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Pro1 X arrived but does not boot?

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Sorry for the delays. I have your device with me and it is fixed already. The reason we ask to keep it for longer is to help our developers debug the issue so it doesn't happen again. We're working wi

Found it. The problem is if you only take the first part here: If you go in by the "Enter fastboot" this way will give exactly the reported FAILED (remote: 'Command not supported in defau

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2 hours ago, subes said:

Received my Pro1x a few days ago as a brick (same as OP), contacted support and waiting for a reply for warranty replacement.

I'm sorry to see that your Pro1-X does not charge/boot up upon arrival. Could you let me know your support ticket ID? I will follow up with your enquiry over there.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I also have the same issue.

Received my Pro1x before the holidays in 2022, opened & inspected it upon delivery, but wouldn’t boot (same as OP), contacted support and waiting on a reply for next steps.

No idea if it has any “other” issues, until finally able to boot it up.

Purchased the extra battery as a Perk as well, but haven’t received it yet.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My hardware solution to having a totally flat battery has succeeded!

It requires dismantling the phone, but it works and I have photos to illustrate.

As soon as I get time I'll get them up on this forum

NB I was spurred to this course of action by the Lineageos release which went straight on the pro1x without issue.

If I can, anyone can recover from a dead battery

Edited by mattock
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4 hours ago, steff said:

Sorry but i have to disagree. This phone was supposed to arrive with different operating systems already installed so that everybody, even people without technological knowledge, can have a phone with custom rom preinstalled. These people can not dismantle a phone. Let us not act as if everybody who backed wants to test everything, some just want to use it without the risk of breaking something.

Ummmm... I'm not sure what you are disagreeing with.  @mattockdidn't say it was a good thing to have to recover from a dead battery, or that Lineage shouldn't have been pre-installed.  He just said being able to get Lineage was what finally motivated him to figure out the battery.  😄

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18 minutes ago, steff said:

Disagreeing with:

If I can, anyone can recover from a dead battery.

This sounds like i could give my girlfriend my device and a screwdriver and she easily repairs my device with a depleted battery. Imagine a backer receives his device after 2 or 3 years!!! with a depleted battery, reads theese comments and fails to repair his device following instruction from mattock on day one after arrival. Just think about that.

Then your girlfriend would send the phone in for repairs to the UK, as I have (from the US) twice with my Pro 1.  I wouldn't choose to do what @mattockdid either.  I'm not very technical.  Stuff happens, but I've always had good CS from F(x) Tec. While he said anyone can, I wouldn't, and I don't think he said everyone should. 

Edited by Hook
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14 hours ago, steff said:

You do everything on your own risk, you may brick your device, you may loose warranty etc.

That is the opposite of: If i can, anyone can...

Oh come on. @mattock kindly informs us that he found a way and found it was a fairly easy operation. Don't put more into it. Do not expect posts in here to have their wording carefully chosen so that a lawyer can not find a loophole in it... This as a user-to-user forum, not official statements from FxTec (Unless from an FxTec account).

When I tell in a post that I did something, it does not imply that everyone should do the same (or even could), nor will it always contain a disclaimer for any side-effects. And I certainly don't expect it from others in here.

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11 hours ago, EskeRahn said:
On 2/8/2023 at 6:12 PM, steff said:

You do everything on your own risk, you may brick your device, you may loose warranty etc.

That is the opposite of: If i can, anyone can...

Oh come on. @mattock kindly informs us that he found a way and found it was a fairly easy operation. Don't put more into it.

I agree that @mattock didn't warrant becoming chided for his helpful comment.

Unfortunately, though, I also have to agree with @steff that, despite mattock's suggestion, changing the battery definitely is a far more dangerous operation than I would have thought before opening the Pro1 myself to replace the broken USB connector. While I'm far from being a precision mechanic, I wouldn't call myself clumsy, either. But I managed to destroy the fingerprint scanner and two side buttons and to render the orientation sensor dysfunctional in the process, with only the latter even just potentially repairable... And I knew beforehand that those were the critical parts when opening the thing. I don't think I'll ever try it again.

Edited by Rob. S.
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35 minutes ago, Rob. S. said:

Unfortunately, though, I also have to agree with @steff that, despite mattock's suggestion, changing the battery definitely is a far more dangerous operation than I would have thought before [...]

Fully agree.

Opening the base of the phones is nowhere a fool-proof operation. I broke-off several of the grounding-spring connectors (contacting the mainboard to the aluminium shell) of my Pro1-X while leveraging the case open. Happens when you slide the prying tool along the seam between body and keyboard plate without knowing in advance where those contacts are ...

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Hmm. I was not aware that pulling a fxtec battery could be so tricky. I have replaced laptop batteries with varied success--from fully replacing to fully frying the charging system. If a reputable cell phone repair shop had the spare but no experience with a fxtec, would they be able to figure it out, do you think? Is there still such thing as a reputable cell phone repair shop (everything seems so throw-away these days)?

MS's Surface Pro is legendary for the difficulty of its battery replacement. 

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43 minutes ago, jakfish said:

If a reputable cell phone repair shop had the spare but no experience with a fxtec, would they be able to figure it out, do you think?

Having much experience, they might do a better job than anyone of us. However, also they might break off these grounding contacts bridging the seam between body and keyboard plate if not specifically briefed. 

The point is that the Pro1(-X)'s battery is not meant to be customer-replaceable. It can be done, yes, but there is a risk of breaking things.

Edited by claude0001
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After looking at the tear-down, I myself do not think I can pull off the replacement. But perhaps an expert at a repair shop can run through the video and make it happen. There's the rub: where's the expert? Whenever I bring hardware to my local shops, the guys says oh, no, they can't do that.

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1 hour ago, jakfish said:

After looking at the tear-down, I myself do not think I can pull off the replacement. But perhaps an expert at a repair shop can run through the video and make it happen. There's the rub: where's the expert? Whenever I bring hardware to my local shops, the guys says oh, no, they can't do that.

I gave my local shop both that and the screen changing video and they are keeping them on file.  They are willing to tackle it if it ever comes up.  They will certainly do better than I would.

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