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On 12/25/2019 at 9:54 PM, Zvonimir said:

OK, I will try to remember the best as I can. As I recall, at one point using keyboard in Microsoft Outlook (my key reason for physical keyboard is that I do a lot of email), I did not get any suggestions for auto-completion or spelling - so I activate virtual keyboard. It was too big, and I turned it off. After this, the annoying keyboard problem started happening. It seems to me that it gets triggered with other keyboard settings, and if I use on-screen keyboard in another application.


To answer your questions specifically:

1) When keyboard is not working, the Logo-key does work! 

2) I never heard of CAPS turing the light on/off. This DOES NOT work for me at all?


Let me know if there is a procedure to "reset" this setting, I would be happy to try it. I would be happy to try anythihng...

You may very well have just saved weeks of head scratching trying to identify this issue! Thank you for sharing this!

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still struggling to make clean bug reproduction. New issue I have (could be related), is that I lost the original layout and cannot access anything that uses yellow text on buttons - i.e. some of it works with shift, but yellow arrow+L gives me capital L, not questionmark...

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6 hours ago, Zvonimir said:

still struggling to make clean bug reproduction. New issue I have (could be related), is that I lost the original layout and cannot access anything that uses yellow text on buttons - i.e. some of it works with shift, but yellow arrow+L gives me capital L, not questionmark...

It sounds to me like you might  have selected a layout language.

There are a lot of android layouts that comes with the phone, they work poorly and should be ignored(!)

You got three options selecting the keyboard layout for the hardware

1) For US letter-shifted QWERTY deselect all tick boxes, do NOT select US (Yes I know it is odd....)
2) For German standard QWERTZ select German, do NOT select another qwertz based layout
3) Install FinQWERTY that supports several languages for the Pro1 for both hardware layouts, and you can use more than one, I use Danish+US+Swedish

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1 hour ago, EskeRahn said:

2) For German standard QWERTZ select German, do NOT select another qwertz based layout

I have not selected German on my QWERTZ keyboard but downloaded FinQWERTY at first and chose appropriate layout (currently US QWERTY) after it. 🙂

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43 minutes ago, VaZso said:

I have not selected German on my QWERTZ keyboard but downloaded FinQWERTY at first and chose appropriate layout (currently US QWERTY) after it. 🙂

@Anssi Hannula is currently testing a variant with changes about / ? as can be sneak-viewed here, but that should not affect the "US For physical qwertZ".

But are you seeing the same issues @Zvonimir was reporting?

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48 minutes ago, EskeRahn said:

But are you seeing the same issues @Zvonimir was reporting?

I think no. I can reach the characters listed in the link you wrote as "U.S. international for physical QWERTZ" because that is the layout I currently use.

So also yellow arrow and Alt(gr) both show appropriate characters as in layout description.

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@EskeRahnsuper thanks! Here is a new bug which was preventing me to take your advice: I kept going into settings, now trying to deselect 4 different layouts I was trying...but "Setup keyboard layouts" was at a bottom of the popup window, and unaccesible in landscape mode...I had to go to upright mode to finally do it! I think this is a bug, amplified by me also using large system font.

OK, I downloaded FinKeyboard (thanks!). It would be nice if there was a layout that defaults "shift+1" to "!", which is what got me into other layouts...

The original bug (keyboard stops working) is still there. Any messing with keyboard settings impacts it. What seems to help is reboot the phone and immediately use keyboard in text like app (gmail and outlook)

I have yet another bug...Phone going to sleep impacts lights for the keyboard. if you wake up the phone, keyboard light is off and you have to slide in/out to get it back. If your bug tracking prefers it, let me know if I should create a new post.


PS I will write a short post with instructions how to treat the keyboard. We also need to tell the designers for next gen to remove the keys between CAPS and Shift and Q,A and Z. That was not wise, and it still bugs me


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21 minutes ago, Zvonimir said:

OK, I downloaded FinKeyboard (thanks!). It would be nice if there was a layout that defaults "shift+1" to "!", which is what got me into other layouts...

The layout I currently use ("U.S. international for physical QWERTZ" - also has appropriate version for QWERTY keyboard) generates "!" for "shift+1", so it works as expected.

23 minutes ago, Zvonimir said:

I have yet another bug...Phone going to sleep impacts lights for the keyboard. if you wake up the phone, keyboard light is off and you have to slide in/out to get it back. If your bug tracking prefers it, let me know if I should create a new post.

Yes, I also have this bug.

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I have also experienced the keyboard lockout bug.

I have the latest update installed.
"F" key worked, others seem to be not (I have not checked caps lock).

After reboot, it works again.

Basically I have still a very few applications installed.

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1 minute ago, netman said:

Does it happen just the one time or repeatedly, and if so how often?

This was the first time of this problem has appeared for me but it is the second day since I have received my phone.

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I think there should be some sticky threads like this one.

I have two problems. well I have more but those two are the most annoying ones.

1) quite often when I type there are some letters missing even if I am pressing the buttons correctly. It seems to happen at every button and is very very annoying. Do I just have a faulty device or is someone esle having the same problems?

2) How can you use the camera right? the app "snapdragon camera" is completely useless. very slow and now it occurs that when I want to switch to the front camera the app seems to crash. tried to download another camera app like "open camera" but I can't set it to be used when I use the shutter button.

3) i remembered another question. what can I do with the yellow F button? apparently it is used for shortcuts but where can I configure them?

4) am I right, that I can't assign a contact number to be called directly when I hold a button? just starting apps. that worked with the priv

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2 hours ago, adidas88 said:

I think there should be some sticky threads like this one.

