the light of the not-all-that-positive experience they've made as a full phone manufacturer, this must seem like the reasonable move for them to do.

    One of the things that the Pro1//Pro1X story has shown is that OS development and -- more importantly -- continued maintenance of that OS seems to be nearly impossible for a small-volume company. In that view it makes sense that they now restrict themselves to addon keyboards again. Also, targeting the iPhones makes a lot of sense (even though I am no Apple fan at all): As those exist only in a small number of form-factors, it is much easier to address a large potential user base than in the Android world, where devices exist in myriads of different shapes.

    The other thing I believe the Pro1 story has shown is that the time of the landscape slider phone is over. Users as well as software developers now expect the phone to be held in portrait orientation, full stop. Yes, the Pro1/X keyboard shines when using the phone for remote desktop access to some real computer, or when tinkering with our GNU/Linux installs in Termux et al.. But let's agree that those are pretty niche use cases. For regular phone use I hardly ever flip-out the hardware keyboard of my Pro1. The simple reason is that Apps assume portrait orientation, and therefore spread-out graphical information vertically on the screen. When forced into landscape, this leads to terribly inefficient use of the screen area. In result, the benefit of not having to use a software keyboard is essentially lost in most cases, at least when it comes to screen real estate. This was different in the times of the Nokia N900 or even earlier communicators, which had software optimised for landscape. With today's Android or iOS, we live in a different world, where a portrait addon-keyboard is certain to recieve wider acclaim.

    On the non-technical side, of course, you are right that some (final) public statement about the status of the Pro1/X project would be nice ...    

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