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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/01/2020 in Posts

  1. I just now received from FedEx.. finally It is worth waiting. Products quality is very good. I am waiting for headphones. Thanks @Erik and Team Fx..👍
    8 points
  2. The angels descended before me. My sincere thanks to Fxtec staff.
    7 points
  3. It is very much alive, devices are being delivered and the backlog of unfulfilled preorders appears to be shrinking :). I won't stab a direct guess at how long it would take to get the device if you order now, but it's likely less waiting than people who ordered early on.
    5 points
  4. There's a section under Keyboard settings for Keyboard Helper shortcuts, but I can't seem to figure out what that "Magifier/Search" key is. Tried the Fx key and it isn't it.
    3 points
  5. For me too, speed is not the main reason for wanting landscape physical keyboard. Redacting and formatting large posts and articles or files is where Pro1 shines over virtual keyboards.
    3 points
  6. I made another video of me typing on the phone, i've done faster but it's hard with a tripod between my legs.
    3 points
  7. Always a few customs offices that have never done "DDP" (Delivered Duty Paid) shipments in their lives. Please email [email protected] and we'll teach them how to do their jobs as usual.
    3 points
  8. Those are Android's default combinations but Pro1 is missing search key. Would be nice to know how to remap it. Chen was wondering to add search key but community did not like the idea. See more from below.
    2 points
  9. Regarding the keyboard issue(s): Keys still get eaten away while there are some processes in the back. While I was backing up my pictures and some files, many keys went missing as well. The update didn't fix it but made it slightly better.
    2 points
  10. Poorly designed then 😁 All devices can do landscape. Sadly way too many applications do not support landscape mostly for cost saving reasons.
    2 points
  11. Hardware is usually interrupt driven so has higher priority no idea on phones though. But you are correct in windows terms it should be classed as a real time process.
    2 points
  12. For many of the poorly coded portrait-only apps, alternatives exists. Though many proprietary apps like banking apps unfortunately leaves no alternatives.
    2 points
  13. I guess I just don't use many apps that force portrait, and for the ones that do I just use split screen. Works for me.
    2 points
  14. Post scores from typeracer.com, or similar, also be sure to let us know your phone model and if it's hardware or virtual keyboard. When we get the pro1, the goal will to beat the best score compared to all these old devices, virtual or hardware. To be "officially" considered the best score, you must provide two screenshots of different times getting the same score. (similar to drag racing). But unofficially post whatever you want. It's not like there's a prize or anything. I know you type-racers are out there... Photon Q... N900... Droid4... N950.. Blackberr
    1 point
  15. We have various threads where VoLTE have been mentioned. e.g. on AT&T closing down some networks. VoLTE is similar to VoWiFI in that it handles normal voice-calls through pure data-connection. I know that VoLTE works with LineageOS, 😁 And others have reported it working with stock Android too. - But I have not (yet?) been able to get it to work with stock for me. It is easy to test if it is working on the Pro1, as we can select LTE as the only allowed network type (Settings, Network, Mobile network, Advanced). And if voice calls still works VoLTE is active. 🙂
    1 point
  16. Yeah, it's a mystery. If I had to guess, I'd guess there were plans for a search key and IdeaLTE worked it into the shortcuts, and then the key was abandoned and IdeaLTE never went back and cleaned things up. Either that or IdeaLTE just brought over shortcuts from another device and never cleaned them up. But, of course, I'm just guessing.
    1 point
  17. QWERTY. Using Swiftkey at the moment.
    1 point
  18. Oh god... it was the USB cable (or slot). After researching for a while I found the advice to use a shorter USB cable. I did that. And what can I say? The verification went alright and it installed fine... Installed the gapps too (for safety although already installed before) and it boots fine! Sometimes those developer programs are really fooling with us non-developers... 😞 Anyways... my phone boots again. Now I have to see if my app data was actually wiped (wallpaper and pictures were kept) or if I simply booted and installed on the wrong slot. I'm just happy that I finally found a
    1 point
  19. @DieBruine I have had this issue as well. Ghost typing and missing keys are a thing since the first LOS versions. I've never used stock before so I can't compare that. Missing keys are especially happening to me while I download a large file (like the current LOS .zip which I used to successfully screw up my phone). In my view it's about system usage so the scripts or whatever is used to specify what the key input is converted to and if it isn't fast enough it will misunderstand the input as long-press (which leads to the character popup) and double key input, it will type random ghost ke
    1 point
  20. @FlyingAntero As I read that quote it just says that they know it works out of the box or with known actions taken on the listed devices. So they just do not guarantee it working on other devices. Maybe like CBB here it would work on LineageOS on a Pro1 too, despite not working on stock?
    1 point
  21. Frankly if typing speed was what I was after then I really wouldn't have got the Pro 1 at all. It's about the keyboard feel but the Pro 1 is actually helping me wean off the PKB at this point.
    1 point
  22. That's quicker than we did, but I am glad to hear that!
    1 point
  23. They're coming, any moment today or tomorrow the warehouse will send us the dispatch report and that's when we'll let you know of the tracking :). One part of the shipment is complete. They're just working on the remaining before they mark this batch as shipped - so today or tomorrow. There's a chance Fedex will notify you before we have the tracking, as the labels are already booked.
    1 point
  24. So in case anyone is interested, here are the firmware partitions included: abl, bluetooth, cmnlib, cmnlib64, devcfg, dsp, hyp, keymaster, mdtp, mdtpsecapp, modem, pmic, rpm, tz, xbl These should be all of the A/B partitions excluding boot, system, vendor. The shipped images should currently match the 2020-07-07 OTA. And by the way ,this was all @npjohnson ... I did not really want firmware shipped because it's kind of pointless right now -- all stock builds have functionally identical firmware and that is likely to remain the case indefinitely. But Lineag
    1 point
  25. 64 wpm from the Pro1. Physical keyboard, of course 😋 When I first got the phone in January, I struggled to break 30 WPM (and that was also before the OTA update that fixed the key ghosting problems). Things have gotten much better with practice.
    1 point
  26. FAQ - Reserved for later with assumption we can edit Q: Can I use a microphone and speech to text? A: Sure. Go ahead and try. If you can do that faster than a keyboard accurately, then there is no need for another keyboard phone.
    1 point
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