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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/04/2020 in Posts

  1. Yes I'm aware of that. I'll be trying to fix su once I move to lineage 17. I'm still running 16 on both my devices (pro1 and 1+6t).
    4 points
  2. Quick update... Got lineage to boot in enforcing mode today. Still need to tweak a few rules to get the fingerprint reader and lights hal to work. I'll probably have that done in a couple days. Then I'll start preparing for official lineage support. And of course, after that it's on to Q. Which should be pretty fast and easy. I'll be trying to get VoLTE working next week. @Hook has sent me a Verizon SIM to use for testing. Thanks!
    4 points
  3. I used to visit my local TV & Audio retailers and play skits with Pierogi. Hit the little widget and it would issue over 500 IR commands in 50 seconds, with every TV and Hi-Fi doing something different, much to the annoyance of the staff. 😂
    2 points
  4. Test17 is up. The only changes are selinux rules and enabling selinux. This is getting dangerously close to submitting for official builds. Please test and let me know if anything is broken. I've verified it boots and the lights hal and FP reader work, but not much else.
    2 points
  5. Interesting how different usage patterns are. I never used either of these functions (nor have I missed them on the phones that did not offer them). This make me wish for the dead ARA-project. It would make so much sense to have a common base, and then add what each individual preferred. It could serve a lot of different low volume user groups. e.g. we could have had a keyboard slider as a special frame, And used standard components on the screen and back sides.
    2 points
  6. Bearing in mind the Pro1 is missing some of the best bits (hardware) of the N900, IR transmitter, FM transmitter, the 2 bits that really made the N900 a joy to use (for me anyway) Maemo would probably work well on the Pro1. But personally I'd opt for a full sailfish port, myself.
    2 points
  7. Fx Service relies on hall sensor to detect closing of the case and proximity sensor only for opening of the case. It's therefore more reliable than WaveUp to detect case closure. All you need to do is install a thin magnet opposite the hall sensor in your case. Then Fx Service does also a bunch of other things specific to Pro1.
    2 points
  8. You once said you only support addonsu, not magisk. addonsu has been dropped in Q, making magisk the de facto solution btw. https://www.xda-developers.com/lineageos-dropping-superuser-addonsu-implementation-favor-magisk-manager/
    2 points
  9. That the one bit I'm missing on Pro1.
    1 point
  10. That is also my hope as it is the closest successor of Maemo which may also have Android app support.
    1 point
  11. interesting. That's definitely not my experience -- I turn BT off from time to time, and I do get a notification telling me that the Gear has disconnected, but when I turn it back on it reconnects happily and without friction. I actually quite like Samsung's line, it's a pity that they are deliberately and by design holding it back -- I have a full linux machine attached to my wrist but it does very little apart from notifications, some very simplistic sleep/health tracking, and tell the time.
    1 point
  12. A bit late to the party 😁 But how does this fare up against WaveUp? I've been using that for a while now and although it's been generally good, it does have its moments, like every so often I feel the Pro1 buzzing like crazy in my hand (probably the proximity sensor picking up the case moving.)
    1 point
  13. The Japanese distributor has announced that the product will go on sale from 07/11/2020 I paid Fxtec last August, and I haven't heard anything from them.
    1 point
  14. Ho, that's what it was, I probably put both shortcuts so that it would work the same as far as user is concerned on all layouts. The original intent was indeed to have it work as Ctrl+Fn+O as you can do it with two thumbs.
    1 point
  15. Interestingly both Ctrl+Alt+O and Ctrl+Fn+O are working. I am using FinQwerty with "QWERTZ to Finnish" layout. Thanks for the tips. Those tiles are very handy.
    1 point
  16. Hopefully that should fix it:
    1 point
  17. Just a heads up, according to the support, I will get it shipped in 1.5 weeks. I'll keep you informed if that's really the case. 🙂 313XX / QWERTZ Paid in August
    1 point
  18. For me, an up-to-date Maemo with Android app support...
    1 point
  19. I think you might be right. Has anyone seen this since the April 2020 update on other devices?
    1 point
  20. It could be that that security update itself took care of that. My guess is that something was fixed to prevent background services to hide themselves. TBH I like it. At least you know when something is going on. I too noticed a few other icons popping up, doing their thing and then vanishing again. Therefore it's probably nothing new with the wireless update itself. It is just that now you can see it.
    1 point
  21. I now think this problem might not be due to Wireless Update itself, but some wider change in the 20200620 update. This is because I have seen increased notifications from three other apps, which I'm sure weren't happening prior to this update. In particular, these were Tor Browser, Handy News Reader, and Etar. The behaviour is similar, in that a notification from these apps appears for a couple of seconds then disappears, with nothing of substance in the notification itself. In the case of Tor Browser, the notification icon is the exact same plain circle that Wireless Update shows (the o
    1 point
  22. You need to delete the stored files in the app details 😞
    1 point
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