I think we need a proper issue tracker really... With some luck that will come :).

2 hours ago, adidas88 said:

1) quite often when I type there are some letters missing even if I am pressing the buttons correctly. It seems to happen at every button and is very very annoying. Do I just have a faulty device or is someone esle having the same problems?

Can you check by typing slowly or such if this is related to the inability to register multiple keypresses simultaneously? If yes, this will be fixed soon, also i can provide a temporary fix if you do not mind a factory reset. If not then that is somewhat concerning.

2 hours ago, adidas88 said:

2) How can you use the camera right? the app "snapdragon camera" is completely useless. very slow and now it occurs that when I want to switch to the front camera the app seems to crash. tried to download another camera app like "open camera" but I can't set it to be used when I use the shutter button.

I had the same issue with the camera app, clearing its data and cache in application settings has resolved it somehow and now it works quite ok.

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1) yeah apparently writing slower does seem to work. however this is hilarious that it hasn't been detected in a previous beta. do you know when an official update is coming? I think I can wait so long.

2) i deleted the cache and the data and turned hdr off. now it seems to work okay. as i said. just ok. still doesn't feel perfect. however. is it just me or why do I see the gallery thumbnail just sometimes when I use the camera and not everytime? both times opening the camera from the main menu (and thereby unlocked)

3) new problem: i have very big trouble connecting my bluetooth headset to the pro1. it takes forever to connect and when it's finished connecting (but i have to restart my headphones a couple of times) then i hear just a very annoying clicking when starting any audiofile (audiomessage or spotify) anyone else had the same issues?

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I haven't had any of the problems described with the camera and in fact find it a good camera.  On my unit, the thumbnail shortcut to my gallery always shows up unless I activate camera using the button while locked.  Changing from rear camera to front camera in HDR works fine.  Are you sure you have latest update (December 10th on mine)?

I hope I'm not just lucky and this is a QC issue.

By the way, the Yellow F key is just a Home key.  It can't be assigned (I'm now using Nova Launcher, so I don't assign keys at all-- that is a function of the stock launcher)

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58 minutes ago, adidas88 said:

1) yeah apparently writing slower does seem to work. however this is hilarious that it hasn't been detected in a previous beta. do you know when an official update is coming? I think I can wait so long.

Well what I mean is to pay mind to whether the keypresses happen to get missed if two keys are somehow pressed at the same time (even possibly only happening with some combinations and not others), which I happened to do and it was a problem. I'm now running a patched kernel which fixes this. If they get missed when truely only pressing one key at a time it is different issue.

1 hour ago, adidas88 said:

2) i deleted the cache and the data and turned hdr off. now it seems to work okay. as i said. just ok. still doesn't feel perfect. however. is it just me or why do I see the gallery thumbnail just sometimes when I use the camera and not everytime? both times opening the camera from the main menu (and thereby unlocked)

HDR seemed to work for me after doing the delete data+cache. Perfect it isn't indeed, shutter sound and the gallery thumbnail depend on the way the app is launched for me, they work if i launch by clicking the icon from launcher on unlocked phone but not when launching from the camera button. I believe this is a known bug which will most likely be fixed in time.

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5 minutes ago, netman said:

HDR seemed to work for me after doing the delete data+cache. Perfect it isn't indeed, shutter sound and the gallery thumbnail depend on the way the app is launched for me, they work if i launch by clicking the icon from launcher on unlocked phone but not when launching from the camera button. I believe this is a known bug which will most likely be fixed in time.

I have no shutter sound at all anyway, but I don't really need it.

However, I miss some feedback of photo being taken. Not sound feedback but something like what I see on my Motorola G6.
When I take a photo with my G6, the taken image blinks for a really short while - that is a proper way to have a visual feedback of the photo.
That would also help of the behaviour of photo button - one can not really feel when it is fully pressed, but a blanking effect would help a lot.

As of gallery thumbnail, I have found it works when I launch the application on touch screen, but never works for me if I launch it by the photo button (even if I press it while the screen is locked or while it is completely unlocked).

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Regarding the "Keyboard Lost" issue, we have worked out a test OTA for the fix during Christmas, and internally tested. 

Because this happens very randomly, and not always caught by internal team, we have asked some users to help verify if the fix work. (Many thanks to @TeZtDevice ) and the issue seems to be gone. The fix is working.

However we would love to invite more users who constantly experiencing this issue to help verifying if the bug is completed fixed. Please let me know. 

(There is a risk of test OTA being incompatible with future official OTA so reflash might be needed.)

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3 hours ago, Waxberry said:

However we would love to invite more users who constantly experiencing this issue to help verifying if the bug is completed fixed. Please let me know. 

I have only experienced this bug once yet and I don't know how to trigger it.
...so it seems it is not easy to tell if it has gone or not for me. 🙂

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@waxberry i am happy to test it. Trouble is that reflash would certainly also help the keyboard problem. But that is OK.

Can you create a top thread for this issue only, and include both instructions for the fix download/install AND what fix entails?




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Fingerprint sensor loses its setup.

I have set it up three times (all the fingers which was allowed).
Last time I know it was worked until reboot, now it is like if it was not set.

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Somehow it formats the SD card using FAT32 filesystem which means there is a limit of 4 GB in file size although the SD card has "512 GB" of capacity.
It would be good to use at least exFAT which does not have this limitation.

Maybe it isn't compiled in the kernel or there is a (vendor) setting somewhere.

Also, f2fs support would be good because it was made specifically to this type of hardware in order to have a longer life...

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