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LineageOS, Current status : 16.0 Test Builds

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22 minutes ago, Craig said:

And what the fuck.  First time I'm using test4 int he dark.  And the friggen backligt doesnt come on!@?#!?@#      I mean wtf.   How could this not be resolved by now!?@3?!@#!@#!?@#   AFter ore than a month of using sailfishos, i figured this basic stuff wasn't even still an issue.   Friggen lockups constantly, no backlight, keys are ignored, this completley sucks btw.  commits to fix sym key or fxtec key still not implemented.  it just basically sucks.  test2 was better cuz at the time it was better than stock.  but this just sucks.   fuck lineage.  fuck fxtec.   this thing is trash.

You really should be more open with sharing how you feel. 😉

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Alright it's officially official. Now we wait for the first build. I don't know what day that will be, but it will be within 7 days.   https://github.com/LineageOS/hudson/commit/0233cb5e039e

I am pleased to announce test builds for LineageOS 16.0.   Please note this thread is for test builds.  These builds are not necessarily stable or suitable for daily use.   You can

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13 minutes ago, david said:

You really should be more open with sharing how you feel. 😉

Whiskey helps.   (is it spelled whisky?  I spent a friggen half hour in wikipedia to learn it doesnt really matter, just depends if scotch/canadian/irish/american and even then, only if they want to, some american bottles are labeled the other way - the main point is to avoid anything labeled bourbon, that's evil if you enjoy a touch of rye or brandy in yer whisk(e)y)

Edited by Craig
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2 hours ago, Craig said:

And what the fuck.  First time I'm using test4 int he dark.  And the friggen backligt doesnt come on!@?#!?@#      I mean wtf.   How could this not be resolved by now!?@3?!@#!@#!?@#   AFter ore than a month of using sailfishos, i figured this basic stuff wasn't even still an issue.   Friggen lockups constantly, no backlight, keys are ignored, this completley sucks btw.  commits to fix sym key or fxtec key still not implemented.  it just basically sucks.  test2 was better cuz at the time it was better than stock.  but this just sucks.   fuck lineage.  fuck fxtec.   this thing is trash.

backlight was broken all the time.

try this app, it works fine now. 


Edited by mcdinner
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8 hours ago, Craig said:

And what the fuck.  First time I'm using test4 int he dark.  And the friggen backligt doesnt come on!@?#!?@#      I mean wtf.   How could this not be resolved by now!?@3?!@#!@#!?@#   AFter ore than a month of using sailfishos, i figured this basic stuff wasn't even still an issue.   Friggen lockups constantly, no backlight, keys are ignored, this completley sucks btw.  commits to fix sym key or fxtec key still not implemented.  it just basically sucks.  test2 was better cuz at the time it was better than stock.  but this just sucks.   fuck lineage.  fuck fxtec.   this thing is trash.

Isn't this a community project? Isn't this being worked on by unpaid volunteers?

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Regarding the slider causing the device to sleep, this is a build time configuration that, as far as I know, has no run time setting.  So I guess whichever people like the most is what should be done.  Personally, I find it very frustrating when the device goes to sleep on closing the slider because I frequently open the slider to type some text and then close it to go back to portrait/touch mode.


Regarding wake on keypress, I've got an idea for that and it is both pretty simple and should work for all systems (including sailfish).  Just track the screen state in the keyboard driver and if it's off, send KEY_WAKEUP before anything else.


Regarding the keyboard backlight, I believe @Sean McCreary has a fix for that in his tree.  I'll probably take that for the next build.  Or at least it's a start.


Regarding the crashing issues, I have not changed anything related in the kernel since test2.  So whatever is causing this is likely in the vendor image.  It could be either the 20191028 blobs that I'm using or it could be the things that are getting built from source.  That will have to be narrowed down.  By the way, I'm using the 20191028 blobs because the 20191203 build caused the screen on my device to act weird (it blinked off momentarily every few seconds).  So I haven't tried to update yet.  And those are the only two builds that I currently have because IdeaLTE and FxTec have not shared any later builds, and I haven't bothered to go back to stock to take any OTA updates.


But yeah, none of this is done yet because I'm lazy and Lineage sucks.  You should probably have me fired and go find another developer that can do a better job.  I never do anything useful or good for this device.  🙄


EDIT: And also, I just spent half an hour explaining why things are the way thay are instead of fixing things.  This is why developers don't really like forums.  I have half a mind to just stop engaging with this thread entirely until the device is working fully.


Edited by tdm
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14 minutes ago, tdm said:



EDIT: And also, I just spent half an hour explaining why things are the way thay are instead of fixing things.  This is why developers don't really like forums.  I have half a mind to just stop engaging with this thread entirely until the device is working fully.


Thank God it's just half a mind because your posts are super informative and I, for one, would sorely miss them.  Thanks for all you are doing for us!

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2 hours ago, tdm said:

EDIT: And also, I just spent half an hour explaining why things are the way thay are instead of fixing things.  This is why developers don't really like forums.  I have half a mind to just stop engaging with this thread entirely until the device is working fully.

please don't !

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4 hours ago, tdm said:

EDIT: And also, I just spent half an hour explaining why things are the way thay are instead of fixing things.  This is why developers don't really like forums.  I have half a mind to just stop engaging with this thread entirely until the device is working fully.


Thanks for all the info, its good to take a break from developing and explain things from time to time.  It really helps to know the state of the project.  It would be nice if FxTec took more of an interest in helping make the software work, after all they were advertising it as Linaege compatible.  In any case keep up the good work and don't mind the complainers.

