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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/05/2020 in Posts

  1. I started looking into fixing the keyboard layout boot code and noticed several other things are broken. Basically all the custom device stuff, from the keyboard to the display margin to livedisplay and so on. I'll get that all cleaned up for the next build. Probably tomorrow.
    4 points
  2. Test17 is up. The only changes are selinux rules and enabling selinux. This is getting dangerously close to submitting for official builds. Please test and let me know if anything is broken. I've verified it boots and the lights hal and FP reader work, but not much else.
    4 points
  3. That would be selinux blocking the script which sets the keyboard layout at boot. I'll try to fix that shortly. In the meantime, you may set it manually as root (either in a root terminal shell or a root adb shell).
    3 points
  4. with the stock camera app click here for original jpeg
    2 points
  5. Like I said... hard to trigger. Usually both keyboards work fine. Just installed test17 without problems. SELinux shows as "Enforcing". Not seeing any new issues. Edit: Now that I'm trying to write from my phone, I notice the QWERTZ layout is shifted.
    2 points
  6. I now think this problem might not be due to Wireless Update itself, but some wider change in the 20200620 update. This is because I have seen increased notifications from three other apps, which I'm sure weren't happening prior to this update. In particular, these were Tor Browser, Handy News Reader, and Etar. The behaviour is similar, in that a notification from these apps appears for a couple of seconds then disappears, with nothing of substance in the notification itself. In the case of Tor Browser, the notification icon is the exact same plain circle that Wireless Update shows (the o
    2 points
  7. Hi. Since installing the 20200620 update, I've noticed a Wireless Update notification (a plain circle) often popping up for a few seconds then disappearing. It seems to appear pretty much each time the Pro1 gets internet access - i.e. turning off and turning on Wi-Fi can trigger it. I've never had this behaviour in all previous updates. Wireless Update is set to check Daily. Has anyone else seen this too? Is it likely to be draining my battery unnecessarily? Any ideas how to stop this? EDIT: Not just Wireless Update.
    1 point
  8. Yup, was just typing up my discovery of the swapping of the arrow keys when you posted.
    1 point
  9. Test 17 installed smoothly. Everything seems fine (QWERTY).
    1 point
  10. Confirmed here also. The upper row (numbers etc) is OK, but all other rows are shifted and yellow arrow (Fn) key does not always correspond to what is printed to the keys even if the shifted situation is taken into account.
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. I did some trials with various materials and thickness. If you just want to cover the screws any black tape will do. If you want to get ride of the rattling while closed you probably need 2mm squishy foam on every corner of the screen. Nothing else would do for me. I tried 1mm hard rubber in seven emplacements, including the four corners and the two screws in the middle and that does not help at all with the rattling. I've settled with 2mm rubber foam on every corner and 1mm hard rubber for those two screws in the middle.
    1 point
  13. Don't expect it before Christmas.
    1 point
  14. Not anytime soon, the webpage says shipping in 10-12 weeks. But at least they updated it and now it's somewhat accurate...
    1 point
  15. I just HATE apps like that, that think their functionality is the most important thing in the world, and the main reason you got the device, and thus need to be running all the time.... For me it would be FINE if it checked for update at boot. and when I manually triggered it, and then STOPPED the app when finished! We see the same pest on PC's All kind of 'updaters' running in the background or as a service you need to manually kill. It is so annoying when e.g. Adobe Acrobat updater pops up on the PC and tell you a new version is available when you are in the middle of something e
    1 point
  16. I've just seen it in Conversations, which is a pretty lightweight app, which rules out a problem with a heavy app.
    0 points
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