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Sorry for my ridiculous rant earlier.  Dont even remember posting it.  But it explains the way I'm feeling today, and why it was so hard to get up this morning.  1.75L bottles are  big.  Nothing justifies what I said or the way I said it tho.

Edited by Craig
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11 minutes ago, Craig said:

Sorry for my ridiculous rant earlier.  Dont even remember posting it.  But it explains the way I'm feeling today, and why it was so hard to get up this morning.  1.75L bottles are  big.  Nothing justifies what I said or the way I said it tho.

It takes a big man to admit when you were wrong. Thank you for doing so. I'm sure the people involved will forgive you. It's rather harder when the poster wasn't intoxicated and isn't sorry, which has also happened.

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I've been actually developing on the Pro¹ today, which is a bit of a strange experience. I'm using ConnectBot to ssh into my build box, enabling adb over network, and connecting back to the device to push files and etc. Then I run "adb reboot" and *poof* the terminal goes away and the device reboots.


Anyway... so I've been pulling in patches from @Sean McCreary
and it looks like he's got the keyboard backlight fixed and the wake on any key fixed. So I'll probably make another build with those changes tomorrow.


PS. Please forgive formatting errors, this forum does not seem to play well with FireFox mobile

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28 minutes ago, Craig said:

Sorry for my ridiculous rant earlier.  Dont even remember posting it.  But it explains the way I'm feeling today, and why it was so hard to get up this morning.  1.75L bottles are  big.  Nothing justifies what I said or the way I said it tho.

By my calculations, that's roughly 32 units of alcohol per bottle. Pardon the personal interjection, but I certainly hope you didn't go through the entire thing in one night. I mean, I've drank quite a bit in my day (but haven't in quite some time now) and I think that would have killed me even at my peak of drinking.


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Oh and referencing my previous post, if anyone wants to help out, can you go back to stock and take the latest ota and then post a copy of the vendor image somewhere? That would save me a couple hours of work.


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8 minutes ago, tdm said:

Oh and referencing my previous post, if anyone wants to help out, can you go back to stock and take the latest ota and then post a copy of the vendor image somewhere? That would save me a couple hours of work.


I'm not sure I know exactly what to do but if you mean basically tar up a copy of /system/vendor I can do that.  I had to go back to stock for now.

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15 minutes ago, bmccrary said:

I'm not sure I know exactly what to do but if you mean basically tar up a copy of /system/vendor I can do that.  I had to go back to stock for now.

Well vendor is on its own partition. What I usually do is boot into recovery and 'dd' the vendor partition to /tmp:


did if=/dev/block/by-name/vendor_a of=/tmp/vendor.img


Then you can gzip it and adb pull it.


In order to do that you would probably need to use TWRP since lineage recovery won't have your host adb key setup.

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2 hours ago, tdm said:

I've been actually developing on the Pro¹ today, which is a bit of a strange experience. I'm using ConnectBot to ssh into my build box, enabling adb over network, and connecting back to the device to push files and etc. Then I run "adb reboot" and *poof* the terminal goes away and the device reboots.


Anyway... so I've been pulling in patches from @Sean McCreary
and it looks like he's got the keyboard backlight fixed and the wake on any key fixed. So I'll probably make another build with those changes tomorrow.


PS. Please forgive formatting errors, this forum does not seem to play well with FireFox mobile

Brave mobile. 😉

In all seriousness though, thank you for all your hard work. It appears that very soon LOS will be much better than stock.

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5 hours ago, silversolver said:

That is so awesome! This is truly a community build! @tdm is clearly the fearless pioneer, but you and @Sean McCreary and probably other people I haven't noticed have made meaningful contributions as well. Bravo!

Yeah, Though I sit with one question for @tdm, @Sean McCreary and others helping: Where are your guys donate buttons, so we can send you 'a beer'?

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12 hours ago, bmccrary said:

@bmccrary many thanks, I downloaded it and it loopback mounts fine.  Here's the relevant info from /vendor/build.prop:


ro.vendor.build.date=Tue Dec 10 15:11:44 CST 2019


So it's newer than anything I have.


If anyone spots any newer builds, please feel free to post them.


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6 hours ago, EskeRahn said:

Yeah, Though I sit with one question for @tdm, @Sean McCreary and others helping: Where are your guys donate buttons, so we can send you 'a beer'?


Thank you for your consideration.  🙂  I generally don't accept donations when I've been given a device for development.  But I've spent a lot of time on this device.  Here's my paypal: https://www.paypal.me/tdmcode


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10 minutes ago, tdm said:


Thank you for your consideration.  🙂  I generally don't accept donations when I've been given a device for development.  But I've spent a lot of time on this device.  Here's my paypal: https://www.paypal.me/tdmcode


I'd also like to "send a beer", maybe all europeans who want to donate should get together and collect with one person so we do not "donate" paypal 1Euro international transaction fee everytime.

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21 minutes ago, tdm said:

@bmccrary many thanks, I downloaded it and it loopback mounts fine.  Here's the relevant info from /vendor/build.prop:


ro.vendor.build.date=Tue Dec 10 15:11:44 CST 2019


So it's newer than anything I have.


If anyone spots any newer builds, please feel free to post them.


That's an older build then.  The one the phone OS has mounted has a January 2020 date.  Maybe it's vendor_b?  I'll pull that one and loopback it and see now that I know what to look for.

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